
By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointments

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(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、春が来たと喜んだのもつかの間、また冬に逆戻りでしょうか。お変わりございませんか。普段風邪とは無縁な私もちょっと風邪気味ですが、この日曜日は母の日のプレゼントでDerelict LondonというPaul Tallingさんのウォーキングツアーに参加し、午前11時半から午後5時過ぎまで東ロンドンを探防しました。彼は超人気のガイド/写真家/著者で、ロンドンの事なら隅から隅までご存知という方です。参加者はロンドンからではなく英国各地から来ており、なんと45回目の参加!という方もいたりとすごいカリスマ性です!チケットも即Sold outとなるようですが、今回はラッキーにも参加でき、冷蔵庫の中の様な肌寒い午前中のお天気からポカポカ陽気の午後、そして夏時間のお蔭で午後5時過ぎでもまだまた明るくて、皆でポールさんのお気に入りパブWhite chapelで“Cheers!”という運びとなりました!

4月の歳時記の頃にはウクライナ情勢は鎮圧するのではという期待を持っていましたが、その兆しはないようで、本当に悲惨です!この戦争に勝利者はいないと言われますが、一日も早くStop the War “を願ってやみません。今日辺り、Peace talkが行われているとか。。来月には皆の顔に笑顔が戻ること祈って!




『夏時間 季節は巡って 春きたり』

「夏時間 時計動かし ええ春か・・」



最後に、3月も桂三輝(サンシャイン)さんが新しい落語のネタ(酒ギャンブル、動物園) をNYからやってきて披露していただきました。この日はちょっとしたハプニングがありましたが無事に終わることができとても良かったです。いよいよNYのオフブロードウエイも始まり、4月17日にロンドンで公演予定です。是非ともまだ足を運ばれていない方お誘いあわせの上ご来場くださいませ。切符はこちらから、プロモコード「ACCESS」で割引購入が可能です。もしくは、直接サンシャインさんにコンタクトしていただくこともできます(運良く格安切符をいただけるチャンスもあるかも!?)





Hello, everyone,

Hope you are all well and we are back in winter while we were happy that spring had come? Well,  I have a slight cold. I’ve never had a cold, but this Sunday I took a tour of Paul Talling called Derelict London as a gift for Mother’s Day and walked from 11:30 am to past 5 pm to explore East London.  .. He is a very popular guide / photographer / author who knows everything about London.  Participants came from all over the UK, not only from London. Some people said it was the 45th time, and I now know his greatness. The ticket seems to be sold out immediately, but this time We were lucky enough to get it, was very chilly in the morning weather like in the refrigerator. Thanks to the cheerful afternoon and daylight-saving time, it was past 5 pm, so it was still bright and everyone was carrying a local beer and “Cheers” at Paul’s favorite pub at White chapel!

By the time of Saijiki in April, I had hoped that the situation in Ukraine would be suppressed, but there seems to be no sign of that, and it is really miserable! It is said that there is no winner in this war, but I hope Stop the War “as soon as possible. Peace talk is taking place around today .. We would like to pray for return of Smiles on everyone’s faces next month.

By the way, April is called Uzuki, which is called “planting month” and seems to be the month when rice seeds are planted. And it seems that there is also a cherry blossom viewing and a festival (April 8th) to celebrate the birth of Buddha. When Shaka-sama was born, it rained very sweetly and brilliantly, which is what is now called Amacha. When I was a kid, I remembered walking around the my home city wearing a beautiful kimono and having a sweet tea at the end, but it is still carry on to now?

Therefore, we will deliver the haiku of April and the senryu-like. Please post by all means.

           「花冷えの 鼻水だして 桜みゆ」”What is cherry blossom viewing with cold cherry blossoms (nose)?”

   「夏時間 時計動かし ええ春か」”Daylight saving time, around the seasons, spring comes”

Lastly, in March, Mr. Katsura Sunshine came from NY to show off his new storytelling story (Sake gambling,& zoo, etc.). There was a little happening on this day, but it was very nice to be able to finish it safely. The off-Broadway in NY has finally kicked off, and it is scheduled to be performed in London on Sunday April 17th.

If you haven’t visited yet, please come and join us.

Click here for tickets, and you can use Promo code “ACCESS”.

Also, if you contact Sunshine directly, you may get a cheaper ticket!?

In addition, you can donate to his funding to support his activity to promote Rakugo in the world. You can read more details here.

☆Important notice☆

As you may know, sadly the UK is ranked 28th out of 30 EU countries for maternal and child maternity hospital deaths. Emily from Access Appointment will be taking on the ‘500K Ride’ in July 2022 in order to raise fund for better support for children babies in the future. Your supports are much appreciated!

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆