By Mitsue Uchida Finch Access Appointments
☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆
(Please scroll below for the English version)
皆さま、お元気にお過ごしのことと思います。9月は思いもよらず暖かくて良いお天気に恵まれましたが、めっきり秋らしくなった今日この頃ですね。そしてコロナも沈静したかのごとく、街中は以前の騒然さを取り戻してきていますが、他にも騒然とした問題が色々と出てきていますね。Brexitの影響で 人手不足、その煽りからガソリン不足、ご存知のようにトラック運転手が激減し、エネルギーの高騰(ガス、電気)によりサプライ会社が倒産したり、何となく先行きがとても暗く、70年代の雰囲気が戻ってくるのではという噂も出ていますが、どうなるのでしょうか。とにかく私達に今できることはパニック買いをせず、身の回りを見つめ直し、断食し、ヨガをすることでしょうか。。。これは私が日々やっていることを少し上げてみました(苦笑)。
さて、10月の和名は「神無月」。この月に出雲大社(私の郷里島根にある)に神様が集まって、諸国には不在になることから神無(かみなし)月。一方で、神様の集まる出雲地方では「神在(かみあり)月」と呼んで、神事を行います…という有名なこの由来、じつは中世以降の俗説なんだそうです。10月は「神の月」という意味。「神無月」の ”無” の字は 、”の” に該当する連体助詞です。高く青い空を埋める白い鰯雲。色づき始めた照葉。秋もいよいよ深まり、豊穣の季節を迎える日本ですね。
さて、今年はチェルシーフラワーショーに初めて行ってきました。9月末に開催され、出展が例年より少ないようでしたが、春のカラフルなショーとは少し違い、落ち着いた秋の趣が漂いとても堪能し素敵でした。私の一番のお気に入りはフィンランド出展で、サウナバスの小屋と水が流れる池のテーマです。緑に囲まれたサウナバスに入り、前の池を見てのんびりと寒い冬を過ごす…いいですよね~。お値段ですが、サウナバスが15K、そして今回このテーマの庭を作るのに何と250K 費やしたとか!なので沢山スポンサーがついているんですね。ちなみにサウナバスの会社さんもスポンサーです。また日本の方のミニマリステック調のシンプルなお庭も魅力的でした。なんと花は一種類のみ(写真をご覧ください)そしていたるところに、日本の松、楓、紅葉、が秋を彩っていました。そして色々な面でサステイナビリティ/エコを前に掲げていましたが、自転車で来る人の為の止めるスペースが無いというのはどうしてでしょうか。。と首をかしげてしまいました。それでは、秋の夜長の読書にいそしみ、節電・エネではとにかく身体を動かし自家発電を心がけてみたいものですね。
「栗カボチャ 見つけてうれし 秋の味」 (近くのスーパーに出回ります。)
「十五夜の ウサギはどこへ 移り住む」(Brexitでいなくなったのは人ばかりではなく月にうさぎさんも最近は見当たりません。。。)
☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください☆
September was unexpectedly warm and sunny, but now it’s looking and feeling more like autumn, and while Covid-19 seems to have settled down and towns are starting to get back to business, it feels like our lives aren’t back to normal yet.
As you know, there is a shortage of labour and petrol because of Brexit (and other reasons), the number of lorry drivers has fallen dramatically, energy prices have risen, energy supply companies have gone bankrupt, all seems very bleak as if we have returned to the 70s. We will see what happens.
Anyway, what we can do now is not to panic-buy, but to keep our peace of mind by looking after our bodies.
The Japanese name for October is “Kanna-zuki”. This is the month when the gods gather at the Izumo Taisha shrine (in my home prefecture of Shimane) and the gods are absent from the rest of Japan. But in the Izumo region, where the gods gather, the month is called “Kami-ari” and rituals are held… which is a famous story but it is actually a myth dating back to the Middle Ages.
October means “the month of the gods”, and the Japanese character “無 mu/na” in “kannazuki” is a coordinating particle corresponding to the word “の no”. White sardine clouds fill the high blue sky. The leaves are beginning to change colour. Autumn is deepening and Japan is welcoming the season of fertility.
It is also known as the “Chestnut Moon” because chestnuts are offered to the gods at the time of harvest. The Chestnut Moon is said to be the second most beautiful moon after “Jugoya (The fifteenth night, also called otsukimi)”, and has been celebrated with feasts and other events at the Imperial Court for centuries. It is said that the custom of Jugoya was introduced from the Tang Dynasty during the Heian period (794-1185), while the custom of Jusanoya (The thirteenth night) is unique to Japan. Jugoya is in September, and the full moon one month later is called Jusanoya. There is even a saying, “There is no cloudiness on the Thirteenth Night”. I was able to see the moon last month from my house, which was mysterious with a little reddish moon, but I am looking forward to seeing it on the 13th night.
This year I went to the Chelsea Flower Show for the first time, which was held at the end of September and although the number of exhibitors seemed to be less than usual, I really enjoyed it and thought it was a nice change from the colourful spring show and had a more relaxed autumnal feel to it. My favourite part of the show was the Finnish exhibit, with its sauna bath hut and pond theme. A sauna bath surrounded by greenery, a pond in front and relaxing in the cold winter…. The price for the sauna bath is 15K and the garden theme cost 250K! (Of course they have a lot of sponsors including the sauna bath company. ) The Japanese garden was also very attractive, with a simple minimalistic style. There was only one type of flower (see picture above) and everywhere there were Japanese pine trees, maple trees and autumn leaves. And despite all the sustainability/eco-advocacy, I wonder why there was no space for cyclists to park their bicycles… Let’s enjoy reading in the long autumn nights and try to save energy by moving our bodies and generating our own electricity.
☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆