By Mitsue Finch Uchida
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皆さま、残暑まだ厳しい日本から、お変わりございませんでしょうか。10月の和名は「神無月」。雷の鳴らない月だから「雷無月」新穀=その年に穫れた新米で酒を醸す月だから「醸成月」(かみなしづき)など、由来には諸説ありますが、中でもっとも有力な説は、10月は神様を祭る月だから「神の月」と呼ぶ、というものだそうです。ちなみに「出雲大社に神様が集まって諸国には不在になることから神無月」という有名な由来は、中世以降の俗説なんだそうです。私はその出雲のある島根の出身で今そこからこの歳時記を書いています。そして皆さまご存知のように、今年の夏は去年の記録を更新し、9月の最高気温が連日32度を超えるという暑さでしたが、私は夏に生まれたので暑さには強く、その炎天下5日間ほど念願だった四国のお遍路さんを見越したサイクリングツアーを先週無事に終えることが出来ました!! 何と4日間で270キロを走る、しかも初めてのサイクルツアー。。。娘と一緒に高松―善通寺―祖谷美人(いやびじん)―高知と四国を半分くらい走り続けました。私は電気自転車で。でも270キロをこぎ続けないと自転車は前に進まないということに、サドルをまたいで初めて知りました。
12年前にロンドンマラソンを挑戦して以来のチャレンジとなりました。そして四国の自然に魅了されながら、その厳しさに恐怖も感じ、スリルと歓喜の入り混じる270キロでした。最終地点の高知(最終日は95キロを漕いで) に夜の7時半に到着した時は思わずよろけて転んでしまい、達成感よりも呆然とし、翌日に実感がわき、完走したという喜びが湧いてきたのでした。
鰯雲 目に沁む煙 どこへいく
いも食って ホクホク幸せ いい気分
今が旬 期間限定 一気食い
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I hope you are well after the late summer heat in Japan. The Japanese name for October is “Kannazuki”. “Rainashizuki” because it is the month when there is no thunder, and “Kaminashizuki” because it is the month when sake is brewed with new rice harvested that year.
There are various theories about its origin, but the most popular theory is that October is called “the month of the gods” because it is the month of worshiping the gods. By the way, the famous origin of “Kannazuki”, which means that the gods gather at Izumo Taisha Shrine and are absent from other countries, is said to be a myth dating back to the Middle Ages. I am from Shimane, where Izumo is located, and I am looking forward to this seasonal calendar. And this summer we broke last year’s record. It was the hottest September, with the highest temperature exceeding 32 degrees every day, but since I was born in the summer, I can handle the heat, and for about five days under the scorching sun, I went on a cycling tour in anticipation of a pilgrimage to Shikoku, which I had always wanted. I made this cycling tour last week.
It was my first cycle tour, covering 270km in 4 days. . . I achieved this with my daughter. We cycled through Takamatsu – Zentsuji – Iya Bijin – Kochi for 270kim and half of Shikoku Island. I’m on an electric bike. However, it wasn’t until I stepped on the saddle that I realized that the bike won’t move forward unless I continue to pedal 270km!!
This was my first challenge since I tried London marathon 12 years ago. The 270 km journey was a mixture of thrill and joy as I was captivated by the nature of Shikoku, but also feared by its harshness. When I arrived at my final destination in Kochi (95 km ride on the last day) at 7:30 p.m., I stumbled and fell.
Mr. Norman, an American living in Japan, who arranged this tour, was very happy to see us return safely and there was a reason for that: the number of groups that left a few days before us. We were told that Ladies from Hong Kong had fallen and broken their legs and arms and We were truly lucky and grateful that we were able to return with one piece, and we couldn’t help but think that the gods we had prayed to on our pilgrimage had protected us!
Well, in Japan, the festival music that can be heard on the autumn breeze swaying the cosmos is a typical Japanese experience. As Autumn white sardine clouds fill the high blue sky. The leaves are starting to change colour. I would like to say that autumn is finally here, but there is still a long way to go in Japan and still hot…but definitely cooling down a bit here and nice Autumn is at the corner.
On the contrary, the autumn is about to turn into winter in London, let’s take care of us and enjoy the deepening autumn scenery and tranquil long nights.
Now, here’s my usual goofy haiku, Senryu:
* Sardine clouds, smoke that fills my eyes, where are you going?
* Eating Sweet potatoes makes me feel happy and happy
*Now is the season, limited time only, eat all at once
On September 30th, Katsura Sunshine’s rakugo performance was held in my hometown of Shimane for the second consecutive year following last year. This year, English teachers from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland who live locally were overjoyed to hear that he, who they follow on Instagram, and the local people warmly welcomed him, making it a great successful Rakugo show!!!
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