
By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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10月の行事として、月末にあるのがハロウィーンですね。日本でも年々盛り上がり、仮装姿は秋の風物詩となっているようです。古代ケルトでは11月1日に暦がかわったので、10月31日は年の変わり目にあたり、収穫を祝うとともに悪魔払いをするようになり19世紀の後半、移民とともにアメリカに伝わったこの祭を子どもが大変怖がったため、子どもも楽しめる行事へと変化していったようです。ハロウィンのシンボルといえば、お化けカボチャ 「ジャック・オー・ランタン」(Jack-o’-lantern)。カボチャをくり抜いて作るランタンで、悪霊が怖がって逃げるなどといわれているため、玄関や窓辺に灯してハロウィンを迎えるようですね。すでにあちらこちらで日本ではハロウィーンの小道具や衣装が売りに出されています。



  胸キュンと 今は息切れ 懐かしい

  髪薄く 想いはせるよ 15歳

  おもてなし 4年でどこへ 消えたのか

  日本海 波の音は いまむかし

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Hello everyone, I am writing this Saijiki from Japan. ♪It’s already autumn, there’s no one on the sea~♪ Do you know this nostalgic song? In reality, ♪ It’s still summer and the sea is still busy ♪ – This is the situation at the end of September in Japan. Personally, I travelled from my hometown of Shimane to Korea for the first time, enjoyed Miyajima and then visited a friend in Osaka, Kawachi. Then, I will spend the first week of October at a friend’s house in Asakusa, and I will visit Katsushika Hokusai’s grave, which I have always wanted to do. I’m also planning to meet up with a friend from my time in Israel in Tokyo for the first time in over 40 years and I’m really looking forward to it. During that time, yoga classes were arranged in Shimane and Osaka, and I had a wonderful time sharing them with my yoga friends. There were some people who were trying yoga for the first time, and others who did yoga with me when I visited Japan

We were able to hold Katsura Sunshin’s rakugo performance in my hometown of Shimane at Onozawa Cinema, which has an 80-year history. I am grateful to Sunshine and Mr & Mrs Wada who are running the cinema.  And, I must not forget, there was a junior high school reunion where more than 50 old friends immersed themselves in nostalgic memories and reminisced about being 15 years old, reciting old stories in Hamada dialect. It was a truly wonderful time. This temporary return to Japan for the first time in four years was a sparkling feeling of bliss! ! Japan is currently busy with the Asian Games being held in China, and while Chinese athletes are doing well, Japanese athletes are also competing in swimming, basketball, and gymnastics. Japan’s rugby performance is also attracting attention. Good luck Japan and England!!

Now, in the UK, we are in a clear transition from autumn to winter. Actually, I was in a situation where I couldn’t even enjoy my vacation so leisurely. The renovation work on my house started while I was on holiday, and I had to make a lot of decisions, and even during my holiday we communicated on London time, so things are going smoothly so far. According to recent regulations, it seems that construction cannot begin without checking for asbestos, and when we did that, we found out that there was some weak asbestos. The renovation work started with the removal of the asbestos. At first, I wondered what would happen, but after that It seems like things are progressing smoothly, but the construction is still going to take a few months, so I’m already starting to feel stressed as I think we’re about to reach a climax. I want to get through it with all my heart in mind when it’s finished. Thank you sharing my personal matters on this Saijiki, and I hope you are all well(sorry to ask at the end) I think Britain is excited about the victory in rugby and hope to win the world rugby so as Japan!!!

As an October event, Halloween, which takes place at the end of the month, is becoming more and more popular in Japan each year, and wearing costumes seems to have become an autumn tradition. In the ancient Celts, the calendar changed on November 1st, so October 31st marked the turn of the year, and people began to celebrate the harvest and exorcise evil spirits. In the latter half of the 19th century, this festival was brought to America with immigrants, and children became familiar with it. It seems that the event was so scary that it changed into an event that even children could enjoy. The symbol of Halloween is the haunted pumpkin “Jack-o’-lantern.” Lanterns made by hollowing out pumpkins are said to scare away evil spirits, so people light them near entrances and windows to welcome Halloween. Halloween props and costumes are already on sale all over Japan.

I hope everyone has a fun and wonderful October.

  Here are Haiku and Senryu:

   *My heart hurts and I’m out of breath now, I feel so nostalgic

   *Thin hair, I have feelings for you, 15 years old

   *Where has hospitality gone in 4 years?

   *The sound of the waves in the Sea of ​​Japan is now and then

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