アクセスアポ歳時記4 月卯月(うづき)2023年 

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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4月は英国ではイースター復活祭ですね。春の女神である「Eostre(エオストレ)」や春の月名「Eostre monat(エオストレモナト)」に由来するといわれ、イエス・キリストの復活を祝うキリスト教ではもっとも大切な行事のひとつです。春分の日のあと、最初の満月の次の日曜日、イースターからの7日間が復活祭と決められていて、そして復活祭の休暇はは4月7日がGood Friday 、10日がEaster Mondayとなっています。卵の殻をカラフルに彩る「イースターエッグ」をつくったり、子どもたちが探して遊ぶ「エッグハント」、そのほかにも殻を割らないよう坂や丘の上から卵を転がす「エッグロール」や卵をスプーンにのせ落とさないよう気をつけながら競う「エッグレース」などがイースターの行事としてあります。しかし、Easter Chocolate Eggはチョコレート会社の商戦から生まれたというもので、クリスマスそしてバレンタインデーが終わると同時に、スーパーにはエッグチョコが陳列されますね。年々季節の食材の陳列が早くなっている傾向が見られると感じるのは私だけでしょうか。

「イースターエッグ」は生命の象徴。イエス・キリストが十字架上で亡くなってから3日目に復活したことと、ひよこが卵の殻を破って誕生することをかけているといわれ、そのほかイースターでは、卵料理を食べたり、十字の飾りをつけた「ホットクロスバン」が出回り、昨今では今までのレーズンやスパイス系のほかに豊富な種類が発売され、これまたスーパーが競って毎年エスカレートしてきていますね。でも私は矢張りオーソドックスなものに軍配でしょうか。それでも少し違う種類のものを試してみようかしら~と誘惑に負けExtremely cheesyを購入してみました~。お味は御想像にお任せいたします・・・

さて、個人的には3月の終わりにチェルマットに2019年振り(この時はなんと40年振りのスキーでした!)のなんちゃってスキーをしてきました。しかしあまりの物価の高さに目が点!イギリスどころではなくコーヒーが一杯6ポンド近くもして、イギリスが安く感じられてしまう皮肉さ。これもスイスの生活水準、高収入から来ているものなので、本当に太刀打ちはできないですね。しかしマッターホルンの神聖な姿を拝見して、物価高もどこへやら。ヨガでMountain Poseというのがあるのですが、何事にも動じない、山がそこにある!!を体感しました。


また、3月からサンシャインさんがWest endに戻ってきました!次回は5月の公演ですので改めてご紹介させてくださいませ。


        花の雲   教会の鐘 たかだかと

        小鳥たち  朝の演奏 うららかに

        ほめ過ぎて 言うこと聞かぬ うちの犬

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Hello Everyone, last month March was a chilly and wet month and I remember this time last year as well… I hope everyone is keeping well.

“Uzuki” is the Japanese name for April. The name comes from the season when the deutzia flower “Utsugi” blooms.  And Japanese food called Unohana=Okara is also from this flower name.

April is of course Easter in EU and UK. It is said to be derived from the goddess of spring “Eostre” and the name of the spring month “Eostre monat”, and it is one of the most important events in Christianity to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

After the vernal equinox, the first Sunday after the first full moon, the seven days from Easter are determined to be Easter, and the Easter holiday this year are April 7th (Good Friday) and April 10th (Easter Monday). There are also activities such as making “Easter Eggs” that colorfully decorate egg shells, “Egg Hunts” that children look for and play with, and “Egg Rolls” where eggs are rolled from hills and hills so as not to break the shells. There is an Easter event such as the “Egg Race” where people compete while being careful not to drop eggs on the spoon. However, the Easter Chocolate Egg was born from the chocolate company’s sales strategy, and as soon as Christmas and Valentine’s Day are over, chocolate eggs will be displayed in supermarkets shelves. Am I the only one who feels that seasonal food tends to be displayed earlier each year?

By the way, “Easter egg” is a symbol of life. It is said that the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his death on the cross and the birth of a chick breaking the shell of an egg are combined. “Hot cross buns are on the market, and nowadays there are a wide variety of kinds such as typical raisins and spices on chocolate, dates and nuts, salted caramel, cheesy taste and more and the supermarkets is escalating more variety they produce every year. Although I feel I like the original the best, I decided to try something a little different and bought Extremely cheesy.  I will leave the taste to your imagination. . .

Personally, at the end of March I went skiing in Zermatt in Switzerland where I was last time in 1979 for a skiing then went to skiing in 2019 after 40 years apart.  I was so amazed that I remembered how to do skiing.  However, the price is so high in Zermatt where a cup of coffee costs nearly 6 pounds! This is also due to the standard of living and high income in Switzerland, so it is really impossible to compete. However, seeing the sacred appearance of the Matterhorn, it really doesn’t matter. There is a mountain pose in yoga, there is a mountain that is not shaken by anything!!

At the change of the season, there are many people who feel irritated and tired from eye and liver fatigue. Let’s do yoga to soothe tired eyes and head with this video and take care of the liver (the largest organ in the human body).       

Mr Katsura Sunshine has been back in West end since March. The next performance is in May. Let me introduce you again at nearest time.

So please keep up with the usual haiku and senryu.

        Flower Clouds Church Bell ringing proudly

                              Little birds singing morning concert spring has come

        I prised too much My dog ​​doesn’t listen to what I say

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