By Mitsue Finch Uchida
☆Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆
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皆さま、謹賀新年、明けまして おめでとうございます。2025年、令和7年、巳年の幕開けですね。どのような心持、またどんな場所でお迎えになられたのでしょうか。そして2024年はどんな年でしたでしょうか。
ゆく年くる年。。。英国では直に108の除夜の鐘をきくこともなく、しかしヨガの太陽礼拝(Surya namaskar Sun saltation)は12のヨガのポーズを9回繰り返すことで108回、人間の煩悩の数となり、年末、新年にこの太陽礼拝をすることで108の煩悩を清め掃われると言われています。私のヨガ最後のクラスでもこの半分をしたので、残り半分は徐々に取り払うこととしたいと思います(笑)。
京都知恩院 除夜の鐘試し突き ↴
1 月の和名は勿論「正月」。 神が宿る門松や注連飾り(しめかざり)、鏡餅などの正月飾りを準備し、元旦の朝に訪れるご先祖様や田の神様、年神様へ無病息災や豊作、開運などを祈願するのが日本の風習ですが、現在これらすべてをする家族は少ないと思います。私の幼少期は、実家が商売をしていたので、これらすべてが行われ、神主さんが祝詞を挙げに元旦に見えていたのを覚えています。お坊さんのお経と違い祝詞は数分で終わるので神棚の前で家族、従業員が手を合わせて拝んだものです。
とても神聖だったなあと懐かしく感じます。そして元旦の朝、お雑煮、御節、お屠蘇を少しいただいて、新しい服にそでを通して、学校へ謹賀新年の祝辞の儀式に出席させられたのです。新調の服が着れるのが嬉しかった記憶もあります。 さてここで、日本でのお正月の伝統行事を少し羅列してみましょう;
1)初詣:1年の無事をお祈りする 2)お年玉(子供のころはとても楽しみで貯金をする習慣を習った);歳神様からの授かりもの 3)若水:邪気を払う、新年に改めて汲む水 4)初夢:一年の初めての夢でその年の吉凶をみ占う 5)書初め(かきぞめ);平安時代の宮中行事の名残。。。と続き、正月の食べ物にも由来がある。
それではどうしてこのような順位がつけられたのかは、1位の「富士」は、富士山が日本最高峰であることはもちろん、「富士」が「無事」という言葉と音が似て縁起が良いためともされています。2位の鷹は、鳳凰(ほうおう)や鶴と並んでおめでたい鳥とされているという理由の他に、鷹の爪が「つかみ取る=夢を実現できる」と縁起が良いためとされています。3位のなすびは、「なす」が「成す」という言葉と音が似ていることからといわれています。いつもどうして「茄子」が。。。と不思議だったのがこれで謎が解けました。皆さんはいかがでしょうか。 それでは、皆さまも「一富士、二鷹、三茄子」に惣しい縁起の良い夢を見れますように。そして2025年が巳年にふさわしく、巳のり(実り)多い年、健康で平和な年となりますことを願っています。
- 日時:1月8日【水】日本人会二水会部講演会午後8時~Zoom発信
- 講師:渡辺 勝(Mr.)東京すし和食調理専門学校ロンドン校 校長
- 演題:「なぜ海外の和食店XXなのか~」参加費:英国日本人会員:無料、非会員:3ポンド
- <参加申し込み> 下記のリンク先よりお申し込みください。(100名様まで) 今回も賞品のあたるクイズもございます~~
Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆
A Happy New Year to all of you. 2025, Reiwa 7, is the beginning of the Year of the Snake. Well, what kind of year was 2024? In Japan we hear 108 temple gongs but in the UK we don’t directly ring 108 New Year’s bells, but the yoga sun salutation (Surya namaskar) consists of repeating 12 yoga poses 9 times, making 108 times, the so-called number of human earthly desires. It is said that by performing this sun salutation, you will be able to cleanse yourself of 108 earthly desires. I did half of this in my last yoga class, so we will be gradually getting rid of the other half (lol).
Incidentally, earthly desires are a word in Buddhism that refer to the mind that causes suffering and annoys people, and the mind that obstructs the path to enlightenment. It is said that there are 108 types of earthly desires for each person, and there are 108 kanji characters that are said to represent earthly desires in one character. This kanji consists of the characters “Kuhei, Malice, Tongue, Girl, Body, Nose, and Eye Purification” and it takes a long time to write one character, but if you are interested, why not look it up and try writing it.
The Japanese name for January is, of course, “Shogatsu”. It is a Japanese tradition to prepare New Year’s decorations such as Kadomatsu, where the gods dwell, Shimekazari, and Kagami-mochi, and pray to the ancestors, rice fields, and Toshigami who visit on the morning of New Year’s Day to pray for good health, a good harvest, and good luck. Although it is a custom, there may be few families in Japan who do all of these things. When I was growing up, my family was in business, so all of these things happened, and I remember seeing the Shinto priest on New Year’s Day to say the blessing. Unlike the Buddhist monk’s sutra, the prayer only lasts a few minutes, so family members and employees prayed together in front of the altar, with their hands joined together. It was a very sacred time, and now that I think about it, I feel very nostalgic.
Now, let’s list some of the traditional New Year’s events in Japan.; 1) New Year’s visit a temple: pray for a safe year 2) New Year’s gift (when I was a child, I was so excited that I learned the habit of saving money): A gift from the deity of the year 3) Wakasui: water that is drawn again in the new year to ward off evil spirits 4 ) Hatsuyume: The first dream of the year predicts the good or bad fortune of the year. 5) Kakizome; Remnants of imperial court events from the Heian period. . . Continuing on, New Year’s food also has its origins. I explained this in the Saijiki a few years ago, so I will omit it this year. “Hatsuyume” is a dream that you have on the night of January 2nd. You may have heard the phrase “One Fuji, Two Takas, and Three Nasubi” as a ranking of good dreams.
Then, the reason why it was ranked like this is that the first place Not only is Mt. Fuji the highest mountain in Japan, but it is also said to be auspicious because the word “Fuji” sounds similar to the word “safe”. The second-place hawk is not only because it is considered an auspicious bird along with the phoenix and the crane, but also because the falcon’s claws are said to be auspicious, meaning that if you catch it, you can make your dreams come true. .The third place is “nasu”, which is said to be because the word “eggplant” sounds similar to the word “successful’. I’ve always wondered why “eggplant” is the third luckiest dream’, but now the mystery has been solved. What do you think? So, I hope you all have auspicious and auspicious dreams about “One Fuji, Two Hawks, and Three Eggplants.” I also hope that 2025 will be a fruitful, healthy and peaceful year, befitting the Year of the Snake.
We look forward to your continued supporting us in 2025.
From all of us Access Appointments
By Mitsue Finch Uchida