
By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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(Please scroll below for the English version)

5月もあっという間に行ってしまいましたね。皆さまお変わりございませんでしょうか。「若草もゆる」と思いきや、今年は何だかすっきりしないお天気ですが、夏日は6月に期待いたしましょう。「千と千尋の神隠し」ロンドンで上演されていますね。ご存知のように伝説的なアニメーター・映画監督の宮崎駿による、スタジオジブリのアカデミー賞受賞作『 千と千尋の神隠し』を、オリヴィエ賞/トニー賞を受賞した『レ・ミゼラブル』の演出 家ジョン・ケアードが舞台として再構築。色彩感あふれる舞台、しかも日本語で英語の字幕スーパーというあまり耳にしない舞台を観て感動しました!日本のアニメ文化が本当にArtとして認められた瞬間と言いますか嬉しい現実です。

Don Panko

また個人的には長年の友人がMadridに日本の広島風お好み焼き「Okonomi san」をオープンしたのをお祝いして、サプライズVisitで週末行きました。彼のレストランではWineではなく、お酒、日本のビール、お酒ベースのカクテル、日本のウイスキーしか出さないというユニークさ。スペイン人の彼は日本人以上に日本の食材を吟味して、広島からオタフクソースを輸入し、お好み焼きも大変美味しいのですが、うどんの美味しさには感激しました。それもそのはず、讃岐うどんを使い、揚げ玉タラコうどん(釜揚げ讃岐うどんに辛子明太子(カナダ産)に卵黄がのっている)の美味しいこと~!!もう一軒の「Don panko」レストランではパン粉は北海道、豚肉は勿論イベリコ、麹につけて柔らかくしてと。。。それはそれはもう目から鱗でした。もっと近ければ毎晩でもいくのになああって思いました。また行きたいです~。Madridに行かれる機会があればぜひ「おこのみさん」「ドンパンコ」に足を運ばれてみてください。

日本はそろそろ梅雨ですね。そして紫陽花が色とりどりに花をつけて本当に華やかですね。私の郷里島根はこの紫陽花でも豪華な「万華鏡」「銀河」という新品種を作り出し、Flower of the yearを毎年勝ち取っています。その花の一つ一つが本当に万華鏡のごとく華やかで咲き誇っています。是非日本のご友人とかにプレゼントして差し上げるととても喜ばれること間違いなしでしょう。と宣伝させていただきました。


此処で愚俳句と川柳; まずは川柳から~

*梅雨のあめ 酸っぱい、甘いの どちらなの?

*雨降って 地固まれば 無災害

*紫陽花の 花びら数え 万華鏡

☆☆ お知らせ ☆☆


能登震災コンサー が開催されます。チケットはこちらからどうぞ


☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

May has flown by in a flash. I hope you are all well. I thought the grass would grow greener, but this year the weather has been rather gloomy, but let’s look forward to summer days in June. “Spirited Away” is being performed in London. As you know, the Academy Award-winning Studio Ghibli film “Spirited Away” by legendary animator and film director Hayao Miyazaki has been reconstructed as a stage production by Olivier and Tony Award-winning director John Caird, who also directed “Les Miserables”. I was moved by the colorful stage with Japanese audio along with the subtitles in English! It’s great to see Japanese anime culture has truly been recognized as art.

On a personal event, I made a surprise visit to my long-time friend who opened a Japanese Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki restaurant, “Okonomi san,” in Madrid. His restaurant is unique – it serves only Japanese sake, Japanese beer, sake-based cocktails, and Japanese whiskey, but no wines. As a Spaniard, he carefully selects Japanese ingredients more than native Japanese, importing Otafuku sauce from Hiroshima. His okonomiyaki is very delicious, and I was also impressed by the deliciousness of his udon noodle. They use Sanuki udon and have a delicious “Agetama Tarako udon” (Kamaage Sanuki udon noodle topped with spicy cod roe (from Canada) and egg yolk)!! At his another restaurant, “Don panko,” the bread crumbs are from Hokkaido, and the pork is of course Iberico, softened by soaking it in koji… It was an eye-opener. If it were closer, I would go there every night. I’d definitely like to go again. If you have a chance to go to Madrid, please visit “Okonomi san” and “Don panko.”

It’s almost the rainy season in Japan. And the colourful hydrangeas are really gorgeous. My hometown, Shimane, has created gorgeous new varieties of hydrangea called “Kaleidoscope” and “Galaxy”, which win the Flower of the Year award every year. Each flower is as gorgeous as a kaleidoscope and blooms in full glory. I’m sure your friends in Japan will be delighted if you give them as gifts!

As for the UK, a general election is scheduled this July, and we will be keeping a close eye on June to see how far the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, and the Liberal Democrats campaign to gain, or how far they will be dragged down.

Here are my usual – some haiku and senryu

*Rainy season candy (Ame) – sour or sweet?

*When the rain falls and the ground hardens, there will be no disasters

*Counting Hydrangea Petals reminds of Kaleidoscope

☆☆ Information ☆☆

Following the success of Rakugo performance in May, Katsura Sunshine will be coming to Leicester Square again in June. Please check here for the tickets. Here is a special discount code (£10 for any seats) for you – “ SUNMITUE”

A Concert for Noto Earthquake will be held in London on 29th June. Tickets are available here.

The UK Ekiden (a Japanese tradition of relay racing) will be held in UK on 24th June 2024 for the first time.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆