By Mitsue Uchida Finch
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さて、私事ですが、7月に娘が何と500㎞ロンドンーパリ間チャリテイ自転車ライドにチャレンジし、4日間で見事完走するという快挙を成し遂げました。このチャレンジで、人間的に一回り大きくなり、素敵な友人もできたようで、人間チャレンジは大なり小なりいくつになってもし続けたいものですね!!チャレンジと言えば、何といっても英国女子フットボールユーロチャンピンシップでの優勝は素晴らしいの一言に尽きます!!今迄は女子サッカーと言えばサッカー場のスタンドはガラガラ、技術も男子と比較され、TVでの放映も人気が出ずでした。しかし今回のウエンブリーのスタンドはびっしりと埋まり、その勢いに乗っての優勝。私も思い切り応援しました。近所のパブでも多いに盛り上がったようでした。Girls Powerの復活ですね!そしてこの勢いに乗って首相も女性になる可能性も大となりましたが、その行方はいかにと色々と今夏は話題が満載です。
最後に私達が応援している落語家、桂三輝さんの7月公演も盛況でした。次回は9月にイタリア人コメデイアンとのコラボを企画し、皆さんを楽しませてくれるそうです。是非ともご来場くださいませ。チケットはこちらからどうぞ。「Sun2」のコードで2 for 1で購入いただけますので、ご家族ご友人とご一緒に楽しんでくださいませ。
ぶどうの木 ルーツの深さに 驚嘆し
ホースバン 馬に乗るのを 禁止かと
スイカ割 薄目開けては エイヤーと
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How are you all doing? As you know we had unbearable and unusual very hot days in July which set a new record by breaking the highest temperature in the history in the UK. Thankfully it has returned to usual comfortable summer in London now and the heat lasted for two days, which were incomparable to the summer in Japan. It feels like summer has already gone, but it’s August now, and I hope to enjoy our short summer!
August is called “Hazuki” in Japanese. It seems that the month when the leaves turn red and fall, “Haochitsuki” has changed to “Hazuki”. But we wonder the leaves fall in autumn… In fact August was autumn in the Lunar calendar. The summer feature of Japan is the small bell tin (called Furin in Japanese). It came from China and became popular and hung from the eaves etc. to make you feel cool while enjoying the sound of the wind blowing, but when I visited my friend’s house where I found several wind chimes were hung on the wall of the house. It was an exotic Asian accessory rather than “cooling” summer traditional in Japan.
And in old Tokyo, the appearance of selling wind chimes was the famous summer tradition. It is said that until about three years ago, there were people around Kabukicho who put a lot of wind chimes on a large frame and sold them. When it gets close to Obon (mid-August), it will move from Tokyo in order to sell them in Sapporo. However, it seems such a tradition is disappearing year by year, and it’s sad to lose such thing!
“Hiyashi chuka” appears in place of ramen in this season. This is an abbreviation for “chilled Chinese soba” and seems to have been originated in Japan, which roots were created by the Chinese restaurant in Sendai city in 1945. In addition, somen noodles can be refreshed when it’s hot in the summer, that was very much appreciated during the intense heat of July in London.
The sound of the noisy cicada disappeared before I knew it, and it made me feel the summer end where the sounds of insects could be heard and it was also a time when I felt a little melancholic. When I was a kid, the end of August was a big deal to finish my homework, and just imagining it made me feel cold sweat. How was everyone?
Personally, in July my daughter took on the challenge of a 500km London-Paris charity bicycle ride, and made a feat of completing the race for four days. It seems that this challenge has made her grown and she have made wonderful friends! Every challenging is such a beautiful thing no matter how big or small it is. Speaking of challenges, winning the British Women’s Football Euro championship is a great achievement! !! Until now, when it comes to women’s football, the stands are rattled, the technique is compared with that of men and the broadcast on TV wasn’t popular sadly. However, this time Wembley was packed tightly, and they took advantage of that momentum to win the championship. I heard there was a lot of excitement in the pubs in the neighbourhood as well as in town. Girls Power is back! In additions, there is a great possibility that the prime minister would become a woman again, there’re many things happening this summer!
Finally, the July performance of Rakugoka Katsura Sunshine, who we support, was also a great success. Next time, in September, he plans more exciting performance to collaborate with Italian Comedian! You can book the ticket here, also you can get “2 for 1” using promo code [Sun2]
< Here’s August Haiku /Senryu>
Vine tree deep roots what a surprise (ぶどうの木 ルーツの深さに 驚嘆し)
Hose van forbidden riding horse I thought (ホースバン 馬に乗るのを 禁止かと)
watermelon game I cheat with slightly eyes opened (スイカ割 薄目開けては エイヤーと)
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