By Mitsue Finch Uchida
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(Please scroll below for the English version)
歳の数 豆食べるにも 歳忘れ
恵方巻 鳥の名前と 覚えきや
如月の 雹ふる音に 白昼夢?
< 2月のイベント紹介 >
2月12日【水】20:00~ 日本人会二水会部オンライン講演会
講師:テート 小畠利子(Mrs)Talkin Image Ltd., Managing Director/founder
参加費:英国日本人会員 無料 / 非会員 3ポンド、
Zoom: 皆様のご自宅より参加いただけます)
<参加申し込み> こちらのリンクよりどうぞ(100名様まで)
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February has begun, and the New Year’s mood has disappeared. How are you doing all? I promised myslf at the beginning of the year, let’s use my time effectively, but when I looked at social media, I reflected on the days when it suddenly became dark… However, the day is getting longer little by little. And it’s February, when plums and camellias are beautiful pinks, whites, and reds that make your eyes and heart excited, and spring is just around the corner.
In Japan, February is Setsubun, and originally it was said that the head of the family, men, women, and people in less fortunate would throw soya beans, but now the head of the family plays the role of demon, and the family throws beans at him/her. I think there are many families who sow it. At the end of the bean-throwing, children are given 1 bean for their age, but as they get older, they have to eat a large number of beans such as 80 years old have to eat 80+1 beans. The tea you want to drink at times like this is called Fukucha. Three lucky beans for bean-throwing, salted kelp, and pickled plums are placed in a hot water cup and hot water is poured over. It is said that if you eat this, you will receive the same benefits even if you do not eat as many beans as your age. When I returned to Japan last year, I bought soybean tea at MUJI, and it was surprisingly fragrant, caffeine-free, and delicious. It has not been sold here in the UK yet, but I’m sure it will become a great hit and very popular.
Also, when you think of Setsubun, you think, “Ehomaki, right?” In fact, this is a relatively new custom, originating in the Kansai region, and although there are various theories, merchants in Osaka used seven kinds of ingredients to make futomaki(rolled sushi) in honor of the Seven Lucky Gods, facing the direction of Toshitokujin. It is said that eating a whole one without saying a word will bring you good health and prosperity in business. I had heard of this custom, but had never practiced it, and during the coronavirus pandemic, Japanese restaurants all delivered it to your home in February, and I also benefited from it, and I was very impressed by how delicious it was.
The lucky direction of the year is also called Ehogami, New Year’s God, and Toshigami, and by the way, the year 2025 is “West-Southwest”. It’s still cold, but spring is almost here! Let’s do our best while taking care of ourselves. Personally, I will be going to India to practice yoga and Ayurveda from mid-February. Please let me talk about that in March. Until then and see you!!
******Here is the usual haiku/senryu ******
Even though I eat beans, I forget how old I am(年の数 豆食べるも 歳忘れ)
Ehomaki Mistaken for the name of a bird (恵方巻 鳥の名前と覚えきや)
Daydreaming to the sound of Kisaragi’s hail?(如月の 雹の音に 白昼夢?)
< February Event information >
Japanese Association Nisui Club online seminar, Wednesday 12th February at 8pm
Title: How to create a home that suits you in the British style
Lecturer: Tate Toshiko Obata (Mrs.) Talkin Image Ltd., Managing Director/founder
Participation fee: British Japanese members: free, non-members: £3,
Online (Zoom), you can participate from your home
<Application for Participation> Please apply from the link here. (Up to 100 people)
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