
By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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そして、7月は海開き!海の日は「海の恩恵に感謝するとともに、海洋国日本の繁栄を願う」という趣旨で祝日に制定され、「世界の国々の中で『海の日』を国民の祝日としている国は唯一日本だけ」とのこと。 1996年に国民の祝日として施行されましたが、当初「海の日」は7月20日(夏休みが始まる日)でした。2003年に祝日法が改正されると、いわゆるハッピーマンデーにより「7月第3月曜日」になりました。なお、2020年と2021年は東京五輪の関係で「海の日」「山の日」「スポーツの日」の3つの祝日が移動されていましたが、2022年は元に戻ったということです。イギリスでは残念ながら「海の日」は存在しませんが、夏到来はやはりウインブルドンのストロベリー&クリーム、ピムスというカクテルの夏のドリンクでしょうか。ぜひ試してみてください!

さて、最後はいつものサンシャイン落語です。6月も元気に彼の存在をアピールしてくれました。そして7月を最後にこれからは季節ごとのウエストエンド公演となるそうです。One get One Freeの特別コード『sun2』 をいただいています。是非皆さまお誘い合わせてご来場くださいませ。公演は7月23日土曜日午後3時半からです。チケット購入はこちらからどうぞ!


   かごの中 蛍がひかる 夏しぐれ

   西瓜食べ 種だし昔 懐かしい  

   かき氷 飲み込むたびに 冷え感じ

   海開き 人とごみとの 山開き  

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It is July already!! This year’s Wimbledon started with the audiences.  And in Japan, the days of intense heat continue as soon as the rainy season ends, and it seems that the temperature is soaring and it gets hotter every year. I hope everyone is doing well.

Personally, I enjoyed a small trip to Holland and Portugal in June. In Amsterdam, bicycles were of course but two-seater microcars ran around the town like bicycles.  And I really enjoyed sunny days in Portugal with the breeze from the coast and the deliciousness of the fish dishes.  I thought that the UK was also delicious, but I was reminded of the difference in freshness when I travelled to Portugal for the first time in two years.

It seems that there were various strikes on airplanes and trains (it will continue …), but thanks to the fact that I planned my trip with plenty of time, I was lucky to proceed smoothly and comfortably. Also, I was blessed with the weather and these were the first travel since 2019. I have enjoyed it from the bottom of my heart. Perhaps I planned well this trip with ample time and if you have enough time than usual and you can relax at the airport, the chaotic scenery around you may look nice and a smile will come to you!!!

Speaking of July, it’s Tanabata. One of the events is to write songs and letters on a strip of paper and pray for the improvement of calligraphy. It is called “Tanabata no Sekku” because it is held in the evening of “Sasa no Sekku”, and it is also called “Sasa no Sekku” because it is held using bamboo grass. It is a typical Japanese summer event and so good!!

And the sea opens in July in Japan! Marine Day was established as a national holiday with the purpose of “thank you for the blessings of the sea and wish for the prosperity of Japan, a maritime nation.” And that. It was enforced as a national holiday in 1996, but initially “Marine Day” was July 20 (the day when summer vacation begins).When the Holidays Act was amended in 2003, it became “the third Monday of July” due to so-called Happy Monday. In 2020 and 2021, three holidays, “Marine Day,” “Mountain Day,” and “Sports Day,” were moved due to the Tokyo Olympics, but in 2022 they have returned to their original state.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as “Marine Day” in the UK, but the arrival of summer is probably the summer drink of Wimbledon’s strawberry & cream and Pimm’s cocktail. Please, try them when you can!

Well, the last is the usual Sunshine Rakugo. He also appealed his performance well in June. And it seems that it will be a seasonal West End performance from now on and it will be the last performance till late Autumn.. I have received a special code “sun2” for One get One Free. Please come and join us. The performance will start at 3:30 pm on Saturday, July 23rd.

Haiku and senryu here:

Fireflies in the basket Summer shower (かごの中 蛍がひかる 夏しぐれ)

Eating watermelon, seeds out from it, nostalgic (西瓜食べ 種だし昔 懐かしい)  

Every time I swallow the shaved ice, it feels cold (かき氷 飲み込むたびに 冷え感じ)

Opening the sea, opening the mountain between people and garbage (海開き 人とごみとの 山開き)  

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