
By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

日本では、4月は入学式や入社式など、新生活がスタートする節目の月です。また、暖かな陽気に誘われ、草花が咲き、動物や虫たちが顔を出し始める季節です。そして先月の満月は「Warm moon」と呼ばれ、まさに土から生命が湧き出てきています。4月の満月も素敵な名前で「ピンクムーン」と呼ばれ、4月24日が満月です。是非そのピンクムーンが見れるのを願って!そして日本を代表する「桜」も西 から東へとピンクの花を開花させて皆を楽しませてくれますが、今年は1週間くらい遅れていると聞いています。先月もロイヤルファミリーの健康に関してのお話をしましたが、今月も又キャサリン妃が癌を患っているとのことで公式チャンネルで自ら公表されたというニュースが話題になっています。最高な医療を受けていても,こうやって癌の羅漢は避けられないようです。

Pink Moon

今や2人に一人が癌に罹ると言われる時代、少しでも健康に留意し、[No Smoking, Drinking, Stressing]を守って穏やかな日々をおくりたいですね。しかし、その反面ある程度のストレスは人間には必要とも言われているようですが、色々と考えるよりは、お天気の良い日は桜の花びらを頬に感じながら散歩を楽しみたいものですね。

4月の語源「卯月」は、稲を植える月という意味の「植月(うゑつき)」「種月(うづき)」「田植苗月(たうえなへづき)」が転じた説、一年の最初を意味する「初」「産」の「う」から「卯月」になった説があるようですね。そして「うさぎ」とも関係しているとか・・・ヨガで兎のポーズがあるのですが、頭頂部のエネルギーポイントと呼ばれる「百会(ひゃくえ)」を刺激し、 そこには多くの「気(血液)」が出合う部分であり、自律神経を整えるツボとして知られているので、 副交感神経を優位にすると気持ちがゆったりしてリラックスできることから、就寝前に兎のポーズを行うことがおすすめです。



 うとうとと お昼寝きぶん ああ春だ

 春一番  吹く風冷たい 呼び名だけ

 エイプリル  フールにのるなよ 4月バカ

☆ お知らせ ☆



☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

In Japan, April is a turning point month when the all schools start and new recruit start working after graduating schools.  It is also the season when the warm weather invites you, flowers bloom, and animals and insects begin to appear. And last month’s full moon was called a “warm moon,” as life was springing up from the soil. The full moon in April is also called the “Pink Moon,” and it is full on April 24th. I hope you can see that pink moon! Japan’s representative cherry blossoms also delight everyone by blooming pink flowers from west to east, but I hear that the cherry blossoms are about a week late this year.

Last month, we talked about the health of the Royal Family, and this month, too, the news that Duchess Kate was suffering from cancer, which she announced on her official channel, has become a hot topic.  Even with the best medical care, cancer arhats seem inevitable. Nowadays, it is said that one in two people will get cancer, so we would like to pay attention to our health and live a peaceful life by observing [No Smoking, Drinking, Stressing]. However, on the other hand, it seems that humans need a certain amount of stress, but rather than thinking about things, I would rather enjoy a walk on a nice day while feeling the cherry blossom petals on my cheeks.

The etymology of April, “Uzuki,” is said to be a corruption of “Uetsuki,” “Uzuki,” and “Tauenahezuki,” which mean the month in which rice is planted. There seems to be a theory that “Uzuki” comes from the “u” in “first” and “birth”, which mean the beginning of the year. It is also related to “rabbits”.

In yoga, there is the rabbit pose, which stimulates the energy point at the top of the head called “Hyakue”, where a lot of “Qi (blood)” meets and stimulates the autonomic nervous system. It is known as a pressure point for adjusting the body, so it is recommended to do it before going to bed, as it makes you feel relaxed when the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant.

Personally, I returned to my old house. My dog ​​seemed confused at first, but now that two weeks have passed, he has gotten used to it and is now I can leave him alone. Well, the weather is still not so great but would like to sincerely enjoy the arrival of the wonderful season when flowers and plants come to life and show colourful scenery. And please check my training session if you have spare time!

     Now it is time for the usual haiku and senryu.

                * I’m about to take a nap. Ah, it’s spring.

    *The First sprig wind  still cold wind blows it is Just a name

                *April Don’t be fooled April fool

Note: Mr Katsura Sunshine will be holding a performance in London for the first time in a while. Let’s have a wonderful spring and have some laughs with Sunshine’s rakugo in April! For ticket information, please check here.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)


さて、3月の語源「弥生」を少し紐解いてみました。「弥」には、いよいよという意味、「生」には生い茂るという意味があり、草木がいよいよ生い茂る月という意味のようですね。そして3月は桃の節句、ひな祭りと素敵な響きの行事が沢山ですね。私もマンション用のお雛様(母からいただいた娘の物) を毎年飾っていますが、今年はまだ仮住まい中という関係で出来ないかもです。それでも私の好きな甘酒はいただきたいです!これはまさに花より団子でしょうか。





 花見酒 霰の下で 酔いもさめ

 水仙の 色と香りで パーヒューム

 ひな人形 ジェンダー問題 ここかしこ

 夜桜の 場所取りするよ イギリスも


☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

Hi everyone, I would like to say that spring has finally arrived, but we still have to take care due to some sever cold weather in March. Still, daffodils and crocus flowers in gardens and parks are soothing to the eyes. Now, King Charles is ill, and Harry immediately arrives from America. According to Nostradamus’ prophecy, the king will change hands this year, and the timing of the king will not follow the order of succession. . . Moreover, wars continue in various places such as Ukraine, Russia, Palestine, the Middle East, and Africa, and I wonder what Nostradamus would say about the future of our world. There are things I would like to know. This month too, I want to take a deep breath in and out, keep my feet on the ground, and feel the light breeze of spring as if my upper body was being pulled by an invisible thread.

Now, let’s unpack the etymology of March, “Yayoi”. “Ya” means finally, and “raw” means to grow, so it seems to mean the month when plants and trees are finally growing. And in March, there are many wonderful-sounding events such as the plum Festival and the Doll’s Festival. I also have a doll for my apartment (my daughter’s one given to her by her granny).

I decorate it every year, but I might not be able to do it this year because I’m still living in a temporary accommodation. Still, I would like to try my favourite amazake!!!

Now, on a personal note, it has already been six months since I started living in East London. I got to know a few people in this town, and the first one I met was the corner shop owner who sells the hats/caps and I like visiting his shop.  His customers are diverse and truly a melting pot.  I met two unique and eccentric gentlemen who wore sunglasses that are from the 60’s fashion and hunting hats (sold at the corner shop) no matter whether it rained or snowed.  The Two gentlemen love gossiping with every shop on the high street and often I see them chatting with different shop owners and such scenes are gradually disappearing from the street of London and I think they are very valuable characters as I listen to them with a smile on my face, but I often find it hard to understand the English because of the strong East End accent. Now, I feel somewhat melancholy thinking that I will soon be saying goodbye to such a town.

    Now let’s go back to March in Japan. Cherry blossoms bloom from the south, and a “cherry blossom front” is announced every day. I hear that the Japanese Association of UK is also running a campaign to plant cherry blossom trees in the UK, and that thousands of cherry trees have already been planted in the UK.  A famous story is that Collingwood Ingram (1880-1981), a gardener who was active in the final stages of the British Empire, was fascinated by cherry blossoms and visited Japan three times during the Meiji and Taisho eras to collect them. A number of rare cherry blossoms travelled across the ocean and were planted in the garden of his home in the village of Benenden, Kent, creating a spectacular “cherry orchard” with over 120 varieties. It is said that thanks to Ingram, we can see a wide variety of cherry blossoms in Britain today.

I hope that spring will come sooner, and let’s enjoy Hanami in London!!!

Now, here’s my usual goofy haiku and senryu.

  • Admiring Cherry blossom while drinking Sake, under the hail, sobering up
  • Healed by the scent and colour of daffodils
  • Doll’s Festival Can’t say gender about Hina dolls
  • Reserve a spot for the cherry blossoms viewing with sake at night in England too.

Here is Instagram for house renovation etc, please follow!

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アクセスアポ歳時記2 月(如月)2024年

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)










* にわ椿 主(あるじ)なくとも 季節しり

* バレンタイン この日あやかり チョコ食(しょく)し

* 節分に  亭主追い出す 豆まきか

* 鬼は外~ どうして退治 しないのか

< お知らせ >

JA(日本人会)の月例講演: 2月14日(水)午後8時~


☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.  January was gone with a blink. We are afraid that we have many big issues hanging over us. Among them was the biggest false accusation case in British history, the Post Office Scandal. This incident occurred due to a flaw in software developed by a subsidiary of Fujitsu. It has been unresolved for over 20 years, and it is hard to believe that humans trusted machines and judged humans. However, how can post office managers and their families who commit suicide, go bankrupt, or go to prison escape from this suffering? I will continue to pray for a just judgment. I can’t take my eyes off the upcoming trial.

Above all, the Noto Peninsula earthquake that struck on New Year’s Day was a truly shocking natural disaster. As the days pass, the number of deaths increases, and I hear that the conditions of those evacuated are very bad indeed. I can only hope that the victims of the disaster will have peace and quiet, and that their normal daily lives will return to normal as soon as possible.

2024 has started with a lot of trouble ahead, but today marks the beginning of February. Another name for February is Kisaragi. It is also written as “kisaragi,” and it seems to have the meaning of wearing layers of clothing in cold weather. This time, I would like to focus on Setsubun’s bean-throwing, which is gradually disappearing as an event in February.

Setsubun has the meaning of “separating the seasons,” and it refers to the change of seasons, and it occurs four times a year (the first day of spring, summer, autumn, and the day before the first winter), and only the day before the first day of spring is called Setsubun. According to the lunar calendar, the first day of spring marks the beginning of the year, and the day before the first day of spring falls on New Year’s Eve, so it seemed to be especially respected. It is said that evil spirits (oni) tend to enter during the change of seasons, and from the Muromachi period onwards, it was a ritual to treat disasters and epidemics as demons and drive them away with bows and arrows in order to welcome the New Year in a clean manner. It is said that it developed as an event to ward off demons by throwing soya beans and spread among the ordinary people. Demons come at night, so bean-throwing is generally done at night.

The other day, a friend of mine brought me some beans for Setsubun as a souvenir from Japan, and they were so light and delicious that I ate them all in one go. ““How to make Setsubun beans that you can’t stop eating” is surprisingly easy to make. Please try it.     

Well, personally, I made a silly thing again and I went for a walk with the dog thinking I had my house keys, but when I got back, I found the key was not in my pocket and I was panicked.  I want to one of my neighbours to ask climb up to her garden fence. I was able to enter the small garden of the house where I live (the door of the house behind me was unlocked that morning) by climbing two houses’ fences. It was a mission that put Nezumikozo to shame. I managed to get my house key on my door!!!

I really appreciated to my neighbour’s cooperation, my weight training and yoga practice that I was able to succeed in this mission, and I reevaluated my skills, but one mistake could have cost me my arm and leg.

I will write about this detailed story in “Eikoku Shunju英国春“, so if you have the time and interest, please read it. Also here’s my recent training session! 

So, let’s enjoy the February and stay strong and kind to our bodies like snowdrops.

Now, here are the usual goofy haiku and senryu:

     * Niwa camellia Even if there is no master, it is the season

     *Valentine thanks to this day Eating chocolate

      * Setsubun is here  Let’s Kick out the husband  with beans

      * The demons are outside~ Why aren’t they exterminate

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アクセスアポ歳時記1 月(睦月)2024年 

                           By Mitsue Finch Uchida


Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆ (Please scroll below for the English version





英国の、New YearはDrink party Timeとなります。クリスマスですっかり食べて、飲んでというFeast 気分を味わい、ひと段落したと思ったらまた31日の大晦日にパーテイーとなります!!







  • 昇竜に ひっかけラーメン はしごかな
  • 恐竜も 喧々囂々 俺の干支~
  • ブルースリー また戻ってきた ドラゴンか!


三浦雄一郎さんの功績を称えてBBC World service より下記がが放送されます。是非ともお聞きください。

   https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct4sjy   ← こちらがリンクです。

Access Appointment Blog (Mutsuki)January 2024                     Mitsue Finch Uchida

   ―Please contact Access for Japanese related to job searches, and other language requirements–

Happy New Year to all. Thank you for your continued support for us last year and through 2024.

Whether you like Christmas or not, I trusted you all had a good time and the Vegan Christmas dishes that seem to be trending these days, and like most of us, we made a dish that featured beet pie as the main dish. Delicious and healthy without feeling the stomach bloating. . I’d like to say but I ate a lot of chocolate and cake afterward, which both comforted me and annoyed me (lol).

  Now, Mutsuki is another name for January, and the most likely theory is that it came from Mutsubitsuki, the month when relatives and acquaintances come and go and spend time in harmony. However, the reality is that these days, many people celebrate the New Year alone. When I was a child, on New Year’s Day, the children would come to school dressed in robes, sing Kimigayo, the school song, and have a New Year’s meal with their families. I have explained the New Year’s dishes several times, so I will not explain them this time.  And Children had a custom of visiting their neighbours and relatives to greet them on New Year’s Day and to give them some pocket money called Otoshidama. It exactly matches the meaning of Mutsuki. However, kids these days seem to be spending New Year’s Day as usual, using smartphones and playing games. In addition, there is a nursery rhyme that goes, “How many more hours do you sleep before it’s New Year’s Day? On New Year’s Day, let’s fly a kite, spin the pieces, and have fun! Hurry up, come on New Year’s Day.” A long time ago, children had the feeling of looking forward to the New Year. . . It’s really nostalgic.

In the UK, New Year is Drinking Party Time. Just when I thought things had calmed down after enjoying the Christmas feast of eating and drinking, it was time for another party on New Year’s Eve on the 31st!!And

      In Japan, there are some flashy countdowns, but many people quietly listened to the New Year’s Gong. And the custom of going to see the first sunrise of the year still exists. In the UK, shops are closed and Christmas is spent with family. In Scotland in particular, there is a history of the church not encouraging the celebration of Christmas in a grand manner, as it is considered a Catholic tradition, and instead New Year’s celebrations seem to be filled with flashy events using fire. There are fireworks in big cities, fireball rolling, and festivals where replica ships are burned. A fireworks display will be held in London, and the whole city will be covered in smog.

There is a lot of talk about global environmental issues, but wondering the New Year Eve’s fireworks special? Now, let’s all set off a giant firework into the sky of our hearts. And 2024 is my zodiac year, the Year of the Dragon. I pray that you will spend a year filled with energy and momentum as you climb to the unlimited sky together.  We look forward to your continued patronage in 2024.

                                                    From all of us at Access Appointment

*Now, for your first laugh, I would like to share with you three selections of senryu.

1) Shyoryu (Dragon climb up)to relate to Ramen one after the other.

2) Dinosaurs are also noisy, to tell us his odiac sign

3) Bruce Lee, the dragon is back!

*Program introduction:

The following will be broadcast by BBC World service in honour of Yuichiro Miura’s achievements. Please listen to it       

 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct4sjy          ← here is a link to

アクセスアポ歳時記12月 師走(しわす)2023年

                           By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、本当に寒くなりましたね。お変わりございませんでしょうか。数日前には11月の満月「ビーバームーン」が綺麗に大きく見え感動しました。このお月様の名前はアメリカ先住民族が自然の移り変わりに伴って満月につけたものと言われています。何だか日本と似ていますね。そしてこのビーバームーンは寒くなる冬に向けてビーバーが小枝を集めてダムで巣作りを始めます。そして先住民も寒さを防ぐために、ビーバーハントをし、毛皮を着ることから、ビーバーに感謝の意を表すために付けられたと言われています。また別名が「Frost Moon」とも言われこれは全く日本と同じで「霜月」ですね。ちなみに、12月の満月は「コールドムーン」と呼ばれています。 文字通り寒さが厳しくなる季節の月だからです。 日本でも、冬の夜の冷たくさえわたった光の月を「寒月」と呼び、季語にもなっているようです。



さて、この歳時記を書き始めて(それまではイベントを開催していました)丸3年が経とうとしています。すでに師走に関しても今まで書きましたので、私が最近気になっている事3つについて少しだけ書きます。一つはペンキの色、個人的には、私の家が現在改築中で、段々とHouseがHomeらしくなってきています。先週までいろんな色が夢に出てきて壁が怒り、天井がわめいているような夢に悩まされましたが、何とか色を決めることが出来ました!その色にも其々名前と意味があることを知り、本当に興味深さを感じています。「Bancha」 という色もあり、その色の説明が「15世紀頃からある濃い緑、オリーブ色にも近くとても好感度の高い色。そして日本のお茶から由来してつけられ、精神的にとても安定させてくれる色」となっていて、茶色というよりも本当に濃いオリーブ色です。赤でも、Book room red, eating room redと沢山の赤があるのですね。勿論、青、黄色、緑も…何だか魅了されています。


もう一つはごみに関して。上記にも日本の観光地がゴミに悩まされていると書きましたが、仮住まいのここロンドンSEのゴミの多いこと!! 実は、犬の散歩中にとても見ていられなくなり、マジックハンドを購入し、犬の散歩中にごみを集めることに!すぐに黒い大きな袋が一杯になるのには本当に閉口どころか立腹です。「ゴミがゴミを呼び、ごみの沢山あるところにはクライムも起きる」と、日々できる範囲でやっています。しかし、それはカウンシルの仕事だと住民は思っているようです。それでも犬を飼っている人が犬と散歩中にゴミを少しでも拾うと、町は日本のように、とまではいかなくても50%は減るのではと思いますがどうでしょうか。皆さまもご賛同の程お願いいたします~。そして久しぶりにクロイドンへ行ったのですが、High stのお店はほとんど消え無くなっていました。今後はこの廃業した跡地はどうなるのでしょうか。なんともぞくっと寒さを一層感じる12月初頭です。

どうぞ、健康で素晴らしい年末年始をお迎えください。そしてMerry Christmas!2024年も変わらぬご愛顧の程宜しくお願いたします



⁂ 廃店の それでも照らす 寒の月

⁂ 寒月に 犬も歩けば ゴミの山

⁂ 鼻水で 夜空あおいで 寒の月

⁂ 辰年を 犬と迎える ワンダフル

また、エミリー・フィンチが制作した山家の三浦雄一郎さんに関するショートドキュメンタリーが12月30日にBBC World Serviceにて公開予定ですので、ご興味のある方はぜひこちらもご覧くださいませ。


1.Leather lane market 2.Telegraph Hill  3.Covent Garden 4.Rules restaurant

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

Hello everyone, 

It’s getting really cold, and we hope everyone gets well. A few days ago, November’s full Beaver Moon looked so beautiful and big, and I was so moved. It is said that the name of this moon was given to the full moon by Native American Indians in response to changes in nature. It’s somewhat similar to Japan. The Beaver Moon was named to express gratitude to the beavers, as they build dams houses in preparation for the cold winter, , and indigenous peoples also use beaver hangs and wear fur to protect themselves from the cold. It is said that it is also called “Frost Moon,” which is exactly the same as in Japan.

By the way, the full moon in December is called the “cold moon.” This is because it is literally the month of the season when it gets colder.

Well, this year has passed really quickly. As the pandemic eases in Japan, various events are being held all over the place, people are moving around more and more, and the number of tourists from overseas has increased, and the foreign tourists have been returned to pre-pandemic levels. On the other hand, I hear that foreign tourists are constantly littering due to their bad manners (not all tourists!!), and tourist spots are becoming depressed and needing to do something about it. I think I’ve talked about this before. I am confident that those who are reading this Saijiki will not behave such like this.

Well, it’s been almost three years since I started writing this calendar (up until then, we were holding culture events). I’ve already explained about cultural event in December in Japan and here so I’ll just write a little bit about three things that I’ve been curious about lately. One is the colour of the paint. Personally, my house is currently being renovated, and House is starting to look more and more like Home. Recently, I had the important task of deciding on the paint colour. Until last week, I was troubled by dreams in which all kinds of colours appeared in my dreams, and the walls were angry and the ceiling was screaming, but I managed to decide the colour to the angry walls and ceilings. I really hope they would be happy.

I also found out that each colour has a name and meaning, which is really interesting. There is also a colour called “Bancha”, and the explanation of the colour is “A dark green that dates back to the 15th century, a colour that is close to an olive colour and has a very good reputation. It’s also a stabilizing colour, “and it’s a really dark olive colour rather than brown. (Please refer to the photo) There are still many reds, such as “Book room red” and “Eating room red”. Of course, blue, yellow, and green too. . . I’m somehow fascinated by it.   The other thing about rubbish is that I wrote above that Japan’s tourist spots are made up of rubbish. Here in London SE, where I live temporarily, there is a lot of rubbish!! Actually, I noticed that when I was walking my dog, I couldn’t bare it anymore, so I bought a magic hand and started collecting trash while walking my dog! It’s not only frustrating but also infuriating that the big black bag fills up so quickly. “ Personally, I have started my weight training almost 1 year now and please see how I progress to and please believe in muscle can build at any age!!

“Trash attracts trash, and where there is a lot of trash, there will also be crimes,” so I do what I can every day. However, residents seem to think that is the council’s job. However, if dog owners pick up even a little bit of trash while walking with their dogs, the town will become much more like Japan. . that was an exaggeration but I think it will be reduced by 50%, if not more. How about that and do join me!!  The other day, I went to Croydon for the first time in a while, and the shops on High St had almost disappeared. What will happen to this abandoned site in the future? It’s early December and you can feel the chill even more.

Then, here is the usual haiku and Senryuu please do enjoy

⁂ The cold moon that still shines through the closed store

⁂ In the cold moon, if you walk your dog, you will find a pile of garbage.

⁂ Runny nose, blue night sky, cold moon

Emily Finch produced a short documentary that will be broadcast 30th December on BBC World service.

Finally, here’re the answers of quiz for November Saijiki!

1.Leather lane market 2.Telegraph Hill  3.Covent Garden 4.Rules restaurant

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Immigration Health Surchargeの引き上げについて

2023年7月に発表されたビザ申請費、Immigration Health Surchage(IHS)の引き上げについて、すでに以前お知らせしたようにビザ申請費については10月4日から実施となりましたが、IHSについても実施時期が発表となり、正式に2024年1月16日から引き上げ後の費用が適用されることとなりました。


18歳以上の成人: £1,035/年

18歳未満あるいは学生、Youth Mobilityビザ申請者: £776/年




By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)


個人的には、今はLeafyなケントを離れて東ロンドンでしばし生活しています。ここは学生と移民の街。イギリス人が反対にMinorityとなっています。最近は本当にそういう状況はどこでも見られるので、反対に日本では、何となく他人種がいないのが不思議な状況に思えました。そしてここで通りを歩いている人種のるつぼの言葉がマッチするように私にも似合っている気がします。私も定住した生活よりも多国籍住民のように、今までイスラエル、インド、フィリピン他の国々に住んでいたので、その当時を彷彿させてくれて、血が騒ぐのを少し感じる日々です。そしてこれまで、近所のM&S, Waitroseへ行っていたのが、ローカルオープンマーケットへ行くのが日課となり少しワクワクです。


⁂ 食品メーカーであるグリコの看板商品・ポッキーとプリッツの形が数字の「1」に似ていることから、11月11日はポッキー&プリッツの日として認定されています。既に20年以上が経っており、もともとポッキー&プリッツが好きな人も、最近口にしていない人も、この日はキャンペーンに乗っかってみても良さそうですね(グリコさんの回し者でもありません)。

⁂ ボジョレー・ヌーボー解禁日は11月第3木曜日の午前0時に解禁されます。フランスのワインの一つで、特に日本の解禁日が注目をなのは、時差の関係を受けて本場のフランスより早く解禁日を迎えるからで、新しいものが好きな人、今年の味をいち早く知りたいワイン好きにとっては最高のようです。11月の風物詩を楽しむ機会として、ボジョレー・ヌーボーを口にするのもいいかも~(フランス政府の回し者ではございません(-_-;)

⁂ ブラックフライデーは11月の第4木曜日の翌日にあたる金曜を指す言葉であり、デパート、オンラインストアなど各店で大安売りが実施される日です。もとはアメリカ発祥で、「感謝祭」の翌日に1年のお礼を込めてセールを始めたことがきっかけとされています(在庫処理の意味合いもあるのだとか)。欲しかった商品やクリスマス向け商品を格安で入手するきっかけになるかもしれませんね(アマゾンの回し者ではございません)。

と、こんな行事があります。そしてGuy folks’ night(Bonfire night)ですね。花火が打ち上げられるので猫、犬を飼っていらっしゃる方はどうぞお大事にされてください。こちらも日本とは対照的で花火が寒い時期に行われるのですよね。それでは、11月を満喫してください。



☆☆☆ お知らせ ☆☆☆

今年もSir Peter Parker Awardsビジネス日本語スピーチコンテストが開催されます。弊社も15年にわたり微力ながらスポンサーとして参加をさせていただいています。日本語を母国語としない方が、それぞれの視点から日本とのビジネスでの相違や外国人が日本国内で感じることなど、様々な観点からの考察を日本語で発表され、外から見た日本、日本人についての発見もあったりと毎年とても興味深い内容となっています。無料で観覧が可能ですので、是非皆さん足を運んでみてくださいね。

日時: 11月7日(火) 15:00~ 場所: SOAS大学


日時: 11月25日(土)午後4時半~   場所:Leicester Sq Theater

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Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is well. I think October was also a relatively warm in London. After experiencing the hot autumn weather in Japan, I return to London in beginning of October and it’s already November. I received a photo from a friend in Japan showing that Mt. Fuji was covered in snow, but in the blink of an eye, it snowed all the way to the 7.8th station.

 Well, the etymology of Shimotsuki is found in “Ougisho“, which says, “In November, frost frequently As the saying goes, it is a variation of the frosty moon. November 7th marks the first day of winter, and according to the old calendar, it is said to be winter from this day until the day before the first day of spring. In Japan, the mornings and evenings become noticeably colder, and the winter north winds begin to blow and it is very similar to her and the daylight hours are noticeably reduced, making me really miss spring. Perhaps as a reaction to that, Christmas illuminations are starting to shine all over the city and everyone is buzzing, but what will happen this year?

  Personally, I have now left Leafy Kent and am living in East London for a while. This is a town of students and immigrants, with the British being the minority. These days, such situations can be seen everywhere, so in Japan, on the other hand, it seems strange that there are no other races. And when I walk down the street here, I see different background people such as Caribbean, Indian, East European, etc., but I feel like they suit me quite well. When I think about it, I feel more like a multinational resident than a resident, having lived in Israel, India, the Philippines, and other countries, so it reminded me of those days. These are the days when I feel my blood getting excited. I used to go to the nearby M&S and Waitrose, but now it’s my daily routine to go to the local open market. 

 Well, Japan’s representative events during Shimotsuki are Shichi-Go-San, Tori no Ichi, and the First Winter Festival, but this time I would like to introduce a slightly different event that is popular in Japan and the UK in November.

*November 11th has been designated as Pocky & Pretz Day because the shape of Pocky and Pretz, two of food manufacturer Glico’s signature products, resembles the number 1. It’s been over 20 years already, so whether you’re a fan of Pocky & Pretz or haven’t eaten them recently, it seems like a good idea to take advantage of the campaign on this day (and I’m not a Glico fan either ).

*Beaujolais Nouveau will be released at midnight on the third Thursday of November.  This is one of the French wines, and the reason why the release date in Japan is attracting attention is because due to the time difference, the release date is earlier than in France, which is the country’s home. People who like new things and want to know about this year’s flavours as soon as possible. This seems like the best option for wine lovers. It might be a good idea to enjoy some Beaujolais Nouveau as an opportunity to enjoy the November tradition~ (I’m not a fan of the French government (-_-;)

*Black Friday is a term that refers to the Friday following the fourth Thursday in November, and is a day when department stores, online stores, and other stores carry out huge sales. It originally originated in the United States, and is said to have started as a sale on the day after “Thanksgiving” to express gratitude for the past year (it also has the meaning of inventory clearance).

It’s heavily advertised both in the UK and Japan, so I feel like I’m going to buy it, but it might be a good opportunity to get the products you’ve been looking for or for Christmas at a bargain price (I’m not an Amazon peddler).

There are some events like these.  And Guy folks’ night. There will be fireworks, so if you have cats or dogs, please take care of them. So, enjoy November to the fullest.

This month, we will take a break from haiku and senryu, and please guess what these are from the photos. Answers in December!


<Event information>

Sir Peter Parker Awards for Spoken Business Japanese

We’re delighted to be a part of this event as a sponsor for 15 years, it is an excellent opportunity to learn how non-native Japanese speakers think of Japanese businesses and Japanese cultures, in Japanese of course! You can come and enjoy it for free, and in the future if you’re interested why don’t you challenge it!!

Date & place: 7th November from 3:00pm at SOAS University

Sunshine will be performing in London for the first time in a while. Please come and laugh out of the dark London winter with Sunshine Rakugo. Please check here for the ticket. By the way, Sunshine seems to have become slightly famous when he appeared to the well-known TV program show called ‘Tetsuko’s room” last August.

Date & place: November 25th 4:30pm Leicester Sq Theater

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)




10月の行事として、月末にあるのがハロウィーンですね。日本でも年々盛り上がり、仮装姿は秋の風物詩となっているようです。古代ケルトでは11月1日に暦がかわったので、10月31日は年の変わり目にあたり、収穫を祝うとともに悪魔払いをするようになり19世紀の後半、移民とともにアメリカに伝わったこの祭を子どもが大変怖がったため、子どもも楽しめる行事へと変化していったようです。ハロウィンのシンボルといえば、お化けカボチャ 「ジャック・オー・ランタン」(Jack-o’-lantern)。カボチャをくり抜いて作るランタンで、悪霊が怖がって逃げるなどといわれているため、玄関や窓辺に灯してハロウィンを迎えるようですね。すでにあちらこちらで日本ではハロウィーンの小道具や衣装が売りに出されています。



  胸キュンと 今は息切れ 懐かしい

  髪薄く 想いはせるよ 15歳

  おもてなし 4年でどこへ 消えたのか

  日本海 波の音は いまむかし

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Hello everyone, I am writing this Saijiki from Japan. ♪It’s already autumn, there’s no one on the sea~♪ Do you know this nostalgic song? In reality, ♪ It’s still summer and the sea is still busy ♪ – This is the situation at the end of September in Japan. Personally, I travelled from my hometown of Shimane to Korea for the first time, enjoyed Miyajima and then visited a friend in Osaka, Kawachi. Then, I will spend the first week of October at a friend’s house in Asakusa, and I will visit Katsushika Hokusai’s grave, which I have always wanted to do. I’m also planning to meet up with a friend from my time in Israel in Tokyo for the first time in over 40 years and I’m really looking forward to it. During that time, yoga classes were arranged in Shimane and Osaka, and I had a wonderful time sharing them with my yoga friends. There were some people who were trying yoga for the first time, and others who did yoga with me when I visited Japan

We were able to hold Katsura Sunshin’s rakugo performance in my hometown of Shimane at Onozawa Cinema, which has an 80-year history. I am grateful to Sunshine and Mr & Mrs Wada who are running the cinema.  And, I must not forget, there was a junior high school reunion where more than 50 old friends immersed themselves in nostalgic memories and reminisced about being 15 years old, reciting old stories in Hamada dialect. It was a truly wonderful time. This temporary return to Japan for the first time in four years was a sparkling feeling of bliss! ! Japan is currently busy with the Asian Games being held in China, and while Chinese athletes are doing well, Japanese athletes are also competing in swimming, basketball, and gymnastics. Japan’s rugby performance is also attracting attention. Good luck Japan and England!!

Now, in the UK, we are in a clear transition from autumn to winter. Actually, I was in a situation where I couldn’t even enjoy my vacation so leisurely. The renovation work on my house started while I was on holiday, and I had to make a lot of decisions, and even during my holiday we communicated on London time, so things are going smoothly so far. According to recent regulations, it seems that construction cannot begin without checking for asbestos, and when we did that, we found out that there was some weak asbestos. The renovation work started with the removal of the asbestos. At first, I wondered what would happen, but after that It seems like things are progressing smoothly, but the construction is still going to take a few months, so I’m already starting to feel stressed as I think we’re about to reach a climax. I want to get through it with all my heart in mind when it’s finished. Thank you sharing my personal matters on this Saijiki, and I hope you are all well(sorry to ask at the end) I think Britain is excited about the victory in rugby and hope to win the world rugby so as Japan!!!

As an October event, Halloween, which takes place at the end of the month, is becoming more and more popular in Japan each year, and wearing costumes seems to have become an autumn tradition. In the ancient Celts, the calendar changed on November 1st, so October 31st marked the turn of the year, and people began to celebrate the harvest and exorcise evil spirits. In the latter half of the 19th century, this festival was brought to America with immigrants, and children became familiar with it. It seems that the event was so scary that it changed into an event that even children could enjoy. The symbol of Halloween is the haunted pumpkin “Jack-o’-lantern.” Lanterns made by hollowing out pumpkins are said to scare away evil spirits, so people light them near entrances and windows to welcome Halloween. Halloween props and costumes are already on sale all over Japan.

I hope everyone has a fun and wonderful October.

  Here are Haiku and Senryu:

   *My heart hurts and I’m out of breath now, I feel so nostalgic

   *Thin hair, I have feelings for you, 15 years old

   *Where has hospitality gone in 4 years?

   *The sound of the waves in the Sea of ​​Japan is now and then

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一般的に2つの項目があり、一つはHome Office Fee(審査にかかる費用)、もう一つはNHS(英国の医療サービス、National Health Service)を利用するためのIHS(Immigration Health Surcharge)となります。

7月の発表ではHome Office FeeおよびIHS両方とも引き上げられるとの発表でしたが、今回はHome Office Feeについての時期、金額が発表されました。






  • ビジタービザ:115ポンド
  • 学生ビザ:490ポンド
  • 企業内異動・現地採用就労ビザ(Skilled Worker)(3年以内):719ポンド(英国外からの申請)、827ポンド(英国内での申請)
  • 配偶者ビザ:1,846ポンド
  • 永住権:2,885ポンド
  • 市民権:1,500ポンド




アクセスアポ歳時記9 月長月(ながつき)2023年

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、いつの間にかLong weekend Bank holidayも終わり、いよいよ秋、9月です。そこで、英国のこのバンクホリデーとは、クリスマスやイースターなどの「宗教的な祝日」と、「労働者の休息日」の2種類の祝日があると言われ、「労働者の休息日」にはこの「バンクホリデー(Bank Holiday)」が適応され、1871年に制定されたBank Holidays Act(銀行休日法)という法律に由来しているとのこと。元々は銀行員の休日として設定されたのですが、銀行の取引ができないために多くの企業や学校も休日となり、今では国民の祝日(Public Holiday)のような位置付けになったと言われています。

そして、バンクホリデーは、「Early May」「Spring」「Summer」と3回あり、5月(2回)と8月(1回)の「月曜日」に設定されています。それでも日本の祝日は年間16日あり、主要7カ国(G7)で最も多く 2020年の祝日数はイタリアとカナダが12日、フランスは11日、英国とドイツは9日でした。なので日本は有給休暇が少ない分、祝祭日でどうもカバーされているような気がしますがいかがでしょうか。








 ひまわりの 種あつめては 去夏おもい

 夜なべして 見るユーチューブ 果てしなき

 筋トレを する目的は? 禁句かな



日時: 9月23日(土曜)午後3:30 


☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment

Hello Everyone,

The Long Weekend Bank Holiday is over, and autumn is approaching here.  Well, regarding bank holiday, it is said that there are two types of bank holidays in the UK: “religious holidays” such as Christmas and Easter, and “workers’ rest days”. This “Bank Holiday” is adapted and comes from the law called Bank Holidays Act (bank holiday law) enacted in 1871. Originally, it was set as a holiday for bankers, but because banks were unable to make transactions, many companies and schools also took it as a holiday.  And there are three bank holidays, “Early May”, “Spring” and “Summer”, set on “Mondays” in May (twice) and August (once). Still, Japan has 16 public holidays a year, the most among the seven major countries (G7).  In 2020, Italy and Canada had 12 public holidays, France 11, and the UK and Germany 9. Days.  So, it seems like Japan’s lack of paid vacation is covered by public holidays, what do you think?

And in September, the nights get longer and longer, so it’s called “Yonagatsuki.” It is said that this became Nagatsuki.” Cosmos flowers, which bloom in September, are sown from spring to early summer. Because cherry blossom-like flowers bloom in autumn, it is also pronounced “autumn cherry blossoms” and pronounce as kosmosu.  In contrast to the “seven herbs of spring,” which can be enjoyed by eating, clovers, bellflowers, kuzu, Fujibakama, ominaeshi, obana, and dianthus are “autumn”. The unique Japanese custom of admiring the flowers that bloom before winter is also wonderful customs.

In addition, “ohagi”, which is offered as dango(sticky rice ) over flowers, on the equinox in autumn, and on the day of the autumnal equinox. “botamochi” in spring, and comes in both grain and koshian varieties. It is said that “botamochi” was made with red beans that had hardened over the winter and was made with strained red bean paste. It seems that they were called ohagi (hagi) and botamochi (botamochi) to resemble clover in autumn and peonies in spring.  I’m a fan of grain bean rough paste, but how about you?

Autumn is a time of great appetite, when everyone’s belts loosen more and more, and one of the things you look forward to is exercising after eating delicious food. A tip for those who are thinking of starting weight training this fall: I am in my 6th month of weight training. . . So, my trainer made a video of the results of my recent practice for my birthday. I believe that “today is the youngest day” and now that I am at an age where I won’t be able to do what I can do today, I hope to cherish the present.

Well, I must to report the concert of bamboo flute and Japanese drums held at the church that I attended last month, I was moved by the wonderful sounds that reminded me of Japan. The Japanese music that echoed through to the stained glass of church was very melancholic and exquisite I would be happy if you could watch the video and share the atmosphere of that time.

We’re heading straight into winter in the UK, and the days are getting shorter, but I’d like to take advantage of the long nights this year to focus on reading, something I’ve been slacking off on over the past year. So, how do you spend your long autumn nights? Try drawing each autumn. And please have a wonderful autumn.

I will be returning to Japan for the first time in four and a half years from mid-September. The biggest event is being able to participate in an elementary school reunion and holding Sunshine Rakugo at a retro Cinema in Shimane pref.  I am very excited about and I hope to be able to report and share the progress in next month, so please look forward to it.

Now, here are the usual haiku and senryu poems.

             Collecting sunflower seeds reminds me of last summer.

             Endless watching YouTube all night long

              What is the purpose of doing weight training? Is it a taboo word!

<Event information>

Mr Katsura Sunshine will be returning to London and NY for his new performances!!

 Date: 23/Sept 3:30 pm at Leicester Sq Theater

Please check here for the ticket information.