By Mitsue Finch Uchida
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それから、手前味噌で恐縮ですが、私のWork outがインスタでUploadされたことでしょうか。??歳の誕生日を期に、筋肉は何歳からでもつくという言葉を信じて始めた筋トレ。初めて1カ月頃、Dead liftというトレーニングで60キロのバーベル6回目に腰に来てしまい、これはもう再起不能かと。。。よく考えてみると、丁度その時、頭は他の事を考え集中していなくて、思わず腰を使ってあげてしまったのでした。それからはこれを教訓として集中し、身体のどの部分を使うトレーニングかをよく理解してやることにしました。何とその後は今のところ怪我もなくやっています。私の筋トレの動画を共有させていただきます。「Push up Tip」が私がやっている動画です。もしインスタしていらっしゃる方は、いいね(❤)をお願いします。そして、いよいよウインブルドンも来週から始まりますね。観光客も至る所あふれていますが、まだまだ世界情勢は落ち着くこともなく、ウクライナ戦争、物価、金利上昇、グローバルウオーミングと問題は多いですが、イギリスでも最高の季節、夏!7月を満喫いたしましょう~♪♪
風鈴の 音で時差ぼけも どこへやら
炎天下 仔犬の散歩 遅延気味
炎昼の ロンドンバスは サウナバス
七夕の 夜にしのぶは 夏彦か
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Hello Everyone,
The summer solstice in this year was June 21st, and 9 and a half hours of daylights we had! ! And it had been hot every day here in the UK and I thought it would be summer forever, but now that it’s a little cooler and some people must be very pleased but I am a summer girl so I miss already hot weather.
June went by in a blink of an eye, but personally, I was very happy to be able to go to Spain Barcelona and Madrid and enjoy the city of Spain for the first time in decades.
Actually, I was invited by a certain restaurant in Barcelona to organize a rakugo performance by Mr. Sunshine Katsura and we accepted the invitation with our pleasure. In front of an audience of about 50, Sunshine was standing under the air conditioner but he was drenched in sweat. He now has a request to do it in Spanish next time, so I’m looking forward to the day when he goes to Spain and perform again.
And the next day I took a comfortable Spanish bullet train to Madrid to see an old friend whom I have not seen for good 5 years. I visited his restaurant that was opened 2 years back and I had the most delicious cutlet curry ever had before even in Japan. (Panko from Hokkaido, Pork is of course Spanish Iberic and curry sauce that was made by him from scratch and Rice is from Toyama pref. in Japan) . This is his restaurant, so please stop by when you go to Madrid.
Then, as a surprise, he showed me the okonomiyaki restaurant, which has been a long-held dream of him to open this month!! He made dream come true and (有言実行)I respect him from the bottom of my heart.
Well, speaking of July now, it reminds me of Tanabata. In the evening, there was a custom of composing poetry and presenting books to the night wind, so it came to be called ‘Fumihirogezuki’ or ‘Fumihirakizuki’. . In addition, July is also called Medeizuki. In the moon, which includes Tanabata, where Orihime and Hikoboshi meet once a year, it is also called “Love Moon” because it is the month when they love each other. How romantic! According to the lunar calendar, it is said to be early autumn in Japan, but the heat is at its peak and the days are hot. Many families will be returning to Japan temporarily with their children at this time of year, but please take care of yourself so that you can enjoy the summer traditions and not get tired at the same time.
Also, my work out was uploaded on Instagram. I started weight training that never done before and I started it on my 0th birthday, believing in the saying that muscles can be built at any age. About a month after I started doing dead lift training, I had a 60kg barbell that caused heavy back ache and I thought it would be impossible to come back. . . When I analysed what went wrong and I was a miles away thinking of something else and I was not concentrating and I unintentionally used my back instead of Core and leg mascles!!! Since then, I have learnt lesson and concentration is key to the success and I thought more about which part of the body is used for training. After that, I’m doing without any injuries so far and I would like to share this weight training.
“Push up Tip” is the video I’m doing. If you are on Instagram, please provide a like ❤ to my short video. Wimbledon is finally starting next week. Tourists are overflowing everywhere in London, but the world situation is still unsettled, and there are many problems such as the war in Ukraine, prices, rising interest rates, and global warming, but summer is the best season in England! Let’s enjoy the month of July~♪♪
Here are some usual haiku and senryu.
Furinnone de jisaboke mo dokoeyara (With the sound of the wind chimes, where does my jet lag go?)
Entenka Koinuno sampo chien gimi (Under the scorching sun walking the puppy is a little delayed)
Enchuno London bus wa Sauna bath (A hot afternoon London bus is a sauna bath)
Tanabata no yoruni shinobuwa Natsuhikoka (On the night of Tanabata, is it Natsuhiko?)
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