By Mitsue Finch Uchida
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皆さま、本当に寒くなりましたね。お変わりございませんでしょうか。数日前には11月の満月「ビーバームーン」が綺麗に大きく見え感動しました。このお月様の名前はアメリカ先住民族が自然の移り変わりに伴って満月につけたものと言われています。何だか日本と似ていますね。そしてこのビーバームーンは寒くなる冬に向けてビーバーが小枝を集めてダムで巣作りを始めます。そして先住民も寒さを防ぐために、ビーバーハントをし、毛皮を着ることから、ビーバーに感謝の意を表すために付けられたと言われています。また別名が「Frost Moon」とも言われこれは全く日本と同じで「霜月」ですね。ちなみに、12月の満月は「コールドムーン」と呼ばれています。 文字通り寒さが厳しくなる季節の月だからです。 日本でも、冬の夜の冷たくさえわたった光の月を「寒月」と呼び、季語にもなっているようです。
さて、この歳時記を書き始めて(それまではイベントを開催していました)丸3年が経とうとしています。すでに師走に関しても今まで書きましたので、私が最近気になっている事3つについて少しだけ書きます。一つはペンキの色、個人的には、私の家が現在改築中で、段々とHouseがHomeらしくなってきています。先週までいろんな色が夢に出てきて壁が怒り、天井がわめいているような夢に悩まされましたが、何とか色を決めることが出来ました!その色にも其々名前と意味があることを知り、本当に興味深さを感じています。「Bancha」 という色もあり、その色の説明が「15世紀頃からある濃い緑、オリーブ色にも近くとても好感度の高い色。そして日本のお茶から由来してつけられ、精神的にとても安定させてくれる色」となっていて、茶色というよりも本当に濃いオリーブ色です。赤でも、Book room red, eating room redと沢山の赤があるのですね。勿論、青、黄色、緑も…何だか魅了されています。
もう一つはごみに関して。上記にも日本の観光地がゴミに悩まされていると書きましたが、仮住まいのここロンドンSEのゴミの多いこと!! 実は、犬の散歩中にとても見ていられなくなり、マジックハンドを購入し、犬の散歩中にごみを集めることに!すぐに黒い大きな袋が一杯になるのには本当に閉口どころか立腹です。「ゴミがゴミを呼び、ごみの沢山あるところにはクライムも起きる」と、日々できる範囲でやっています。しかし、それはカウンシルの仕事だと住民は思っているようです。それでも犬を飼っている人が犬と散歩中にゴミを少しでも拾うと、町は日本のように、とまではいかなくても50%は減るのではと思いますがどうでしょうか。皆さまもご賛同の程お願いいたします~。そして久しぶりにクロイドンへ行ったのですが、High stのお店はほとんど消え無くなっていました。今後はこの廃業した跡地はどうなるのでしょうか。なんともぞくっと寒さを一層感じる12月初頭です。
どうぞ、健康で素晴らしい年末年始をお迎えください。そしてMerry Christmas!2024年も変わらぬご愛顧の程宜しくお願いたします
⁂ 廃店の それでも照らす 寒の月
⁂ 寒月に 犬も歩けば ゴミの山
⁂ 鼻水で 夜空あおいで 寒の月
⁂ 辰年を 犬と迎える ワンダフル
また、エミリー・フィンチが制作した登山家の三浦雄一郎さんに関するショートドキュメンタリーが12月30日にBBC World Serviceにて公開予定ですので、ご興味のある方はぜひこちらもご覧くださいませ。
1.Leather lane market 2.Telegraph Hill 3.Covent Garden 4.Rules restaurant
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Hello everyone,
It’s getting really cold, and we hope everyone gets well. A few days ago, November’s full Beaver Moon looked so beautiful and big, and I was so moved. It is said that the name of this moon was given to the full moon by Native American Indians in response to changes in nature. It’s somewhat similar to Japan. The Beaver Moon was named to express gratitude to the beavers, as they build dams houses in preparation for the cold winter, , and indigenous peoples also use beaver hangs and wear fur to protect themselves from the cold. It is said that it is also called “Frost Moon,” which is exactly the same as in Japan.
By the way, the full moon in December is called the “cold moon.” This is because it is literally the month of the season when it gets colder.
Well, this year has passed really quickly. As the pandemic eases in Japan, various events are being held all over the place, people are moving around more and more, and the number of tourists from overseas has increased, and the foreign tourists have been returned to pre-pandemic levels. On the other hand, I hear that foreign tourists are constantly littering due to their bad manners (not all tourists!!), and tourist spots are becoming depressed and needing to do something about it. I think I’ve talked about this before. I am confident that those who are reading this Saijiki will not behave such like this.
Well, it’s been almost three years since I started writing this calendar (up until then, we were holding culture events). I’ve already explained about cultural event in December in Japan and here so I’ll just write a little bit about three things that I’ve been curious about lately. One is the colour of the paint. Personally, my house is currently being renovated, and House is starting to look more and more like Home. Recently, I had the important task of deciding on the paint colour. Until last week, I was troubled by dreams in which all kinds of colours appeared in my dreams, and the walls were angry and the ceiling was screaming, but I managed to decide the colour to the angry walls and ceilings. I really hope they would be happy.
I also found out that each colour has a name and meaning, which is really interesting. There is also a colour called “Bancha”, and the explanation of the colour is “A dark green that dates back to the 15th century, a colour that is close to an olive colour and has a very good reputation. It’s also a stabilizing colour, “and it’s a really dark olive colour rather than brown. (Please refer to the photo) There are still many reds, such as “Book room red” and “Eating room red”. Of course, blue, yellow, and green too. . . I’m somehow fascinated by it. The other thing about rubbish is that I wrote above that Japan’s tourist spots are made up of rubbish. Here in London SE, where I live temporarily, there is a lot of rubbish!! Actually, I noticed that when I was walking my dog, I couldn’t bare it anymore, so I bought a magic hand and started collecting trash while walking my dog! It’s not only frustrating but also infuriating that the big black bag fills up so quickly. “ Personally, I have started my weight training almost 1 year now and please see how I progress to and please believe in muscle can build at any age!!
“Trash attracts trash, and where there is a lot of trash, there will also be crimes,” so I do what I can every day. However, residents seem to think that is the council’s job. However, if dog owners pick up even a little bit of trash while walking with their dogs, the town will become much more like Japan. . that was an exaggeration but I think it will be reduced by 50%, if not more. How about that and do join me!! The other day, I went to Croydon for the first time in a while, and the shops on High St had almost disappeared. What will happen to this abandoned site in the future? It’s early December and you can feel the chill even more.
Then, here is the usual haiku and Senryuu please do enjoy
⁂ The cold moon that still shines through the closed store
⁂ In the cold moon, if you walk your dog, you will find a pile of garbage.
⁂ Runny nose, blue night sky, cold moon
Emily Finch produced a short documentary that will be broadcast 30th December on BBC World service.
Finally, here’re the answers of quiz for November Saijiki!
1.Leather lane market 2.Telegraph Hill 3.Covent Garden 4.Rules restaurant
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