
By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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さて、3月の語源「弥生」を少し紐解いてみました。「弥」には、いよいよという意味、「生」には生い茂るという意味があり、草木がいよいよ生い茂る月という意味のようですね。そして3月は桃の節句、ひな祭りと素敵な響きの行事が沢山ですね。私もマンション用のお雛様(母からいただいた娘の物) を毎年飾っていますが、今年はまだ仮住まい中という関係で出来ないかもです。それでも私の好きな甘酒はいただきたいです!これはまさに花より団子でしょうか。





 花見酒 霰の下で 酔いもさめ

 水仙の 色と香りで パーヒューム

 ひな人形 ジェンダー問題 ここかしこ

 夜桜の 場所取りするよ イギリスも


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Hi everyone, I would like to say that spring has finally arrived, but we still have to take care due to some sever cold weather in March. Still, daffodils and crocus flowers in gardens and parks are soothing to the eyes. Now, King Charles is ill, and Harry immediately arrives from America. According to Nostradamus’ prophecy, the king will change hands this year, and the timing of the king will not follow the order of succession. . . Moreover, wars continue in various places such as Ukraine, Russia, Palestine, the Middle East, and Africa, and I wonder what Nostradamus would say about the future of our world. There are things I would like to know. This month too, I want to take a deep breath in and out, keep my feet on the ground, and feel the light breeze of spring as if my upper body was being pulled by an invisible thread.

Now, let’s unpack the etymology of March, “Yayoi”. “Ya” means finally, and “raw” means to grow, so it seems to mean the month when plants and trees are finally growing. And in March, there are many wonderful-sounding events such as the plum Festival and the Doll’s Festival. I also have a doll for my apartment (my daughter’s one given to her by her granny).

I decorate it every year, but I might not be able to do it this year because I’m still living in a temporary accommodation. Still, I would like to try my favourite amazake!!!

Now, on a personal note, it has already been six months since I started living in East London. I got to know a few people in this town, and the first one I met was the corner shop owner who sells the hats/caps and I like visiting his shop.  His customers are diverse and truly a melting pot.  I met two unique and eccentric gentlemen who wore sunglasses that are from the 60’s fashion and hunting hats (sold at the corner shop) no matter whether it rained or snowed.  The Two gentlemen love gossiping with every shop on the high street and often I see them chatting with different shop owners and such scenes are gradually disappearing from the street of London and I think they are very valuable characters as I listen to them with a smile on my face, but I often find it hard to understand the English because of the strong East End accent. Now, I feel somewhat melancholy thinking that I will soon be saying goodbye to such a town.

    Now let’s go back to March in Japan. Cherry blossoms bloom from the south, and a “cherry blossom front” is announced every day. I hear that the Japanese Association of UK is also running a campaign to plant cherry blossom trees in the UK, and that thousands of cherry trees have already been planted in the UK.  A famous story is that Collingwood Ingram (1880-1981), a gardener who was active in the final stages of the British Empire, was fascinated by cherry blossoms and visited Japan three times during the Meiji and Taisho eras to collect them. A number of rare cherry blossoms travelled across the ocean and were planted in the garden of his home in the village of Benenden, Kent, creating a spectacular “cherry orchard” with over 120 varieties. It is said that thanks to Ingram, we can see a wide variety of cherry blossoms in Britain today.

I hope that spring will come sooner, and let’s enjoy Hanami in London!!!

Now, here’s my usual goofy haiku and senryu.

  • Admiring Cherry blossom while drinking Sake, under the hail, sobering up
  • Healed by the scent and colour of daffodils
  • Doll’s Festival Can’t say gender about Hina dolls
  • Reserve a spot for the cherry blossoms viewing with sake at night in England too.

Here is Instagram for house renovation etc, please follow!

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