
By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆ 

(Please scroll below for the English version)






歳の数 豆食べるにも 歳忘れ

恵方巻 鳥の名前と 覚えきや

如月の 雹ふる音に 白昼夢?

< 2月のイベント紹介 >

2月12日【水】20:00~ 日本人会二水会部オンライン講演会 

講師:テート 小畠利子(Mrs)Talkin Image Ltd., Managing Director/founder

参加費:英国日本人会員 無料 / 非会員 3ポンド、


Zoom: 皆様のご自宅より参加いただけます)

<参加申し込み>  こちらのリンクよりどうぞ(100名様まで)

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

February has begun, and the New Year’s mood has disappeared. How are you doing all? I promised myslf at the beginning of the year, let’s use my time effectively, but when I looked at social media, I reflected on the days when it suddenly became dark… However, the day is getting longer little by little. And it’s February, when plums and camellias are beautiful pinks, whites, and reds that make your eyes and heart excited, and spring is just around the corner.

In Japan, February is Setsubun, and originally it was said that the head of the family, men, women, and people in less fortunate would throw soya beans, but now the head of the family plays the role of demon, and the family throws beans at him/her. I think there are many families who sow it.  At the end of the bean-throwing, children are given 1 bean for their age, but as they get older, they have to eat a large number of beans such as 80 years old have to eat 80+1 beans. The tea you want to drink at times like this is called Fukucha. Three lucky beans for bean-throwing, salted kelp, and pickled plums are placed in a hot water cup and hot water is poured over. It is said that if you eat this, you will receive the same benefits even if you do not eat as many beans as your age. When I returned to Japan last year, I bought soybean tea at MUJI, and it was surprisingly fragrant, caffeine-free, and delicious.  It has not been sold here in the UK yet, but I’m sure it will become a great hit and very popular.

 Also, when you think of Setsubun, you think, “Ehomaki, right?” In fact, this is a relatively new custom, originating in the Kansai region, and although there are various theories, merchants in Osaka used seven kinds of ingredients to make futomaki(rolled sushi) in honor of the Seven Lucky Gods, facing the direction of Toshitokujin. It is said that eating a whole one without saying a word will bring you good health and prosperity in business. I had heard of this custom, but had never practiced it, and during the coronavirus pandemic, Japanese restaurants all delivered it to your home in February, and I also benefited from it, and I was very impressed by how delicious it was.

The lucky direction of the year is also called Ehogami, New Year’s God, and Toshigami, and by the way, the year 2025 is “West-Southwest”. It’s still cold, but spring is almost here! Let’s do our best while taking care of ourselves.  Personally, I will be going to India to practice yoga and Ayurveda from mid-February. Please let me talk about that in March. Until then and see you!!

******Here is the usual  haiku/senryu ******

Even though I eat beans, I forget how old I am(年の数 豆食べるも 歳忘れ)

Ehomaki Mistaken for the name of a bird  (恵方巻 鳥の名前と覚えきや)

Daydreaming to the sound of Kisaragi’s hail?(如月の 雹の音に 白昼夢?)


< February Event information >

Japanese Association Nisui Club online seminar, Wednesday 12th February at 8pm

Title: How to create a home that suits you in the British style

Lecturer: Tate Toshiko Obata (Mrs.) Talkin Image Ltd., Managing Director/founder

Participation fee: British Japanese members: free, non-members: £3,

Online (Zoom), you can participate from your home

<Application for Participation> Please apply from the link here. (Up to 100 people)

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

アクセスアポ歳時記 1 月睦月(むつき)2025年

By Mitsue Finch Uchida


         ☆Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

                  (Please scroll below for the English version)

        皆さま、謹賀新年、明けまして  おめでとうございます。2025年、令和7年、巳年の幕開けですね。どのような心持、またどんな場所でお迎えになられたのでしょうか。そして2024年はどんな年でしたでしょうか。

ゆく年くる年。。。英国では直に108の除夜の鐘をきくこともなく、しかしヨガの太陽礼拝(Surya namaskar Sun saltation)は12のヨガのポーズを9回繰り返すことで108回、人間の煩悩の数となり、年末、新年にこの太陽礼拝をすることで108の煩悩を清め掃われると言われています。私のヨガ最後のクラスでもこの半分をしたので、残り半分は徐々に取り払うこととしたいと思います(笑)。


京都知恩院 除夜の鐘試し突き ↴ https://youtu.be/9KC4Y4Gj2I4?feature=shared 

1 月の和名は勿論「正月」。 神が宿る門松や注連飾り(しめかざり)、鏡餅などの正月飾りを準備し、元旦の朝に訪れるご先祖様や田の神様、年神様へ無病息災や豊作、開運などを祈願するのが日本の風習ですが、現在これらすべてをする家族は少ないと思います。私の幼少期は、実家が商売をしていたので、これらすべてが行われ、神主さんが祝詞を挙げに元旦に見えていたのを覚えています。お坊さんのお経と違い祝詞は数分で終わるので神棚の前で家族、従業員が手を合わせて拝んだものです。

とても神聖だったなあと懐かしく感じます。そして元旦の朝、お雑煮、御節、お屠蘇を少しいただいて、新しい服にそでを通して、学校へ謹賀新年の祝辞の儀式に出席させられたのです。新調の服が着れるのが嬉しかった記憶もあります。 さてここで、日本でのお正月の伝統行事を少し羅列してみましょう

1)初詣:1年の無事をお祈りする  2)お年玉(子供のころはとても楽しみで貯金をする習慣を習った);歳神様からの授かりもの   3)若水:邪気を払う、新年に改めて汲む水 4)初夢:一年の初めての夢でその年の吉凶をみ占う 5)書初め(かきぞめ);平安時代の宮中行事の名残。。。と続き、正月の食べ物にも由来がある。


それではどうしてこのような順位がつけられたのかは、1位の「富士」は、富士山が日本最高峰であることはもちろん、「富士」が「無事」という言葉と音が似て縁起が良いためともされています。2位の鷹は、鳳凰(ほうおう)や鶴と並んでおめでたい鳥とされているという理由の他に、鷹の爪が「つかみ取る=夢を実現できる」と縁起が良いためとされています。3位のなすびは、「なす」が「成す」という言葉と音が似ていることからといわれています。いつもどうして「茄子」が。。。と不思議だったのがこれで謎が解けました。皆さんはいかがでしょうか。 それでは、皆さまも「一富士、二鷹、三茄子」に惣しい縁起の良い夢を見れますように。そして2025年が巳年にふさわしく、巳のり(実り)多い年、健康で平和な年となりますことを願っています



  • 日時:1月8日【水】日本人会二水会部講演会午後8時~Zoom発信
  • 講師:渡辺 勝(Mr.)東京すし和食調理専門学校ロンドン校 校長
  • 演題:「なぜ海外の和食店XXなのか~」参加費:英国日本人会員:無料、非会員:3ポンド
  • <参加申し込み> 下記のリンク先よりお申し込みください。(100名様まで)       https://forms.gle/2NaUbhTdBbDfajuB8 今回も賞品のあたるクイズもございます~~

          Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

 A Happy New Year to all of you. 2025, Reiwa 7, is the beginning of the Year of the Snake. Well, what kind of year was 2024?  In Japan we hear 108 temple gongs but in the UK we don’t directly ring 108 New Year’s bells, but the yoga sun salutation (Surya namaskar) consists of repeating 12 yoga poses 9 times, making 108 times, the so-called number of human earthly desires. It is said that by performing this sun salutation, you will be able to cleanse yourself of 108 earthly desires. I did half of this in my last yoga class, so we will be gradually getting rid of the other half (lol).

Incidentally, earthly desires are a word in Buddhism that refer to the mind that causes suffering and annoys people, and the mind that obstructs the path to enlightenment. It is said that there are 108 types of earthly desires for each person, and there are 108 kanji characters that are said to represent earthly desires in one character. This kanji consists of the characters “Kuhei, Malice, Tongue, Girl, Body, Nose, and Eye Purification” and it takes a long time to write one character, but if you are interested, why not look it up and try writing it.

The Japanese name for January is, of course, “Shogatsu”. It is a Japanese tradition to prepare New Year’s decorations such as Kadomatsu, where the gods dwell, Shimekazari, and Kagami-mochi, and pray to the ancestors, rice fields, and Toshigami who visit on the morning of New Year’s Day to pray for good health, a good harvest, and good luck. Although it is a custom, there may be few families in Japan who do all of these things. When I was growing up, my family was in business, so all of these things happened, and I remember seeing the Shinto priest on New Year’s Day to say the blessing. Unlike the Buddhist monk’s sutra, the prayer only lasts a few minutes, so family members and employees prayed together in front of the altar, with their hands joined together. It was a very sacred time, and now that I think about it, I feel very nostalgic. 

  Now, let’s list some of the traditional New Year’s events in Japan.;  1) New Year’s visit a temple: pray for a safe year 2) New Year’s gift (when I was a child, I was so excited that I learned the habit of saving money): A gift from the deity of the year 3) Wakasui: water that is drawn again in the new year to ward off evil spirits 4 ) Hatsuyume: The first dream of the year predicts the good or bad fortune of the year. 5) Kakizome; Remnants of imperial court events from the Heian period. . . Continuing on, New Year’s food also has its origins. I explained this in the Saijiki a few years ago, so I will omit it this year. “Hatsuyume” is a dream that you have on the night of January 2nd. You may have heard the phrase “One Fuji, Two Takas, and Three Nasubi” as a ranking of good dreams.

Then, the reason why it was ranked like this is that the first place Not only is Mt. Fuji the highest mountain in Japan, but it is also said to be auspicious because the word “Fuji” sounds similar to the word “safe”. The second-place hawk is not only because it is considered an auspicious bird along with the phoenix and the crane, but also because the falcon’s claws are said to be auspicious, meaning that if you catch it, you can make your dreams come true. .The third place is “nasu”, which is said to be because the word “eggplant” sounds similar to the word “successful’. I’ve always wondered why “eggplant” is the third luckiest dream’, but now the mystery has been solved. What do you think?   So, I hope you all have auspicious and auspicious dreams about “One Fuji, Two Hawks, and Three Eggplants.” I also hope that 2025 will be a fruitful, healthy and peaceful year, befitting the Year of the Snake.

We look forward to your continued supporting us in 2025.

From all of us Access Appointments          

            By Mitsue Finch Uchida

アクセスアポ歳時記12 月師走(しわす/しはす)2024年

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)











 *** 今年最後の愚俳句、川柳***

   師走来て 車のり師は 走り去る

   大掃除  どうする自分の 顔のシミ

   冬至きて 明日から春が 待ち遠し


☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

Hello, everyone, there is only one month left in this year and the end of the year is approaching. Last month, we were talking about where autumn would be…and the temperature was over 20 degrees, but now the temperature has suddenly started to drop. In Japan it is called the month of December (Shiwasu), the season when teachers and monks were busy running around, and we were also waiting for Christmas, Year-end parties, New Year’s Day, and many other events so we will be busy and exciting as well…

I have a habit of looking back on the past year during this month, so I read the Saijiki blog for December 2023, and personally, last year I was renovating my house. And I was living temporarily in SE London. It’s been a few months since I started weight training, believing that I can build muscle no matter what age I am. I was also fascinated by the meaning and variety of paint colours used to decorate the house I was renovating. For some reason, 2023 feels like a very long time ago. Maybe it’s because I am currently living in a renovated house and still doing weight training. happily. Also, when it comes to paint colours, I am blending with those fascinated colours nicely and I found a joy in them as they have become a part of my skin. And all of them are happily continuing to this day. I appreciated hugely to the architect, contractor, carpenter, and personal trainer! I am overflowing with gratitude and thanks to everyone around me for their support! ! It seems that December is also the month of expressing gratitude.

I also went to Japan in September, and was able to take on the challenge of cycling half of Shikoku with my daughter for the first time. All of that is now a thing of the past, almost forgotten. It may not be an exaggeration to say that humans live to forget. Especially when it comes to bad things, there was a saying in the olden days, “Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms..” So humans can survive.  And I would be really happy if I could move forward little by little in 2025, even if it’s just the same steps as a turtle.

The introduction is a bit long, but in the past, when it comes to December, people used to do a lot of cleaning on the 13th as the “start of the New Year”, but what do you think about it these days? When I was a child, I often used a broom to remove soot and dust and clean things like the ceiling that I don’t usually clean. My family was in the noodle manufacturing business, so we were very busy making Toshikoshi soba at the end of the year. Every year around this time, we hired several part-time students to manage all the orders but it was always snowing. My role was to serve these part-time workers hot drinks and snacks, and at 1 p.m. on the 31st, after work, we all ate New Year’s Eve soba to thank and congratulate them. What a wonderful memory! ! Of course there was no central heating, and I remember feeling warm even though it was snowing outside.

The 22nd, which marks the “winter solstice” of the 24 solar terms, is the shortest day of the year, and after this day the daylight hours gradually get longer. Because of this, the day is said to be “”Ichiyo Raifuku” and is said to be a day blessed with good luck. For some reason, the winter solstice has a gloomy image, but it seems to bring good fortune. Let’s greet this day brightly. And from this day on, in the UK, the dark winter will bring us closer to that wonderful spring day by day.  2025 is the year of the snake! It’s the month of passing the baton from my Year of the Dragon to Year of the Snake. Like a snake shedding its skin, we take off unhappy memories and get rid of them, and like snake scales, we put on the happiness one by one, hoping for a prosperous year. And I sincerely pray for the world to have as many scales of peace as possible. Thank you for your continued patronage of Access Appointments this year. I wish you all good health and happiness in 2025.        

By Mitsue Uchida Finch


    *Even teacher runs in December now they drive passing away

     *Major cleaning What to do about the stains on your face

     *Winter has arrived and I can’t wait for spring to start tomorrow

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

アクセスアポ歳時記11 月霜月(しもつき)2024年

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)









   もみじ狩り こたつでごろん その気分

   雨上がり  ぬかるみやばく もみじ観ず

   その昔  ディアーハンター 名映画


〇 11月5日(火):33回SOASビジネス日本語スピーチコンテストが開催されます

〇 11月13日(水):日本人会二水会部講演会午後8時~ (Zoom開催、ご自宅からオンラインにてご参加いただけます)

 <講師> 嶋田 明美(Ms)丹生酒造(株) 「日本酒のお話、~守りつなぐ伝統の酒造り」

 <参加費> 英国日本人会員:無料、非会員:3ポンド  

 参加申し込みはこちらからどうぞ (先着100名様まで)     

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

 Hello everyone, there are only two months left in 2024. In Japan, the weather is abnormal, with summer days (temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius) lasting until the end of October for the first time since the Japan Meteorological Agency began. Spring and autumn are getting shorter and shorter, and it looks like the summer season will suddenly turn into winter in November.

Also, the days in the UK are relatively mild, and although its winter time started and it does get dark around 4pm but it has been mild these days. And I enjoyed the Japanese late summer from September to October when we were holiday in Japan where the temperature exceeds 30℃ every day.

  The Japanese name for November is “Shimotsuki,” which is said to come from the fact that frost falls and winter begins, but it seems that there will be no frost this year. As long as the frost doesn’t come down, the long-awaited autumn foliage viewing will be postponed. Nowadays, koyo refers to the change in color of the leaves of deciduous trees in autumn, and according to the Manyoshu, the term momichi refers to the change in the leaves of plants and trees to yellow or red. The custom of admiring autumn leaves is said to have been around since the Nara period, and spread among the aristocrats during the Heian period.

  It seems that people held parties while admiring the autumn leaves, and the scene is also depicted in “The Tale of Genji,” and it is said that it spread among the common people during the Edo period and became established as a seasonal event.

Now, this time I’d like to talk about “autumn leaves viewing”. “Hunting” means catching animals, but it also seems to have the meaning of searching for flowers and plants. “Strawberry picking” and “grape picking” are actually collecting things, but “Autumn leaves picking” is used to appreciate autumn leaves.  Aristocrats who do not like hunting liken the act of appreciating nature to “hunting.” It is said.

  Cherry blossoms in spring are called “hanami” and not cherry blossom picking (Hunting).  Maybe they used the word “hunting” because fall is the hunting season (this is my personal opinion)

I also encountered people shooting pheasants with guns in the Kent countryside last week, and my eye caught my eye when I saw that the local pub had something called pheasant cutlet curry on the menu.  Why not take a leisurely month before Christmas and enjoy “autumn leaves viewing”, “chestnut picking”, “mushroom picking”, and “Christmas illumination hunting”?

Well, here’s a silly haiku/senryu poems:

     *The feeling of picking maple leaves and relaxing under the kotatsu

      *Be careful of the Japanese maple at your feet.

      *After the rain, be careful of muddy spots.

  *Once upon a time Deer Hunter Famous movie

<Event information for November>

〇 November 5th (Tue): The 33rd SOAS Business Japanese Speech Contest will be held.

〇 November 13th(Wed): Japanese Association Nisui-kai Lecture 8pm (via Zoom)

Lecturer: Akemi Shimada (Ms) Nyu Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.

“The story of Japanese sake: Protecting and connecting traditional sake brewing”

Participation fee: British Japanese members: free, non-members: £3

To make a booking, please check here. (Up to 100 people)

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

アクセスアポ歳時記10 月神無月(かんなづき)2024年

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)


皆さま、残暑まだ厳しい日本から、お変わりございませんでしょうか。10月の和名は「神無月」。雷の鳴らない月だから「雷無月」新穀=その年に穫れた新米で酒を醸す月だから「醸成月」(かみなしづき)など、由来には諸説ありますが、中でもっとも有力な説は、10月は神様を祭る月だから「神の月」と呼ぶ、というものだそうです。ちなみに「出雲大社に神様が集まって諸国には不在になることから神無月」という有名な由来は、中世以降の俗説なんだそうです。私はその出雲のある島根の出身で今そこからこの歳時記を書いています。そして皆さまご存知のように、今年の夏は去年の記録を更新し、9月の最高気温が連日32度を超えるという暑さでしたが、私は夏に生まれたので暑さには強く、その炎天下5日間ほど念願だった四国のお遍路さんを見越したサイクリングツアーを先週無事に終えることが出来ました!! 何と4日間で270キロを走る、しかも初めてのサイクルツアー。。。娘と一緒に高松―善通寺―祖谷美人(いやびじん)―高知と四国を半分くらい走り続けました。私は電気自転車で。でも270キロをこぎ続けないと自転車は前に進まないということに、サドルをまたいで初めて知りました。


12年前にロンドンマラソンを挑戦して以来のチャレンジとなりました。そして四国の自然に魅了されながら、その厳しさに恐怖も感じ、スリルと歓喜の入り混じる270キロでした。最終地点の高知(最終日は95キロを漕いで) に夜の7時半に到着した時は思わずよろけて転んでしまい、達成感よりも呆然とし、翌日に実感がわき、完走したという喜びが湧いてきたのでした。




   鰯雲 目に沁む煙 どこへいく

   いも食って ホクホク幸せ いい気分

   今が旬 期間限定 一気食い



Drink Japan 2024: 10月にDrink Japanが開催されました。日本からも酒蔵や酒造メーカーさんが参加され、日本酒、焼酎、果実酒、ウィスキー、ワイン、ビールなど幅広く試飲、購入ができるイベントで、普段日本にいてもあまり接する機会のない製造者の皆さんとこだわりやお薦めなどをお話ししながら楽しく、そしておいしく満喫でき、日本人はもちろんですが現地の皆さんにも大変好評のようでした。テイスティングの他に、和太鼓のパフォーマンス、日本の伝統とモダンを融合したパフォーマンスなども披露され、会場も大変盛況!来年も期待したいですね!

JFCさん主催 Sake Expo &Food Show 2024:毎年恒例のJFCさん主催酒エキスポが 10月2日(水)に開催されました。今年は総勢約60の酒造メーカーさんや食品メーカーさんが参加され、まだ英国や欧州では味わえない日本酒、焼酎、ウィスキーや食品サンプルも多く、大勢のゲストで賑わい大盛況のイベントとなりました。弊社は2018年からテンプスタッフの派遣をさせて頂いており、コロナで開催が出来なかった時を経て2021年に再開、本年度も多くの方々にお手伝いを頂きました。 参加いただいたスタッフさんからも大好評な酒エキスポ、皆さんも来年機会がありましたら是非覗いてみてくださいね。


Tiger Gallery – Art Exhibition: Regent streetのOnitsuka Tigerの地下にあるTiger Galleryで行われた日本人現代アーティストの展示会のプレビューレセプションが催されました。皆さんご存じのスニーカーブランド、Onitsuka Tigerさんですが、他にもこういったアートギャラリーの運営などもされており、日本人アーティストだけでなく世界中のアーティストの作品展示なども手掛けていらっしゃいます。今回は3名の日本人アーティストの作品で、中にはOnitsuka Tigerの靴をモチーフにした作品などもあり、とても興味深く拝見しました。今回の展示会は10月10日~11月8日まで一般公開されていますので、ご興味のある方はぜひ足を運んでみてください。

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I hope you are well after the late summer heat in Japan. The Japanese name for October is “Kannazuki”. “Rainashizuki” because it is the month when there is no thunder, and “Kaminashizuki” because it is the month when sake is brewed with new rice harvested that year.

There are various theories about its origin, but the most popular theory is that October is called “the month of the gods” because it is the month of worshiping the gods. By the way, the famous origin of “Kannazuki”, which means that the gods gather at Izumo Taisha Shrine and are absent from other countries, is said to be a myth dating back to the Middle Ages. I am from Shimane, where Izumo is located, and I am looking forward to this seasonal calendar. And this summer we broke last year’s record. It was the hottest September, with the highest temperature exceeding 32 degrees every day, but since I was born in the summer, I can handle the heat, and for about five days under the scorching sun, I went on a cycling tour in anticipation of a pilgrimage to Shikoku, which I had always wanted. I made this cycling tour last week.

It was my first cycle tour, covering 270km in 4 days. . . I achieved this with my daughter.  We cycled through Takamatsu – Zentsuji – Iya Bijin – Kochi for 270kim and half of Shikoku Island. I’m on an electric bike. However, it wasn’t until I stepped on the saddle that I realized that the bike won’t move forward unless I continue to pedal 270km!!

 This was my first challenge since I tried London marathon 12 years ago. The 270 km journey was a mixture of thrill and joy as I was captivated by the nature of Shikoku, but also feared by its harshness. When I arrived at my final destination in Kochi (95 km ride on the last day) at 7:30 p.m., I stumbled and fell.

Mr. Norman, an American living in Japan, who arranged this tour, was very happy to see us return safely and there was a reason for that: the number of groups that left a few days before us. We were told that Ladies from Hong Kong had fallen and broken their legs and arms and We were truly lucky and grateful that we were able to return with one piece, and we couldn’t help but think that the gods we had prayed to on our pilgrimage had protected us!

Well, in Japan, the festival music that can be heard on the autumn breeze swaying the cosmos is a typical Japanese experience. As Autumn white sardine clouds fill the high blue sky. The leaves are starting to change colour. I would like to say that autumn is finally here, but there is still a long way to go in Japan and still hot…but definitely cooling down a bit here and nice Autumn is at the corner.

On the contrary, the autumn is about to turn into winter in London, let’s take care of us and enjoy the deepening autumn scenery and tranquil long nights.

Now, here’s my usual goofy haiku, Senryu:

    * Sardine clouds, smoke that fills my eyes, where are you going?

    * Eating Sweet potatoes makes me feel happy and happy

     *Now is the season, limited time only, eat all at once


On September 30th, Katsura Sunshine’s rakugo performance was held in my hometown of Shimane for the second consecutive year following last year. This year, English teachers from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland who live locally were overjoyed to hear that he, who they follow on Instagram,  and the local people warmly welcomed him, making it a great successful Rakugo show!!!

Drink Japan 2024: I participated in Drink Japan 2024. Sake breweries and sake makers from Japan also participated, and it was an event where you could taste and purchase a wide range of sake, shochu, fruit liquor, whiskey, wine, and beer. I enjoyed various Sake while talking to the brewers, who I don’t usually have the chance to meet in Japan, about their commitment and recommendations, and it seemed to be very well received by not only Japanese people but also locals. In addition to the tasting, there was a Japanese drum performance and a performance that combined Japanese tradition and modernity. I’m looking forward to next year already!

<Event information>

Tiger Gallery – Art Exhibition: I attended a preview of an exhibition of contemporary Japanese artists at Tiger Gallery in the basement of Onitsuka Tiger on Regent Street. Onitsuka Tiger is a well-known shoes brand, but they also run other art galleries and exhibit works by artists from around the world. This time, the exhibition featured works by three Japanese artists, some of which were inspired by Onitsuka Tiger shoes, which I found very interesting. The exhibition will be open to the public from October 10th to November 8th.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)






ちょっぴりレアな「ブルームーン」。その名前から「青い色の月」を想像しそうですが、青に見えるわけではなく、1か月の中で満月が2度現れることを指すといわれています。月は平均すると約29.5日のサイクルで満ち欠けを繰り返すので、平均30.4日である1か月の中で満月を2回も見られるのは、珍しい現象なのです。約2年半に一度の割合で目にすることができるブルームーンですが、2024年は8月20日に現れましたが、ご覧になりましたでしょうか 。

Strawberry moon in NY city




   いつ終わる 月の砂漠は バトルの場

   かぐや姫 ETと月で ご対面

   おっとととと そこには何も 段差なし



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September is all about moon viewing and autumn equinox. When we reach the Autumn Equinox, when the length of day and night are almost equal, we move into the long autumn nights. In Japan, the hot summer is coming to an end, and typhoon season is upon us. After all, the harvest moon of Mid-Autumn is September 17th this year, and the day after that will be the day to enjoy the full moon. Now, let’s talk a little bit about the moon this month Saijiki. In yoga, I often introduce the moon’s name and explain its meaning. And when many people hear about a moon with a special name, the first thing that comes to mind is “supermoon.” A supermoon is generally known as a full moon when the moon orbits around the Earth in an elliptical orbit and is closest to the Earth, but there seems to be no clear definition. . The next time we will be able to observe the supermoon, which approaches the Earth approximately once a year, is said to be around October 17, 2024. Why not make a wish while you’re here? t appeared on August 20th in 2024,wondered if you saw it(Please refer to the photo)?

Now, the opposite of the supermoon is the smallest full moon, the micro moon. This is the smallest thing that appears when viewed from Earth. This full moon was observed on February 24, 2024, when the moon was the furthest away from Earth during the year. I’ll leave it to you until next year.

It is a rare name for a full moon, and in Japan there are not only “Jugoya” but also “Jusanya,” “Izayoi,” “Tachimachizuki,” “Imachizuki,” “Nemachizuki,” and “Saramachizuki,” which match the phases of the moon. It has a Japanese name. Overseas, full moons are given various names, but there are some that are named after their colours.

A slightly rare “Blue Moon”. The name may make you think of a “blue moon,” but it does not actually look blue, but is said to refer to the fact that the full moon appears twice in a month. The moon waxes and wanes in an average cycle of about 29.5 days, so it is a rare phenomenon to see a full moon twice in a month, which lasts an average of 30.4 days. A blue moon can be seen about once every two and a half years, and in 2024 it appeared on August 20th, but did you see it? (See photo).

And the lovely names “Pink Moon” and “Strawberry Moon”. In fact, like the “Blue Moon,” these names do not refer to the colour of the moon, but are derived from the names given to seasonal full moons by Native Americans. The “Pink Moon” is the full moon in April when wildflowers begin to bloom, and the “Strawberry” “Moon” refers to the full moon in June, the time of strawberry harvest. Every year in April and June, look up at the full moons with cute names.

Japan’s “Kaguyahime” is also a story about the moon. When I was a child, I sang the song “All the way through the desert of the moon…” and felt nostalgic in my childish heart, and I don’t think I was the only one who admired the mystical moon. So why not spend the long autumn nights looking for the moon and meditating?

Here are the usual goofy haiku and senryu:

  • When will it end? The moon desert is a battleground
  • Meeting with Princess Kaguya ET on the moon
  • Oops, there is nothing there, no steps.

<Event Information> 

On 30th September, Mr Katsura Sunshine will perform Rakugo consecutive year at Onozawa Shimane Cinema in Masuda City, Shimane Prefecture. If you are in the area, please come and visit us!! You can check more info here.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆ 

(Please scroll below for the English version)






ロンドンに 夏が来たきた~ もういいよ~

この暑さ 文句言わずに 日陰にて    

セーヌ河 汚染はだれの  せーぬかしら



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Another name for August is Hazuki. August is the hottest month in Japan, and this year in particular, it’s been extremely hot, with temperatures already rising rapidly to around 40 degrees Celsius. However, according to the lunar calendar, it corresponds to autumn, and the name “Hazuki” seems to have its origins in “the month when the leaves begin to fall.

 A typical event in August in Japan is Obon. When something happy or fun happens, we use the expression ““It’s like Obon and New Year came together.” Obon was such an important event for Japanese people. This time, we will introduce how to spend Obon, which is almost forgotten and it is old story.

  “Obon” is an ancestor memorial service held around August 15th, and its official name is “Urabon-e,” which is a transliteration of the ancient Indian Sanskrit word “Urabanna” (hanging upside down). It is a Buddhist event held to commemorate the dead who have fallen into the path of a hungry ghost and been hung upside down in agony. It is said that this was fused with Japan’s ancient belief in the spirits of ancestors, resulting in the current shape of Obon. It sounds Obon came from scary content originally. It has been believed that during Obon, the spirits of ancestors return from the afterlife to this world, spend several days with their families, and then return to the afterlife once Obon is over. The period that our ancestors spend in this world is called “”chunichi” and they spend a day by inviting monks to their homes to read sutras, and by gathering with their families and relatives for dinner. I experienced it that monk visited my house for chanting when I was a child, and we listened to the sutras in a delicate manner all the way to the Buddhist altar, but it was so hot that I wished to finish it quickly. . .  In terms of the timing, it will be held for 3 to 4 days around August 15th. In Japan, many companies have a Obon holiday during this period, so many people return home or travel, and it is not only a Buddhist event, but it is now a time for vacation during the New Year, and during Obon, Japanese people travel a lot. The airport is crowded at this time.

Then, they visit the graves (Japanese people generally go to the same grave for generations), pay homage to their ancestors, clean the gravestones and surrounding areas, and buy incense, flowers and the deceased’s favourite sweets. We offer alcoholic beverages, etc., and silently join hands to think of the deceased and ancestors and offer our feelings of gratitude.

 When I was a child, I often made offerings out of eggplants and cucumbers to resemble horses and cows. It is called “a “Spirit Horse”, and cucumbers are likened to fast horses, and eggplants are likened to slow cows, The Ancestors on the cucumber represents the horse and the desire for the horse to return home quickly, and for the cow to slowly return to the afterlife. It’s adorable.

 Now, back to the real life in the UK, Wimbledon and Euro football are over, and the Olympics are held in Paris now. The meals of Michelin star chefs have become a hot topic in Olympic village. I doubt they’re healthy but McDonald’s was everywhere during the London Olympics’ village, and athletes were eating them. Well, I’m sure Paris one is much nicer and tastier than London’s.  Ironically, the opening ceremony was held in a downpour in Paris, and it continued to rain even after the opening ceremony.

On the contrary here in the UK, it has been summerly weather and the sun was shining brightly! Let’s enjoy the wonderful month of August and making memorable and beautiful summer!!!!


Mr. Katsura  Sunshine will be coming to Leicester Square again in August and will be giving us a performance. Purchase tickets here

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Finch Uchida

 ☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆  

(Please scroll below for the English version)

待ちに待った夏らしくなった英国(ロンドン)ですが、先月は、雨も多く肌寒い日々。。。夏は来ないのかと心配気味。でもここ1-2週間とても気持ちの良い毎日ですね。お変わりございませんでしょうか。このアクセス歳時記も4年目に入りました。勿論アクセスアポイントメントのブログは2013年から継続していますのでBack Numberもご覧くださいませ。皆さまのご愛顧の賜物です。ありがとうございます。さて、少し昔を振り返りと言いますか、7月と言えば七夕、今回はその由来をゆっくりとご紹介しましょう。

『昔、昔。。。天の川の近くに、天帝と呼ばれる天空で一番偉い神様が住んでいました。天帝の一人娘の織姫は、機織りの上手な働き者で、毎日神様の着物を織り、彼女の織る布は五色に輝く大変美しいものだったといわれていて、年頃になった娘のために、天帝が婿として選んだのが牛飼いの青年、彦星でした。彼もまた一生懸命に牛の世話をする働き者の青年でした。織姫と彦星はお互い一目ぼれで、結婚することに。しかし余りにも恋愛に夢中になり、2人は次第に仕事をしなくなったのです。おかげで神様たちの着物はボロボロになり、牛は痩せこけてしまい、苦情が寄せられて激怒した天帝は、2人を天の川の東西に引き離すことにしました。ところが、悲しみにくれた織姫は毎日泣いてばかり。娘を不憫に思った天帝は、1年に1度、7月7日の夜だけ2人が会うことを認めた』この織姫と彦星の伝説は、ロマンチックな恋物語として今も日本で語り継がれていて、この日は願い事を書いた短冊を笹の木にかけると願いが叶うとも言われています。それはきっと二人が一年に一度会えるという願いが叶いというメタフォーでもあるのかもですね。しかし彼らがそれでHappy ever afterだったのかは計り知れず、未だに七夕の行事は受け継がれています。










さあ、英国は4日に総選挙、そして天皇皇后両陛下の訪英も終わり、あのバッキンガムパレス周辺が英国、日本国旗で飾られるという素敵なシーンを実際でも画面ででも見れた私達は幸せですね。そして天皇陛下をお迎えする際に、「君が代」がBritish Armyにより演奏された時は、胸に国歌が響き感激しました。さて、今頃は両陛下足をテーブル?の上にあげられくつろいでいらっしゃるのでしょうか。。。(苦笑)。御訪英時は、お天気も最高の青空、そして気持ちの良いそよ風が時折頬を撫でてくれていましたが、両陛下共々素敵な思い出をお持ちになり帰国されたことと思います。


    蝉の声 梅雨明け早い 猛暑なり   

    恒例の プライドロンドン 虹色に    



☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

It’s a long-awaited summer season in the UK (London), but the beginning of June is rainy and chilly. . .I wonder if summer will never come. . . but the past 1-2 weeks have been very pleasant. We hope you are all well. This “Saijiki” is now in its fourth year thanks to your support. Of course, the Access Appointment blog has been running since 2013, so please also take a look at the back number. Well, let’s look back a little and July is synonymous with Tanabata, and today we will introduce its origins.

 A long long time ago. The greatest god in the sky, called Emperor of Tentei, lived near the Milky Way. Orihime, the only daughter of the Emperor, was a hard worker who was skilled at weaving, and it is said that she weaved kimonos for the gods every day, and the cloth she wove was extremely beautiful and shone in five colours. Tentei chose his son-in-law was Hikoboshi for his daughter Orihime, a young cowherd. He was also a hard-working young man who worked hard to take care of his cattle.

Orihime and Hikoboshi fell in love at first sight and decided to get married. However, the two became so absorbed in love that they gradually stopped working. As a result, the gods’ clothes were ruined and the cows became emaciated, and the emperor, furious at the complaints from everyone, decided to separate the two to the east and west of the Milky Way. However, Orihime is overcome with sadness and cries every day. The Emperor, feeling sorry for his daughter, allowed the two to meet once a year on the night of July 7th, and this legend of Orihime and Hikoboshi is still passed down in Japan as a romantic love story. It is said that on this day, if you write a wish on a strip of paper and hang it on a bamboo tree, your wish will come true. It may also be a metaphor for the wish of two people to meet once a year coming true. However, it is unclear whether they were happy ever after, and the Tanabata event is still passed down from generation to generation.

Tanabata strips officially come in five colours: “blue (green), red, yellow, white, and black (purple)”, which originates from the “”Yin-Yang Five Elements” theory of natural philosophy that originated in China. Try using different colours when you are going to write your wishes on strips of paper. The meanings of the five coloured strips of paper are;

Blue (green): Wish to improve human strength 

Red: Wish to be grateful to ancestors and parents

Yellow: Wish related to human relationships  

White: Obeying obligations and rules

Black (purple): Wishes related to schoolwork .

It may not be far from romantic, but why not write down your own wishes this year? My wish is. . . a secret but I think it’s something related to blue, red or yellow!?

Personally, I went to the Henry-on-Thames area on the banks of the Thames to cheer on “the UK Ekiden”, which was being held for the first time in the UK. There was a Japanese drum show and was a very lively day. I’m sure it will become even more well-known next year. This is an Instagram about UK Ekiden. By the way, 2024 will mark the 100th anniversary of Japan’s Hakone Ekiden.

 Well, the general election in the UK is on the 4th of July, and the visit of the Emperor and Empress of Japan was over, and we are happy to have seen the wonderful scene around Buckingham Palace being decorated with British and Japanese flags.  And when the British Army performed “Kimigayo” to welcome the Emperor, the national anthem resonated in my heart and I was as moved as I have been in decades. By now, I wonder if Their Majesties are relaxing with their feet up . The weather was perfect, with blue skies and a pleasant breeze caressing our cheeks from time to time, and I believe that both Their Majesties returned home with wonderful memories.

Here are some haiku and senryu.

Customary Pride London, rainbow colours forever   

Summer UK Ekiden here it is  

The sound of cicadas, the rainy season ends early, it’s extremely hot


Mr. Katsura  Sunshine will be coming to Leicester Square again in July and will be giving us a performance. for the tickets, please check here.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Finch Uchida

 ☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆ 

(Please scroll below for the English version)

5月もあっという間に行ってしまいましたね。皆さまお変わりございませんでしょうか。「若草もゆる」と思いきや、今年は何だかすっきりしないお天気ですが、夏日は6月に期待いたしましょう。「千と千尋の神隠し」ロンドンで上演されていますね。ご存知のように伝説的なアニメーター・映画監督の宮崎駿による、スタジオジブリのアカデミー賞受賞作『 千と千尋の神隠し』を、オリヴィエ賞/トニー賞を受賞した『レ・ミゼラブル』の演出 家ジョン・ケアードが舞台として再構築。色彩感あふれる舞台、しかも日本語で英語の字幕スーパーというあまり耳にしない舞台を観て感動しました!日本のアニメ文化が本当にArtとして認められた瞬間と言いますか嬉しい現実です。

Don Panko

また個人的には長年の友人がMadridに日本の広島風お好み焼き「Okonomi san」をオープンしたのをお祝いして、サプライズVisitで週末行きました。彼のレストランではWineではなく、お酒、日本のビール、お酒ベースのカクテル、日本のウイスキーしか出さないというユニークさ。スペイン人の彼は日本人以上に日本の食材を吟味して、広島からオタフクソースを輸入し、お好み焼きも大変美味しいのですが、うどんの美味しさには感激しました。それもそのはず、讃岐うどんを使い、揚げ玉タラコうどん(釜揚げ讃岐うどんに辛子明太子(カナダ産)に卵黄がのっている)の美味しいこと~!!もう一軒の「Don panko」レストランではパン粉は北海道、豚肉は勿論イベリコ、麹につけて柔らかくしてと。。。それはそれはもう目から鱗でした。もっと近ければ毎晩でもいくのになああって思いました。また行きたいです~。Madridに行かれる機会があればぜひ「おこのみさん」「ドンパンコ」に足を運ばれてみてください。

日本はそろそろ梅雨ですね。そして紫陽花が色とりどりに花をつけて本当に華やかですね。私の郷里島根はこの紫陽花でも豪華な「万華鏡」「銀河」という新品種を作り出し、Flower of the yearを毎年勝ち取っています。その花の一つ一つが本当に万華鏡のごとく華やかで咲き誇っています。是非日本のご友人とかにプレゼントして差し上げるととても喜ばれること間違いなしでしょう。と宣伝させていただきました。


此処で愚俳句と川柳; まずは川柳から~

*梅雨のあめ 酸っぱい、甘いの どちらなの?

*雨降って 地固まれば 無災害

*紫陽花の 花びら数え 万華鏡

☆☆ お知らせ ☆☆


能登震災コンサー が開催されます。チケットはこちらからどうぞ


☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

May has flown by in a flash. I hope you are all well. I thought the grass would grow greener, but this year the weather has been rather gloomy, but let’s look forward to summer days in June. “Spirited Away” is being performed in London. As you know, the Academy Award-winning Studio Ghibli film “Spirited Away” by legendary animator and film director Hayao Miyazaki has been reconstructed as a stage production by Olivier and Tony Award-winning director John Caird, who also directed “Les Miserables”. I was moved by the colorful stage with Japanese audio along with the subtitles in English! It’s great to see Japanese anime culture has truly been recognized as art.

On a personal event, I made a surprise visit to my long-time friend who opened a Japanese Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki restaurant, “Okonomi san,” in Madrid. His restaurant is unique – it serves only Japanese sake, Japanese beer, sake-based cocktails, and Japanese whiskey, but no wines. As a Spaniard, he carefully selects Japanese ingredients more than native Japanese, importing Otafuku sauce from Hiroshima. His okonomiyaki is very delicious, and I was also impressed by the deliciousness of his udon noodle. They use Sanuki udon and have a delicious “Agetama Tarako udon” (Kamaage Sanuki udon noodle topped with spicy cod roe (from Canada) and egg yolk)!! At his another restaurant, “Don panko,” the bread crumbs are from Hokkaido, and the pork is of course Iberico, softened by soaking it in koji… It was an eye-opener. If it were closer, I would go there every night. I’d definitely like to go again. If you have a chance to go to Madrid, please visit “Okonomi san” and “Don panko.”

It’s almost the rainy season in Japan. And the colourful hydrangeas are really gorgeous. My hometown, Shimane, has created gorgeous new varieties of hydrangea called “Kaleidoscope” and “Galaxy”, which win the Flower of the Year award every year. Each flower is as gorgeous as a kaleidoscope and blooms in full glory. I’m sure your friends in Japan will be delighted if you give them as gifts!

As for the UK, a general election is scheduled this July, and we will be keeping a close eye on June to see how far the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, and the Liberal Democrats campaign to gain, or how far they will be dragged down.

Here are my usual – some haiku and senryu

*Rainy season candy (Ame) – sour or sweet?

*When the rain falls and the ground hardens, there will be no disasters

*Counting Hydrangea Petals reminds of Kaleidoscope

☆☆ Information ☆☆

Following the success of Rakugo performance in May, Katsura Sunshine will be coming to Leicester Square again in June. Please check here for the tickets. Here is a special discount code (£10 for any seats) for you – “ SUNMITUE”

A Concert for Noto Earthquake will be held in London on 29th June. Tickets are available here.

The UK Ekiden (a Japanese tradition of relay racing) will be held in UK on 24th June 2024 for the first time.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

Garlic leaves path


Osaka “Kuidaore”


The carp streamer “Koinobori”

5月と言えば、連休のゴールデンウイーク。そして立春から88日目(八十八夜)の5月2日辺りは「茶摘み」の時期にもあたり、昔から、八十八夜に摘んだお茶を飲むと長生きするといわれています。八十八夜といえば新茶のイメージが強いのは、「夏も近づく八十八夜……」という歌詞で始まる唱歌がありますね。そして、5月5日の子供の日の鯉のぼり、「登竜門」 という古代中国の故事からきています。ある時、一匹の鯉が激しい滝水に逆らいながら竜門を登りきったところ、鯉は竜へと変身し天に昇っていったという話です。中国では竜は皇帝の象徴でもあり、とても縁起のいいものです。今年は竜年でしたね。もともと日本では、武家に男の子が生まれると家紋のついた旗や幟(のぼり)を立てて祝う風習があり、のちに江戸庶民の間で立身出世のシンボルとなった鯉を幟にするアイディアが生まれ、武家は幟、町人は鯉幟(こいのぼり)を揚げるようになったそうです。子どもの健やかな成長を祈る気持ちでもありました。



    老眼に もゆる新緑 まぶしすぎ

    蕨摘み くるくる頭 かわいいね

    小雨ふり  新緑まぶし 雨上がり

☆ お知らせ ☆

私事ですが筋トレと家の改築のInsta linkです。お時間のある時にご覧ください



☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

I hear that summer is already in Japan, but what about in the UK?  At last, the rainy days have turned into warm, sunny days.  Well, everyone is keeping well.  There is so called “May sickness,” in which new employees and students become mentally suffering because they are unable to get used to their new environment in Japan. Have you ever heard about this?  I have a somewhat similar experience when I was 20 years old and as a fresh college leaver and I got a job at an American medical device company, and I was excited to join the company and I still remember being very nervous about taking a new step as a full-time employee as fresh graduate.  The company decided to send me, a new employee, on a business trip to a major Japanese pharmaceutical company (headquartered in Osaka). I couldn’t sleep the night before, and on the day of the big day I had a stomach cramp and couldn’t eat anything. However, everyone in Osaka treated me very kindly, and I was able to complete my mission well. My stomach felt better and I remember going out to eat delicious food with my friends in Osaka. It is often said that illness originates from the mind. However, my boss was also seemed to know how to take down the Osaka merchants, so when they sent a 20-year-old young lady (me) to the rival camp, our trouble client listened to everything what I had to say and they all accepted!!! Nowadays, we have become a society where men and women are equal and there is no disparity, so stories like this no longer work and if it is so it would be a big issue.

 Speaking of May, it’s so called a Golden Week in Japan. Around May 2nd, the 88th day after the first day of spring (the 88th night), is also the time for picking new tea leaves, and it has been said since ancient times that drinking tea picked on the 88th night will lead to a long life. When we think of 88 nights, we have a strong image of Shincha(New tea), as there is a song that begins with the lyrics, “Summer approaches…88 nights…” The carp streamer on Children’s Day, May 5th, comes from an ancient Chinese story called “”Toryumon” . The story goes that one day, a carp climbed up the dragon gate against the mighty waterfall, and the carp transformed into a dragon and ascended to heaven. In China, the dragon is also a symbol of the emperor and is considered as a very lucky. This year was the year of the dragon!!

  Originally, in Japan, when a son was born to a samurai family, there was a custom to celebrate by setting up a flag or banner with the family crest on it, and later the idea of ​​using a carp, which became a symbol of career advancement among the merchant people of Edo, was born. It is said that samurai families began to fly flags, and ordinary family began to fly carp streamers and wishing all the children grow healthy and well.

   Now, here’s my usual goofy haiku/senryu.

                          *Fresh green leaves are too bright for presbyopia

                            *Cute bracken picking round head

                             *Light rain sprinkled with fresh greenery After the rain

< Information >

1) This is my Instagram for the weight training and house renovation:                       #

2)  Katsura Sushine will  perform in May again after successful April show in West End. Click here for the tickets!

Let’s enjoy the wonderful month of May!

                                               From all of us at Access Appointment

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