By Mitsue Finch Uchida
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皆さま、本当に ♪さくら、さくら弥生の月は~♪ と、桜咲く3月はやってくるのかしら、こんなに寒いのに…ときっと思っていらっしゃるのではないでしょうか。私もその一人です。1月も行ってしまい、2月は逃げて、3月がやってきましたが、去ってしまったとならないように地に足付けてベストなシーズンでもある弥生の春をイギリスでも楽しみたいですね。
グローバルウオーミングと言われて久しいですが、対策も後ろ手で、とにかく大国がそれをやらないので小国はましてやろうとしないですよね。英国も排気ガス制限を掲げてはいてもまだまだ、そしてこの排気ガスはさして問題ではないというような説も出たりと、現在は情報過多で何を信じていいのやらという時代ですが、こんな時は目を閉じ深呼吸をし、Box Breathingを試してみてください。気分が落ち着き、心のバランスが取れると思います。
3月はお雛祭り、我が家でも娘が生まれて以来、マンション用のお雛様を飾っていますが、今年はまだ出していません。寒いせいか気持ちがそちらに向かないのですが、今日から3月と思い立ってだしてみました。やはりいいものですね。寒さがどこへやら~ほっこりしてきます。3月の和名は「弥生」、「弥」は「ますます・いよいよ」という意味があり「生」は「生い茂る様子で 春が近付き、草木がいよいよ生い茂る様子・時期であること」を表しているそうです。3月3日ひな祭り(島根出身の私は4月3日まで祝っていました) 、3月18日お彼岸、3月は「三日月のかたむき」に注目したいと思います。春の三日月は大きくかたむき、まるで細い船が宵の空に浮かんでいるように見えます。これは春(3月頃)の白道(天球上の月の通り道)が地平線に対して大きく傾いている——ほぼ垂直に近い状態になっているからだと言われ、白道はほぼ黄道(天球上の太陽の通り道)に重なっているため、地平線の下、月のほぼ真下には太陽が位置し、この方向から月を照らすので、春には下側が光った、まるでゴンドラのような形の三日月が見られるというわけです。今年は3月23日からの数日この三日月が見れると言われています。皆さん今月の三日月をお見過ごしないように!
月より団子で お彼岸のお供え物といえば「ぼたもち」または「おはぎ」ですが、このふたつ、何がどう違うのかはご存知ですか?実はどちらも、蒸した餅米を潰し、丸めて餡子で覆った同じものなんです。違うのは作る時期。牡丹が咲く時期であることから春のお彼岸にお供えするものは「ぼたもち(牡丹餅)」、同様に、秋は萩の花に見立てて「おはぎ(御萩)」と呼ばれているようです。最近私はヘルシーなオートミールの粉でグルテンフリーなお団子作りにはまっています。簡単なので皆さんも作ってみてください。
それでは、♪は~るよこい、早く来い♪ ではないですが、元気に三寒四温の春を満喫しましょう。
春風に ほほも緩んで 笑み浮かぶ
春光に 筋トレ勤しみ 汗ひとつ
春日より 仔犬嬉しと 戯れる
花粉症 春が来たかと じつコロナ
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Hello Everyone, I’m sure you’re thinking of this famous Japanese children’s song ♪Sakura, sakura Yayoi’s month~~♪ and I wonder if the cherry blossoms will bloom in March because still it is cold. Well, January and February are all gone and now we are already March and I want to keep my feet on the ground and enjoy the best season of English Yayoi Spring.
How are you coping with rising utility, food and other costs these days, when prices are soaring at a dizzying pace? The shelves in the Veg section of the supermarket were empty the other day, so what happened I wondered? I was told that vegetables and fruits were scarce due to bad weather and EU-related problems. This has happened several times before (for various reasons), but we managed to overcome it, so I didn’t think about it too seriously. Is it time to rent a garden or think about converting your home garden from decisive to a vegetable garden? Even so, I’m worried that if the weather is bad, I can’t control it, and I would like to sincerely thank the farmers from the bottom of my heart!!
It’s been a long time since it’s been called global warming, but countermeasures are lagging behind. Even though the UK has set a limit on exhaust emissions, there is still a long way to go, and there are some theories that exhaust emissions are not a big problem. We are bombarded by all information and social media so please Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and try Box Breathing. I think you can calm down and balance your mind. Please do try from time to time.
March is the girls Festival, and since our daughter was born, we have been decorating with dolls(Ohinamatsuri)but we haven’t put them out yet this year. I don’t feel like it because it’s still cold, but I decided to start it because today is 1st of March and begging of Spring!! Displaying these spring dolls Wherever the cold is, I feel already warmer.
The Japanese name for March is ‘Yayoi’, ‘Ya’ means more and more and finally, and ‘生’ means that the spring is approaching and the plants are finally growing. March 3rd Hinamatsuri (I was from Shimane and celebrated until April 3rd) , March 18th Ohigan In March, I would like to pay attention to “Crescent Moon Katamuki”. The spring crescent moon is large and tilts, making it look like a thin boat floating in the evening sky.
It is said that this is because the white path (the path of the moon on the celestial sphere) in spring (around March) is greatly inclined to the horizon—it is almost vertical, and the white path is almost the ecliptic (the path on the celestial sphere). The path of the sun), so the sun is positioned below the horizon and almost directly below the moon, and since the moon shines from this direction, the crescent moon looks like a gondola with its lower side shining in spring. You can see it. It is said that you can see this crescent moon for a few days from March 23rd this year. Don’t miss this month’s crescent moon!
Dumplings from the moon Speaking of offerings for the equinox, botamochi and ohagi, do you know what the difference is between the two? Actually, both of them are the same thing that steamed glutinous rice is crushed, rolled up and covered with red bean paste.
The difference is the time of making. Since it is the season when peonies bloom, the offerings offered to the equinoctial week in spring are called botamochi (peony rice cakes), and in autumn, they are called ohagi (ohagi), which resembles the flowers of bush clover. Lately I’ve been obsessed with making gluten-free dumplings with healthy oatmeal flour. It’s easy, so please try making it yourself.
Well then, just like a song ♪ welcome spring and please do come quickly ♪we are longing a spring and let’s enjoy the early spring!!!
Here is the usual haiku and senryu~
*Haru no kaze hohoyurumi emiukabu (The spring breeze loosens my cheeks and makes me smile)
*Harunohikari kintore asehitotsu (Under spring light worked hard for muscle training and one sweated)
*Harubiyori koinu ureshito tawamureru
*Under spring warm light puppy happily running round (Hay fever I thought spring had come, but in fact corona)
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