アクセスアポ歳時記2月(如月) 2022年

By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointments

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)


如月(きさらぎ)の由来は、まだまだ寒さが厳しい時期のために、更に衣を重ね着することから「衣更着(きさらぎ)」になり、 如月(にょげつ)には、寒い冬から暖かい春になり万物(私たちも含め)動き出すという意味があるようです。

さて、昨日1月31日で葛飾北斎展が終了しましたが、読者の皆様もたくさんの方々が大英博物館に足を運ばれたことかと思います。私もあのGreat Waveをイメージして大英博物館へ行ったところ、目の前の躍動感あふれる線、ユーモアな絵の数々、そして想像/創造力溢れる作品に目が点にとはこのことでした。40年間眠っていた103の原画が公開されました。それこそ江戸時代の文化、庶民の娯楽、そして漫画の発祥でもある彼の絵画。今の時代でも絶賛賞美される賜物です。その後、幸運にもキュレーターのAlfred Haltさんのお話を聞くことができ、益々彼の偉大さに感銘を受けました。

 北斎は70歳でGreat waveを、80歳で富岳、90歳でその他の素晴らしい浮世絵の原画を完成しました。しかし彼曰く、「70歳はまだまだ、80歳で画才がようやく芽生え、90歳では絵の本質に目覚め、100歳、そして110歳で自分は大成するだろう」と考え信じて、日々楽しみ書き続けていました。96歳で他界し、その時のお墓には『画狂老人卍墓』と彼の書体のままが彫られているそうです。今度帰国したら(いつになるのやらですが、楽しいが増えました)是非とも彼のお墓を訪ねてみたいです。さて、その北斎展もこれから日本へ移動とのこと。何だか順番が違っていますね。




北斎の 真似してみても 富士は富士 (自分の芸才のなさにうんざりと…)

鬼は外 逃げるはパパの とくいわざ (お父さんの逃げ上手)

如月や 寒風身に沁み 春おもい (2月の冷たい風に当たれば当たるほど春恋しく)  





Hello everyone! January went really fast and it’s already February – months that are said to go, run away and leave.
Aside from the story of Corona, February is Setsubun (節分 the beginning of Spring) in the calendar, but it’s just a name, and I remember that it snowed in February a few years ago, so we should be cautious about it, but it’s been a warm winter so far. 
By the way, the Katsushika Hokusai exhibition ended on January 31st, and I think that many readers would have visited the British Museum to see it. When I went to the British Museum, I had the image of Hokusai’s Great Wave in my mind, but
I was impressed by the dynamic lines, the humorous illustrations, and the works full of imagination/creativity in front of me. 103 original illustrations that was left unseen for 40 years were released. They showed the culture of the Edo period, how ordinary people were entertained, and his images also led to the creation of manga. It is a gift that is highly praised and admired even in our time. After that, I was fortunate to hear the story of the curator for this exhibition, Dr Alfred Halt, and I became a huge admirer of Hokusai.
Hokusai, he started painting at age of 5 and he completed the Great Wave at the age of 70, Fugaku at the age of 80, and other great ukiyo-e paintings at the age of 90. However, he says, 70 years old is still a little childlike, he gained painting talent at 80 years old, while the essence of painting awakens at 90 years old, and he will be
successful at 100 years old. I believe he continued to write for fun every day. He passed away at the age of 96, and on this tomb, it has have been engraved with the phrase “Mad Old Man”. When I return to Japan next time (I wonder when it will be but…), I definitely want to visit his grave yard to see his tomb. The Hokusai exhibition will also go to Japan.
The British Museum acquired these 103 works from the dealer who made a successful bid at the auction in Paris with a special offer, and it came into the museum’s collection. Well, the British Museum paid £270K (about 40 million yen) !!

Now, the story goes from Edo to Now, and the tradition of eating Ehohmaki in
Setsubun and this year you should face NNW (slightly north of the north-west)in 2022) and make a wish. However, the rule is to eat silently at once. Why don’t you try it? We are looking forward to the Ehomaki from Mugen restaurant which is located in North West (for us!) 

Well, the story is endless, but now as usual you enjoy some aiku and senryu-like.

 北斎の 真似してみても 富士は富士 Even if I try to imitate Hokusai, Fuji is Fuji (I’m tired of my lack of talent.)

鬼は外 逃げるはパパの とくいわざ The demon is outside, the escape is daddy’s favorite

如月や 寒風身に沁み 春おもい the more you hit the cold wind in February, the more you miss spring


Mr Sunshine Katsura (Rakugo story teller) is on stage in London in February! We hope you enjoy his marvelous Rakugo show with friends and family! You can buy tickets here, with special price using promotion code “ACCESS”.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆