By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointment
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また6月の第3日曜日は「父の日」。その言われは、アメリカの南北戦争当時、6人の子供を持つ家庭のお父さんが出兵している間、お母さんが留守を守り子育てや全ての仕事をしていたのですが、過労のために母はお父さんが復員後この世を去り、その後は、お父さんが6人の子供を立派に育て、その後ろ姿を見て育った一人の末娘が、1909年に父を称えて「父の日」を提唱し、父の誕生月にあたる6月に父の日の式典が開催されるようになり、その後6月の第3日曜日が「父の日」となって1972年にアメリカの正式な記念日となりました。「母の日」がカーネーションだったように、「父の日」にはバラを贈るそうです。そしてその娘さんが、父親の好きだったバラを選び、白いバラを父のお墓に供えたことに由来します。日本では、80年代に父の日が国民的イベントとなっていき、「ベスト・ファーザー イエローリボン賞」などの活動を行う『FDC 日本ファーザーズ・デイ委員会』が提唱する「黄色」を父の日カラーとするところが増えました。古来、イギリスでは「黄色」は身を守るための色とされ、アメリカで「黄色いリボン」は「愛する人の無事を願うもの」のシンボルとなりました。花に関していえば、黄色いバラやヒマワリのほか、白いバラ、白いユリなども支持されているようですね。そして6月21日は夏至、ついに待望の夏!7、8月は10時くらいまで明るいので野外生活を満喫いたしましょう。
ところで歳時とは関係ないですが、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻は今も終わることが無く、それ以上に狂気の沙汰と言えるような状態で爆撃が進み、残酷な状態になっています。Stop the warと言いながらその声は風に吹かれ、空気中に消滅しています。どうしてなんでしょうか…。そして3ヶ月経ちウクライナの人たちは大半は国外へ、しかし男性は未だにキエフやその近辺で防御、防衛しながら攻撃しているようです。彼らの精神、忍耐力の強じんさは想像を絶します。とにかくプーチンさんに一日も早く人を殺すのはやめて、笑顔で人生送りましょうと誰か助言していただけないでしょうか!!!!!
さて、5月の終わりには、北斎漫画で感銘を受けたヨガのお話をするチャンスがありました。いつかこの北斎が描いている江戸庶民が楽しそうにヨガポーズをしている病者の漫画のヨガについて話してみたいと思っていたので、スモールグループの方々と共有できてとても幸せでした。そして北斎ヨガの一番のポイントは「肚」(おへそから指3本くらい下がったところ=丹田)に意識を向けるということで、体の中心軸がうまく取れ(ブレない)そして肚呼吸をすることで気分が落ち着いてきます(Grounding)。それはまさに忙しい私達の今日の生活のヒントを江戸時代から現代に頂き受け継いでいるようです。北斎の墓石に刻まれた名前は晩年の画号「画狂老人卍墓」。“画に狂った老人”という名に凄味を感じると同時に、己の信じた道を歩みきった人間のすばらしさを感じさせてくれます~~。それでは、最後に北斎のお話に因み、詩人・日本美術評論家でもあるアメリカのRoger Keyesさんの詩をお聞きください。
この詩に読まれているように、keep looking, stay curious and there is no end to seeing…….
ここで俳句と川柳をご紹介 (最近の写真もご一緒に!):
⁂雨粒が サンダル足に 梅雨の色 ⁂北斎の 江戸を真似て見 ヨガ漫画
⁂いつの世も おへその下に 肚かかえ ⁂紫陽花の あでやか色の 万華鏡
さて、締めはサンシャイン落語です。5月は彼は新型コロナに感染してロンドンに出てこれなくなり、急きょ高座はキャンセルとなりました。彼もとても残念がっており、6月で皆さんに2倍、3倍にしてお返しいたしますと張り切っているようです。6月も皆様沢山お越しいただければと、One get One Freeの特別コード「sun2」をいただいています。是非皆さまお誘い合わせてご来場くださいませ。公演は6月18日土曜日午後3時半からです。チケット購入はこちらからどうぞ!
Hi everyone, we now enter the month of June and I hope you are doing well. And nowadays, as if Corona is over, more and more people are packing in suitcases and going on a trip. But now there would be people infected with monkeypox here and there. We really need a very happy and fun stories but unfortunately there are many cancelled flights because staff shortage at the airports.
Now, Let’s change our mood, and June is the season for changing clothes. When I was a student, the rainy season came all at once from June, and the weather was dull. In the Edo period, the variety of kimonos increased, and the samurai society decided to change clothes four times a year according to the climate, and it spread to the ordinary(non-samurai) people. As military personnel began to wear uniforms and the calendar changed to the new calendar, summer clothes and winter clothes were changed twice a year, and this awareness of changing clothes permeated schools and homes, and it continues to this day.
The third Sunday in June is “Father’s Day”. It is said that at the time of the American Civil War, while the father of a family with six children was dispatched, the mother did all the work such as raising children, but due to overwork, the mother passed away when their father returned from the war and he did work and brought his family up with single hand. The youngest daughter, who grew up looking at his back after raising six children, celebrated his Father’s Day in 1909. After advocating, the ceremony for Father’s Day began to be held in June, which is the month of the birth of my father, and then the third Sunday of June became “Father’s Day”, and in 1972 it became the official anniversary of the United States. rice field. Just as “Mother’s Day” was a carnation, he will give roses on Father’s Day. And it comes from the fact that the daughter chose the rose that her father liked and offered the white rose to her father’s grave.
In Japan, Father’s Day became a national event in the 1980s, and “Yellow” advocated by the “FDC Japan Father’s Day Committee”, which conducts activities such as the “Best Father Yellow Ribbon Award”, is Father’s Day. The number of places to use colour has increased. Since ancient times, “yellow” has been regarded as a protective colour in England, and “yellow ribbon” has become a symbol of “a wish for the safety of a loved one” in the United States. As for flowers, it seems that yellow roses and sunflowers, as well as white roses and white lilies are supported. And June 21st is the summer solstice, and finally the long-awaited summer. .. It is bright until about 10 o’clock in July and August, so let’s enjoy the outdoor life.
By the way, it has nothing to do with seasonal events, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has never ended, and the bombing has progressed in a state that can be said to be crazier, and it is in a cruel state. Even though we say Stop the war, the voice is blown by the wind and disappears in the air. Why is that. .. .. And three months has past, most Ukrainians go abroad, but men still seem to be fighting and while defending in and around Kyiv. Their spirit and patience are unimaginable. Anyway, could anyone advise Putin to stop killing people as soon as possible and live his life with a smile! !! !! !! !!
Well, at the end of May, I had a chance to talk about yoga that impressed me with Hokusai Manga. One day I wanted to talk about Hokusai Manga and yoga. Edo people who are happily doing yoga poses drawn by Hokusai, so I was very happy to share it with the people of the small group. And the most important point of Hokusai yoga is to focus on “肚” (where about 3 fingers go down from the navel = Tanda), so that the central axis of the body can be taken well (no blurring) and breathing. It makes me feel calm (Grounding).
It seems that we have inherited the hints of our busy life from the Edo period to the present day. The name engraved on Hokusai’s tombstone is the late-life painting “Gagô Elderly Swastika Tomb”. At the same time as I feel the name “old man who is crazy about painting”, it makes me feel the wonderfulness of a human being who has walked the path he believed in. we hope live in a peaceful world and see you again in July.
☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆