また、この尺八も息遣い、呼吸法が重要だと知りましたが、ヨガも呼吸、Ujjayi Breath(ウージャイ)呼吸法がとても大事で体の中からエネルギーがわくのを感じさせる呼吸法です。呼吸法には体調を整えたりダイエット、精神安定など様々な効用があります。普段無意識に呼吸をしていますがこれを機に皆さんも自分の呼吸を感じてみてください。将来、この呼吸法や健康に関してのセミナーも企画していきたいとと思います。
****Mr Clive Bell’s Profile****
Clive Bell is a musician, composer and writer with a specialist interest in the shakuhachi (Japanese flute), khene (Thai mouth organ) and other East Asian wind instruments. He currently tours with UK-based Japanese drumming group Taiko Meantime, and joins koto and shamisen players to perform the Japanese classical repertoire. He toured with Jah Wobble, including shows at Ronnie Scott’s and the Glastonbury Festival, Walk Cheerfully, Yasujiro Ozu’s 1930 comedy gangster movie and substantial recording history as both as his solo album, Shakuhachi: ( reissued in 2005 by ARC Records) and as a composer for film, TV and theatrical productions (Complicit, Kazuko Hohki, IOU, Whalley Range Allstars). Jazz pianist Taeko Kunishima, Jaki Liebezeit, David Sylvian, David Toop, Jochen Irmler of Faust and Bill Laswell number among Clive Bell’s collaborators.
Based in London, he writes regularly for the music magazine Wire and shakuhachi player on Karl Jenkins’s album Requiem on EMI Classics, the final two Harry Potter movies, and the Hobbit.
His shakuhachi playing has been featured live on Radio 3’s Late Junction and In Tune. At the BFI and at Birmingham’s Flatpack Film Festival, www.clivebell.co.uk