
By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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(Please scroll below for the English version)


個人的には、今はLeafyなケントを離れて東ロンドンでしばし生活しています。ここは学生と移民の街。イギリス人が反対にMinorityとなっています。最近は本当にそういう状況はどこでも見られるので、反対に日本では、何となく他人種がいないのが不思議な状況に思えました。そしてここで通りを歩いている人種のるつぼの言葉がマッチするように私にも似合っている気がします。私も定住した生活よりも多国籍住民のように、今までイスラエル、インド、フィリピン他の国々に住んでいたので、その当時を彷彿させてくれて、血が騒ぐのを少し感じる日々です。そしてこれまで、近所のM&S, Waitroseへ行っていたのが、ローカルオープンマーケットへ行くのが日課となり少しワクワクです。


⁂ 食品メーカーであるグリコの看板商品・ポッキーとプリッツの形が数字の「1」に似ていることから、11月11日はポッキー&プリッツの日として認定されています。既に20年以上が経っており、もともとポッキー&プリッツが好きな人も、最近口にしていない人も、この日はキャンペーンに乗っかってみても良さそうですね(グリコさんの回し者でもありません)。

⁂ ボジョレー・ヌーボー解禁日は11月第3木曜日の午前0時に解禁されます。フランスのワインの一つで、特に日本の解禁日が注目をなのは、時差の関係を受けて本場のフランスより早く解禁日を迎えるからで、新しいものが好きな人、今年の味をいち早く知りたいワイン好きにとっては最高のようです。11月の風物詩を楽しむ機会として、ボジョレー・ヌーボーを口にするのもいいかも~(フランス政府の回し者ではございません(-_-;)

⁂ ブラックフライデーは11月の第4木曜日の翌日にあたる金曜を指す言葉であり、デパート、オンラインストアなど各店で大安売りが実施される日です。もとはアメリカ発祥で、「感謝祭」の翌日に1年のお礼を込めてセールを始めたことがきっかけとされています(在庫処理の意味合いもあるのだとか)。欲しかった商品やクリスマス向け商品を格安で入手するきっかけになるかもしれませんね(アマゾンの回し者ではございません)。

と、こんな行事があります。そしてGuy folks’ night(Bonfire night)ですね。花火が打ち上げられるので猫、犬を飼っていらっしゃる方はどうぞお大事にされてください。こちらも日本とは対照的で花火が寒い時期に行われるのですよね。それでは、11月を満喫してください。



☆☆☆ お知らせ ☆☆☆

今年もSir Peter Parker Awardsビジネス日本語スピーチコンテストが開催されます。弊社も15年にわたり微力ながらスポンサーとして参加をさせていただいています。日本語を母国語としない方が、それぞれの視点から日本とのビジネスでの相違や外国人が日本国内で感じることなど、様々な観点からの考察を日本語で発表され、外から見た日本、日本人についての発見もあったりと毎年とても興味深い内容となっています。無料で観覧が可能ですので、是非皆さん足を運んでみてくださいね。

日時: 11月7日(火) 15:00~ 場所: SOAS大学


日時: 11月25日(土)午後4時半~   場所:Leicester Sq Theater

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is well. I think October was also a relatively warm in London. After experiencing the hot autumn weather in Japan, I return to London in beginning of October and it’s already November. I received a photo from a friend in Japan showing that Mt. Fuji was covered in snow, but in the blink of an eye, it snowed all the way to the 7.8th station.

 Well, the etymology of Shimotsuki is found in “Ougisho“, which says, “In November, frost frequently As the saying goes, it is a variation of the frosty moon. November 7th marks the first day of winter, and according to the old calendar, it is said to be winter from this day until the day before the first day of spring. In Japan, the mornings and evenings become noticeably colder, and the winter north winds begin to blow and it is very similar to her and the daylight hours are noticeably reduced, making me really miss spring. Perhaps as a reaction to that, Christmas illuminations are starting to shine all over the city and everyone is buzzing, but what will happen this year?

  Personally, I have now left Leafy Kent and am living in East London for a while. This is a town of students and immigrants, with the British being the minority. These days, such situations can be seen everywhere, so in Japan, on the other hand, it seems strange that there are no other races. And when I walk down the street here, I see different background people such as Caribbean, Indian, East European, etc., but I feel like they suit me quite well. When I think about it, I feel more like a multinational resident than a resident, having lived in Israel, India, the Philippines, and other countries, so it reminded me of those days. These are the days when I feel my blood getting excited. I used to go to the nearby M&S and Waitrose, but now it’s my daily routine to go to the local open market. 

 Well, Japan’s representative events during Shimotsuki are Shichi-Go-San, Tori no Ichi, and the First Winter Festival, but this time I would like to introduce a slightly different event that is popular in Japan and the UK in November.

*November 11th has been designated as Pocky & Pretz Day because the shape of Pocky and Pretz, two of food manufacturer Glico’s signature products, resembles the number 1. It’s been over 20 years already, so whether you’re a fan of Pocky & Pretz or haven’t eaten them recently, it seems like a good idea to take advantage of the campaign on this day (and I’m not a Glico fan either ).

*Beaujolais Nouveau will be released at midnight on the third Thursday of November.  This is one of the French wines, and the reason why the release date in Japan is attracting attention is because due to the time difference, the release date is earlier than in France, which is the country’s home. People who like new things and want to know about this year’s flavours as soon as possible. This seems like the best option for wine lovers. It might be a good idea to enjoy some Beaujolais Nouveau as an opportunity to enjoy the November tradition~ (I’m not a fan of the French government (-_-;)

*Black Friday is a term that refers to the Friday following the fourth Thursday in November, and is a day when department stores, online stores, and other stores carry out huge sales. It originally originated in the United States, and is said to have started as a sale on the day after “Thanksgiving” to express gratitude for the past year (it also has the meaning of inventory clearance).

It’s heavily advertised both in the UK and Japan, so I feel like I’m going to buy it, but it might be a good opportunity to get the products you’ve been looking for or for Christmas at a bargain price (I’m not an Amazon peddler).

There are some events like these.  And Guy folks’ night. There will be fireworks, so if you have cats or dogs, please take care of them. So, enjoy November to the fullest.

This month, we will take a break from haiku and senryu, and please guess what these are from the photos. Answers in December!


<Event information>

Sir Peter Parker Awards for Spoken Business Japanese

We’re delighted to be a part of this event as a sponsor for 15 years, it is an excellent opportunity to learn how non-native Japanese speakers think of Japanese businesses and Japanese cultures, in Japanese of course! You can come and enjoy it for free, and in the future if you’re interested why don’t you challenge it!!

Date & place: 7th November from 3:00pm at SOAS University

Sunshine will be performing in London for the first time in a while. Please come and laugh out of the dark London winter with Sunshine Rakugo. Please check here for the ticket. By the way, Sunshine seems to have become slightly famous when he appeared to the well-known TV program show called ‘Tetsuko’s room” last August.

Date & place: November 25th 4:30pm Leicester Sq Theater

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆