アクセスアポ歳時記: 6月 (六月水無月)                       

By Mitsue Finch Uchida (Please scroll below for the English version)



 さて、皆さまお変わりございませんでしょうか。6月は水無月とよばれ、何でも水を田んぼに引く月ということからこの名前がついたようです。英語ではJune、ローマ神話のユピテル(ジュピター)の妻ユノ(ジュノー)から取られ、ユノが結婚生活の守護神であることから、6月に結婚式を挙げる花嫁を「ジューン・ブライド」(June bride、6月の花嫁)と呼び、この月に結婚をすると幸せになれるといわれる。しかしながら、少なくともヨーロッパのカトリック教徒の多い諸国では、ギリシャ神話やローマの異教の神々がヨーロッパの人々の生活に影響を与えるというのは考えにくいという説もありますが、日本におけるジューン・ブライドは、6月の雨が多くジメジメした薄暗い雰囲気で結婚する人が少ない事に困ったブライダル業界が1970年代ごろから始めた物であってそれまではあまりしられていなかったようですね。


   「紫陽花に きらきら光る 朝の露」
  「引き出物 ジューンブライド 傘一本」
  「仲人が 新郎妊婦と 口滑り」



It’s now June and the long-awaited summer has arrived!

We hope everyone is keeping well and safe.  May was rainy and chilly, and although pubs and restaurants were reopened and customers were allowed to eat and drink outside, it was far too cold for me. But it seemed many people were eating outside so the cold didn’t bother them. On May 24th (“Magic Monday”), most of the restaurants were fully booked that week. It seemed that everyone’s desire to eat out had understandbly accumulated but, nonetheless, I believe it’s a good thing for the economy if people are going out and eating.

June is called Minazuki in Japanese, and it is said that this name comes from drawing water into rice fields. In English, June originates from Juno, the wife of Jupiter in Roman mythology, and because Juno is the guardian deity of the marriage, a bride who has their wedding in June is called “June bride” and it is believed they will have a happy marriage if they get married during this month. Although this is a theory and it is unlikely that Greek mythology and Roman pagan gods will affect our lives…but who knows? June Bride in Japan seems to have been created in the 1970s by the bridal industry, which was in trouble as there were very few people getting married in a dimly lit atmosphere with a lot of rain.

Speaking of weddings, it seems that couples whose ceremonies have been postponed due to lockdown are said to have a wedding rush after June 21st. They have a difficult task at hand, making guest lists with only 30 people. Having said that, it will be a relaxed and wonderful ceremony surrounded by close friends and family (I had a small wedding ceremony decades ago). Speaking of which, Mr. Boris and his fiancée have also got married secretly (third time for him!).

Anyway, congratulations to all the couples who are planning their wedding!

Have a break and enjoy haiku and senryu.

“Ajisai ni Kirakira Hikaru Asa no tsuyu (Morning dew shining in hydrangea)”

“Hikidemono June Bride Kasa Ippon (one umbrella which is wedding gift from June bride)

“Nakoudo ga Shinrou Ninpu to kuchi suberi (Matchmaker mistakenly announces “groom and pregnant woman” instead of “groom and bride”)

And finally, I enjoyed Warabi (bracken) picking in Sussex. Warabi is known as spring plants in Japan and used in cooking (with rice, or making sweet desserts). They can be toxic so have to be prepared carefully and thoroughly…