By Mitsue Finch Uchida
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皆さま、いつの間にかLong weekend Bank holidayも終わり、いよいよ秋、9月です。そこで、英国のこのバンクホリデーとは、クリスマスやイースターなどの「宗教的な祝日」と、「労働者の休息日」の2種類の祝日があると言われ、「労働者の休息日」にはこの「バンクホリデー(Bank Holiday)」が適応され、1871年に制定されたBank Holidays Act(銀行休日法)という法律に由来しているとのこと。元々は銀行員の休日として設定されたのですが、銀行の取引ができないために多くの企業や学校も休日となり、今では国民の祝日(Public Holiday)のような位置付けになったと言われています。
そして、バンクホリデーは、「Early May」「Spring」「Summer」と3回あり、5月(2回)と8月(1回)の「月曜日」に設定されています。それでも日本の祝日は年間16日あり、主要7カ国(G7)で最も多く 2020年の祝日数はイタリアとカナダが12日、フランスは11日、英国とドイツは9日でした。なので日本は有給休暇が少ない分、祝祭日でどうもカバーされているような気がしますがいかがでしょうか。
ひまわりの 種あつめては 去夏おもい
夜なべして 見るユーチューブ 果てしなき
筋トレを する目的は? 禁句かな
日時: 9月23日(土曜)午後3:30
☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment
Hello Everyone,
The Long Weekend Bank Holiday is over, and autumn is approaching here. Well, regarding bank holiday, it is said that there are two types of bank holidays in the UK: “religious holidays” such as Christmas and Easter, and “workers’ rest days”. This “Bank Holiday” is adapted and comes from the law called Bank Holidays Act (bank holiday law) enacted in 1871. Originally, it was set as a holiday for bankers, but because banks were unable to make transactions, many companies and schools also took it as a holiday. And there are three bank holidays, “Early May”, “Spring” and “Summer”, set on “Mondays” in May (twice) and August (once). Still, Japan has 16 public holidays a year, the most among the seven major countries (G7). In 2020, Italy and Canada had 12 public holidays, France 11, and the UK and Germany 9. Days. So, it seems like Japan’s lack of paid vacation is covered by public holidays, what do you think?
And in September, the nights get longer and longer, so it’s called “Yonagatsuki.” It is said that this became Nagatsuki.” Cosmos flowers, which bloom in September, are sown from spring to early summer. Because cherry blossom-like flowers bloom in autumn, it is also pronounced “autumn cherry blossoms” and pronounce as kosmosu. In contrast to the “seven herbs of spring,” which can be enjoyed by eating, clovers, bellflowers, kuzu, Fujibakama, ominaeshi, obana, and dianthus are “autumn”. The unique Japanese custom of admiring the flowers that bloom before winter is also wonderful customs.
In addition, “ohagi”, which is offered as dango(sticky rice ) over flowers, on the equinox in autumn, and on the day of the autumnal equinox. “botamochi” in spring, and comes in both grain and koshian varieties. It is said that “botamochi” was made with red beans that had hardened over the winter and was made with strained red bean paste. It seems that they were called ohagi (hagi) and botamochi (botamochi) to resemble clover in autumn and peonies in spring. I’m a fan of grain bean rough paste, but how about you?
Autumn is a time of great appetite, when everyone’s belts loosen more and more, and one of the things you look forward to is exercising after eating delicious food. A tip for those who are thinking of starting weight training this fall: I am in my 6th month of weight training. . . So, my trainer made a video of the results of my recent practice for my birthday. I believe that “today is the youngest day” and now that I am at an age where I won’t be able to do what I can do today, I hope to cherish the present.
Well, I must to report the concert of bamboo flute and Japanese drums held at the church that I attended last month, I was moved by the wonderful sounds that reminded me of Japan. The Japanese music that echoed through to the stained glass of church was very melancholic and exquisite I would be happy if you could watch the video and share the atmosphere of that time.
We’re heading straight into winter in the UK, and the days are getting shorter, but I’d like to take advantage of the long nights this year to focus on reading, something I’ve been slacking off on over the past year. So, how do you spend your long autumn nights? Try drawing each autumn. And please have a wonderful autumn.
I will be returning to Japan for the first time in four and a half years from mid-September. The biggest event is being able to participate in an elementary school reunion and holding Sunshine Rakugo at a retro Cinema in Shimane pref. I am very excited about and I hope to be able to report and share the progress in next month, so please look forward to it.
Now, here are the usual haiku and senryu poems.
Collecting sunflower seeds reminds me of last summer.
Endless watching YouTube all night long
What is the purpose of doing weight training? Is it a taboo word!
<Event information>
Mr Katsura Sunshine will be returning to London and NY for his new performances!!
Date: 23/Sept 3:30 pm at Leicester Sq Theater