By Mitsue Finch Uchida
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5月と言えば、連休のゴールデンウイーク。そして立春から88日目(八十八夜)の5月2日辺りは「茶摘み」の時期にもあたり、昔から、八十八夜に摘んだお茶を飲むと長生きするといわれています。八十八夜といえば新茶のイメージが強いのは、「夏も近づく八十八夜……」という歌詞で始まる唱歌がありますね。そして、5月5日の子供の日の鯉のぼり、「登竜門」 という古代中国の故事からきています。ある時、一匹の鯉が激しい滝水に逆らいながら竜門を登りきったところ、鯉は竜へと変身し天に昇っていったという話です。中国では竜は皇帝の象徴でもあり、とても縁起のいいものです。今年は竜年でしたね。もともと日本では、武家に男の子が生まれると家紋のついた旗や幟(のぼり)を立てて祝う風習があり、のちに江戸庶民の間で立身出世のシンボルとなった鯉を幟にするアイディアが生まれ、武家は幟、町人は鯉幟(こいのぼり)を揚げるようになったそうです。子どもの健やかな成長を祈る気持ちでもありました。
老眼に もゆる新緑 まぶしすぎ
蕨摘み くるくる頭 かわいいね
小雨ふり 新緑まぶし 雨上がり
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☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆
I hear that summer is already in Japan, but what about in the UK? At last, the rainy days have turned into warm, sunny days. Well, everyone is keeping well. There is so called “May sickness,” in which new employees and students become mentally suffering because they are unable to get used to their new environment in Japan. Have you ever heard about this? I have a somewhat similar experience when I was 20 years old and as a fresh college leaver and I got a job at an American medical device company, and I was excited to join the company and I still remember being very nervous about taking a new step as a full-time employee as fresh graduate. The company decided to send me, a new employee, on a business trip to a major Japanese pharmaceutical company (headquartered in Osaka). I couldn’t sleep the night before, and on the day of the big day I had a stomach cramp and couldn’t eat anything. However, everyone in Osaka treated me very kindly, and I was able to complete my mission well. My stomach felt better and I remember going out to eat delicious food with my friends in Osaka. It is often said that illness originates from the mind. However, my boss was also seemed to know how to take down the Osaka merchants, so when they sent a 20-year-old young lady (me) to the rival camp, our trouble client listened to everything what I had to say and they all accepted!!! Nowadays, we have become a society where men and women are equal and there is no disparity, so stories like this no longer work and if it is so it would be a big issue.
Speaking of May, it’s so called a Golden Week in Japan. Around May 2nd, the 88th day after the first day of spring (the 88th night), is also the time for picking new tea leaves, and it has been said since ancient times that drinking tea picked on the 88th night will lead to a long life. When we think of 88 nights, we have a strong image of Shincha(New tea), as there is a song that begins with the lyrics, “Summer approaches…88 nights…” The carp streamer on Children’s Day, May 5th, comes from an ancient Chinese story called “”Toryumon” . The story goes that one day, a carp climbed up the dragon gate against the mighty waterfall, and the carp transformed into a dragon and ascended to heaven. In China, the dragon is also a symbol of the emperor and is considered as a very lucky. This year was the year of the dragon!!
Originally, in Japan, when a son was born to a samurai family, there was a custom to celebrate by setting up a flag or banner with the family crest on it, and later the idea of using a carp, which became a symbol of career advancement among the merchant people of Edo, was born. It is said that samurai families began to fly flags, and ordinary family began to fly carp streamers and wishing all the children grow healthy and well.
Now, here’s my usual goofy haiku/senryu.
*Fresh green leaves are too bright for presbyopia
*Cute bracken picking round head
*Light rain sprinkled with fresh greenery After the rain
< Information >
1) This is my Instagram for the weight training and house renovation: #
2) Katsura Sushine will perform in May again after successful April show in West End. Click here for the tickets!
Let’s enjoy the wonderful month of May!
From all of us at Access Appointment
☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆