アクセスアポ歳時記6 月水無月(みなづき)2023年 

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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私の印象に残る5月の出来事の一つは、コッツウォルズへLong weekendで出かけ、綺麗な空気を沢山吸いリフレッシュしたのですが、私達が行ったのはコッツウォルズでも観光客が足を踏み入れない、ひっそりとした田舎の村でした。そこで、犬を連れて散歩をしていると、犬が導く方へ行き、何と素晴らしいMeadowが眼前に浮かぎ、そこは雪景色のごとくWild garlic flowerが咲き誇っていました。4月のイースターのチェダーへ行った時はGarlic leavesが沢山出来ていてその時も感激しましたが、今回の景色には心が動かされて言葉が出ずに呆然としました。勿論葉っぱを収穫し、今回はペストを沢山作って、友人にお裾分け、そしてこの素晴らしい景色も少しでもお裾分けすることができれば嬉しいです。



英国で6月と言えばWimbledonの季節です。入場切符の料金、ウインブルドン名物のStrawberry Cream, Pimm’s等の料金も高騰しているのではと調べたら、何と苺クリームは2010年から値段は据え置きの2.50ポンド、そして業者さん曰く「We are not creaming off Profit」とか!!しかしGround ticketは27ポンド、私が30年前に行った時は2ポンドでした~。一般の人が徹夜してまた今年も安い切符を求め並ぶのでしょうか。お天気が何とも気になるところですが、今年は何だか肌寒い風がNorth seaから吹いてロンドンは暖かくなったかと思うと肌寒い日々が続いています。早く青空の続くさわやかな6月になってほしいものですね。皆さまの6月はどんな月になりますでしょうか。素敵な6月をお過ごしくださいませ♪♪


   万華鏡 紫陽花の色 あでやかな

   ここあそこ 蛙のうたが ケケケケケ

   凛凛と 紫菖蒲 勝負あり

   夏来たる 足腰鍛え 老い多忙

   のんびりと 仔犬と離れて Care free

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Hello Everyone,

May has been gone before you know it, we hope that everyone keeps well and enjoyed 3 long weekends in May. Personally, May was a very fulfilling month with many events. One of the big events was the coronation of King Charles. The tulips that had been blooming in the garden are over, and now the irises are dignified and beautiful – they stand tall and proud with their dignified and beautiful flowers firmly attached to the ground. Let’s put our feet firmly on the ground like a flower that blooms in each season, and let’s remember that mountain pose with each toe and feel the early summer.

One of the things that left an impression on me in May was going to the Cotswolds for a long weekend and breathing a lot of clean air to refresh myself.  It was a quiet rural village where I was taking with my dog ​​and I went to the direction the dog was leading, and what a wonderful meadow appeared in front of me, where wild garlic flowers were blooming like a snowy landscape. When I went to Cheddar for Easter in April, there were a lot of Garlic leaves and I was deeply moved at that time, but I was so moved by the scenery this time that I was speechless. Well, then I did harvest the leaves and made a plenty of pesto this time, share it with my friends, and share a little of this wonderful scenery through the pesto I made!

 June is the rainy season in Japan. And don’t you think it’s strange to have a “waterless month” even though it’s the season when it rains a lot? The “mu” in “Minazuki” is an adnominal particle that corresponds to “no. It seems that the name “Mizu no Tsuki” → “Minazuki” comes from the need to fill the rice fields with water after rice planting. Also, in Kyoto, there is a custom of eating Japanese sweets called “Minazuki” during “Nagoshi no Harae” on June 30th.

Minazuki is a fresh confection made by scattering azuki beans on top of white uiro. It is characterized by its transparent, cool appearance and triangular shape, and it has an elegant taste that matches the chewy texture of uiro and the sweetness of large azuki beans. In Kyoto during the Heian period, the people of the Imperial Court ate ice to cool off from the heat. It is said that they began to eat this confection instead of ices which were rare and expensive at that time. I have never eaten it, but I think I can make it myself and would like to try one!

In the UK, June is Wimbledon season. When I checked that the price of admission tickets and Wimbledon’s famous Strawberry Cream, Pims, etc., had skyrocketed, but surprisingly the price of strawberry cream had remained unchanged from 2010 at £2.50. and the retailer said [We are not creaming off Profits! ! ] But the ground ticket is £27, when I went there 30 years ago it was £2‼ Will be no exception this year the people stay up all night and line up for the tickets again? I’m really worried about the weather, but this year a chilly wind blew from the North Sea, the chilly days continue. I hope June will be with blue sky and warmer. So, what kind of month will June be for you? I hope you have a wonderful June!! 

Here are some usual Haiku and Senryu;

 Kaleidoscope The colour of hydrangea is gorgeous (万華鏡 紫陽花の色 あでやかな)

 The frog song here and there Qu qu qu qu qu (ここあそこ 蛙のうたが ケケケケケ)

 Standing dignified purple iris There is a match (凛凛と 紫菖蒲 勝負あり)

 Summer is coming and old people busy train themselves (夏来たり 足腰鍛え 老い多忙)

 Leisurely time without a puppy dog and it is care free(仔犬と離れ のんびりと Care free)

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