アクセスアポ歳時記12 月師走(師走)2022年 

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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さて、師走。この言葉も死語でしょうか。師=先生が走るって???マラソンでもしているの?ということになるかもですね。「師走」の由来は、僧侶のような普段落ちついている人でも、この月は多忙で走り回るようになるという意味から名付けられたという説があります。そして今年は本当に駆け足で1年が過ぎていこうとしていますが、皆さんの一年はいかがでしたでしょうか。パンデミックも緩み、外には人があふれ、政治家は噓の付き合い、ボリスが降り、そしてリズさんも、何と二人が阻止しようとしたリシさんが今は首相になったという10 Downing Streetですが、一番の傍観者で開いた口がふさがらないの住人のLally君でしょうか。「にゃんでもいいから早く落ち着いて!」って言っているようですね。



大晦日、一年の最終日の12月31日。年内最後の晦日(みそか=毎月の最終日)で、大晦(おおつごもり)とも言います。新しい年神様を迎えるために寝ないで待つ日とされ、早く寝ると白髪になるとの言い伝えがあったようなので、皆様気を付けましょうね。大晦日の夜のことを除夜(除夜)といい、神社では火を焚いて厄祓いの神事を行ったり、お寺では年をまたいで除夜の鐘をついたりと、さまざまな年越しの行事が各地で行われますが、英国では(主にスコットランドで)Hogmanayと言われて、一年の最後の日から新年になるのを祝って蛍の光が歌われるのは有名ですね。ぜひ一度は大晦日をスコットランドで迎えてみたいですね。蛍の光「Auld Lang Syne」の歌詞は、スコットランドの詩人であるロバート・バーンズによるものです。作曲については諸説ありますが、今はスコットランド民謡として知られています。明治時代にアメリカから日本に伝わり、日本語の歌詞がつけられました。そして卒業式で歌われるようになりましたが決して別れの歌ではないようですね。あくまでも新年を祝っての歌なんですね。




     忘年会 今年は望む 年と描く

     年の瀬や 切磋琢磨して 大掃除

     一人鍋 コロナのせいと 理由付け

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The World Cup in Qatar suggested various problems before starting, however, we watches the matches excitedly once it started and now are feeling up and down about the results as if there were no problems! Great upheaval, with Japan defeating Germany. . I don’t know what the future holds. If you think that the British people are good at forgetting, it seems that people all over the world have such a habit! In the 1980s, I was amazed by the memory of the whales by watching the film called “Orca,” which is about a couple of whales who take revenge on their wives killed by humans. If that Matt Hancock MP appeared on a reality show as a celebrity and was told that he would probably drop out of the first round of voting, he would have remained until the end (I was relieved that he didn’t win), as you can see, the people is really quick to forget. . . I don’t want to be like that, but I don’t like being vengeful and vengeful like an Orca. After all, all politicians are hypocrites and liars!!

December is called “Shiwasu” and literally means that the teacher/priest even run busily in December. There is a theory that the origin of “Shiwasu” is that even people who are normally calm like monks will be busy and run around this month. And this year is really going to pass by in a hurry for me, how about yours? The pandemic has eased, people are overflowing outside as if it was nothing happened and politicians are lying, Boris has fallen, and Ms Truss has also been dropped. But is it the resident Lally who is the most bystander and can’t close his mouth? It seems like he’s saying, “”Do something meow but I don’t care if it’s meow”

December is the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Around December 22nd. It is also called ‘Ichiyo Raifuku’ because the days are getting longer and spring is approaching on this day. Ancient people described this as the days getting longer one grain of rice and one grain of tatami mat. It is said that eating pumpkins on the winter solstice and soaking in the yuzu bath will prevent you from catching a cold.

Shogatsu kotohajime is held on December 13th of the lunar calendar, and is an event to prepare for the New Year. In the current calendar, it is often held on December 8th or 13th. In the past, on this day, people used to go pick trees for New Year’s pine decorations, remove soot, and pound rice cakes. Even now, shrines and temples around the country hold events such as Susuharai on this day. Also, in Gion, Kyoto, on December 13th, there is a custom that geisha and maiko visit their master’s house to greet them.

New Year’s Eve, December 31st, the last day of the year. It is the last day of the year (misoka = the last day of every month) and is also called otsugomori. It is said that if you go to bed early, your hair will turn white, so everyone should be careful. The night of New Year’s Eve is called joya (joya), and various New Year’s Eve events are held in various places, such as burning fires at shrines to ward off evil, and ringing bells at temples throughout the year. However, in England, it is called Hogmanay (Scotland), and it is famous that fireflies are sung on the last day of the year to celebrate the beginning of the new year.

After all, I would love to spend New Year’s Eve in Scotland. The lyrics to “Auld Lang Syne” by Hotaru no Hikari are by Scottish poet Robert Burns. There are various theories about its composition, but it is now known as a Scottish folk song. It was introduced to Japan from the United States in the Meiji period, and Japanese lyrics were added. And now it’s sung at graduation ceremonies, but it doesn’t seem to be a farewell song. It’s just a song to celebrate the new year.

This year seems to be the year when there are many invitations to year-end parties. How about yourself? Please take care not catching a cold and I look forward to seeing you again in 2023.

Wishing you an excellent ending year 2023 is the year of the rabbit, let’s jump into 2023 with hops, steps, jumps, and jumps! !

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Here are the usual haiku & senryu:

“End-of-year party”, write this year as the desired year (忘年会 今年は望む 年と書く)

General cleaning at the end of the year (年の瀬や 切磋琢磨して 大掃除 )

Having a Nabe alone let the reason of Covid (一人鍋 コロナのせいと 理由付け )

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