By Mitsue Finch Uchida
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皆さま、新年が明けたと思いましたら、もう2月です!諺通り、本当に1月は行ってしまいました~。さて2月、如月(きさらぎ)は寒さ のために更に着物を重ねて着るので「衣更着」という説がありますが、日本は1月末には大寒波に見舞われ、まさに大寒の入りですね。旧暦では、2月4日前後の「立春」が1年の始まりでした。立春の前日を「季節を分ける日」という意味の「節分」と称し、豆まきをして一年の穢れ(けがれ)をはらい清める風習が生まれ、豆を煎り、これをまいて鬼を退治し、無病息災を祈る意味があります。一般的に、一家の主人、または年男(女)が豆をまくものとされています。豆まきの後は、年の数だけ豆を食べると無病息災、健康でいられるといわれています。関西発祥の比較的新しい風習に「恵方巻」があります。福を巻き込んだ巻き寿司をその年の恵方を向いて、願い事を念じながら無言で丸かじりします。近年では全国的に広がりつつありますが、古くは「丸かじり寿司」「節分巻き寿司」「幸運巻き寿司」などといわれていたそうです。今年の方角は、南南東(細かくいうと南南東微南)だそうです。ロックダウン中はロンドンのレストランさんがこぞって恵方巻をデリバーされ、私も2年いただきましたが、今年はどうでしょうか。。。この恵方巻については日本にいる時は認識がなく、ロンドンで知った日本の伝統です。面白いですね。海外に来て初めて知る沢山の日本の伝統物品、芸術は本当に目から鱗のものが沢山あります。
さて、まだまだ寒い日が続く2月、でも確実に日が伸びて春の到来も感じられるこの頃、庭や公園ではスノードロップが白い可愛い花を咲かせてくれ、これから春に向けてまた色とりどりのお花のパレードを楽しみにしたいと思います。1月はヨガのポーズ兎年に因み、兎のポーズ(シャシャンカサーナ)で頭頂部の百会のツボを刺激し、眼精疲労、自律神経の調整をやりましたが、2月は寒さの底、そして春に向かって芽吹く力を養うということでマラーサナ(花輪のポーズ)。骨盤内の血流を促し、呼吸を意識することで自律神経を整える効果もUP。丹田と中心軸を意識していきます。通常Asian Squadとも言います。所謂トイレスタイルですが、背骨を伸ばして中心軸を地面に垂直に落として、呼吸を意識して目を閉じでみましょう~
散歩道 ほほに吹く風 やさしさが
犬のしつけ 飼い主から まず先に
子育てが 終わってまた 犬(こ)育てを~
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Hello everyone, it’s already February! As the saying goes, January is leaving so fast. By the way, in February is called Kisaragi when we used to wear more kimonos because of the cold weather, so there is a theory that it is called “clothing clothes”. According to the lunar calendar, the beginning of the year was around February 4th and the beans are put into it, and the beans are sprinkled to get rid of demons and pray for good health. In general, the head of the household or the toshiotoko (woman or man) throws the beans. After the mamemaki, it is said that if you eat as many beans as your age, you will not get sick and stay healthy.
Ehomaki is a relatively new custom that originated in the Kansai region. Face the lucky direction of the year and silently bite into the rolls of sushi rolls that are filled with good fortune while making a wish. In recent years, it has spread all over the country, but in the old days it was called “marukajiri-zushi”, “setsubun-makizushi”, and “lucky makizushi”. This year’s direction is south-southeast (more precisely, south-southeast). During the lockdown, many restaurants in London delivered ehomaki, and I have been receiving them for two years, but what about this year? . This ehomaki is a Japanese tradition that I learned in London when I was in Japan, I was not aware of this tradition and it’s interesting. There are a lot of Japanese traditional goods and arts that I learned for the first time when I came abroad.
It is also the anniversary of love, which is associated with February 14, when the Christian Saint Valentine was martyred for allowing love and marriage, which were forbidden to soldiers at the time. In Europe, it has become established as a day when men and women send message cards and bouquets to each other to express their feelings. It introduced Sint Valentine day in Japan in the late 1970s.
A chocolate maker popularized the Japanese style of Valentine’s Day, where women give chocolates to men with love, but now it seems that giving chocolates on Valentine’s Day in the UK has become established. Many British people have a sweet tooth and love chocolate. . . However, in recent years, it is said that this cacao is very good for the sensor to taste emotional stability and happiness. I also love chocolate, so I want to believe in it and eat it and get a lot of happiness thanks to dopamine 🙂 Well, it’s still cold in February, but the days are definitely getting longer and the arrival of spring can be felt. Snowdrops are blooming cute white flowers in the park, and I would like to look forward to the colourful flower parade again in the coming spring.
January is a yoga pose associated with the year of the rabbit, and I introduced the rabbit pose (Shashankhasana) to stimulate the Hyakue(100 )pressure points on the top of my head, which helped relieve eye strain and regulate the autonomic nervous system, but February is still cold. Marasana (Wreath Pose) for cultivating the bottom of the body and the power to sprout for spring. By promoting blood flow in the pelvis floor and being conscious of breathing, the effect of adjusting the autonomic nerve is also improved. I’m going to be conscious of the detain and the central axis. Also known as the Asian Squad. It’s a so-called Japanese toilet style.
Then, it’s a senryu for the usual haiku~~
On the promenade, the gentler breeze blows on your cheeks now
Training the dog that is fom the dog owner first
After raising a child, raising a dog again~
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