
By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointments

(Please scroll below for the English version)

 皆様お変わりございませんでしょうか。1年遅れの東京夏のオリンピックも開幕しそろそろ終盤を迎えようとしています。色々と混乱や因縁というか、開幕前にはありましたが、無観客のオリンピックがこの世で開催されるとは今の今まで誰が想像したでしょうか。今から約2800年前、古代ギリシャのオリンピア地方で行われていた「オリンピア祭典競技」での観衆のざわめきの中での競技の祭典、神々をあがめ観衆を興奮のるつぼにさせての競技の数々。数々の戦乱に巻き込まれた古代オリンピックは、393年で終了したそうです。古代オリンピアンはきっと雲の上から驚異の目でこのオリンピックを眺めていることでしょう。そして非現実的、非日常的なことが沢山とおこるNew Normal時代。この「New Normal」響きは何となくいい感じですが、私たちに何が本当の「Normal」なのかを見つめ直す良い機会となっているのように思えます。



 そして私が年数だけ重ねてしているヨガもこの「心身一如」の考えとつながっているとされていて、心は見えないが為に、直接働きかけコントロールするのは容易くはありませんが、身体からのアプローチをしてあげると心(マインド)まで変化させることができます。これは、心と体はひとつで、心の状態が身体に出てきて、逆に身体の状態が心に影響するということのようです。例えばヨガのポーズでヴィラバトラーアサナⅠ(勇者のポーズ) というのがあります。これは、名前の通り勇者をイメージしたポーズ。下半身強化のポーズともいわれ、力強いポーズです。気持ちの面でもチカラ強い感覚の得られるポーズです。



「眼に映る 輝く闘志 聖火の火」 

「金銀銅 もらえなくても 心メダル」
「応援は オリンピックでも 夫婦別」 

「光る汗 涙も混じり バネとなる」


I hope you are all doing well. The Summer Olympics in Tokyo have now started and are in full flow. There was a lot of talk about the Olympic Games before it started, but who would have thought that the Olympics would be held without an audience? Some 2,800 years ago, the Olympian Games were held in the Olympia region of ancient Greece, a celebration of the games amidst the buzz of the crowd, a celebration of the gods and a melting pot of excitement. The ancient Olympic Games came to an end after 393 years of warfare. The ancient Olympians must have watched the Games with curiosity. We are now in “New Normal” – a time when many unreal and extraordinary things are happening. “New Normal” is an opportunity for us to reconsider what is really “Normal”.

I am sure many of you are at home cheering on the Olympic Games and looking forward to the Paralympic Games, which will hopefully inspire the next generation of athletes. And never has the balance between body and mind been more important than this Olympic Games. In Japan, as in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), there is a saying from the Zen, “Shinshin Ichinyo”, which means “mind and body are one”. When the mind is stressed and adversely affected, the stomach and intestines become unwell, and conversely, when the body is in pain for a prolonged period of time due to illness or injury, the mind can become unwell. For example, the ideas that “stress is bad for the stomach”, “anger is bad for the liver” and “fear is bad for the kidneys” are the very basis of the current thinking in Oriental medicine.

Yoga, which I have been practicing for many years, is also connected to this idea of “mind and body as one”. Because the mind is invisible, it is not easy to work on and control it directly, but if we approach it from the body, we can change the mind. This is because the mind and body are one, and the state of the mind affects the body, and vice versa. For example, there is a yoga pose called Virabhatra Asana I (Pose of the Brave). As the name suggests, this pose is inspired by the image of a brave man or woman. It is also known as a lower body strengthening pose and is a powerful pose. This pose also gives you a strong feeling in your mind. By holding the pose, we input the feeling of a stable body into our mind. By doing so, you will be able to remember and continue this feeling in your daily life. You can also feel the contrast between a cat-like pose with a rounded back and a depressed pose (sorry cats), and a cow pose with a full chest and a head upwards, saying “Moo”. This will help you feel balanced. When you feel less confident and need more energy, you should stretch your chest. It’s easy to do, so why not try it? Now that we’ve talked a bit about yoga, Access Appointments is planning to start offering yoga lessons online in autumn, wherever and whenever you want! Just like our Japanese recruitment services.

Now it is August(hachigatsu, hazuki in Japanese). In Japan, there are many theories about the origin of the month of August, the most famous of which is that it is the month when the leaves of the trees turn red and fall. There is also a theory that it is the first month for geese to arrive, and a theory that it is the month for southern typhoons to arrive. It is also said to be another name for “Tsukimizuki(viewing moon)”. We hope you enjoy the short summer in the UK and the Tokyo Olympics & Paralympics!

Haiku and Senryu about the Olympics:

“Meni Hikaru Kagayaku Toshi Seika no hi”

“Kin gin do moraenakutemo kokoro medal”

“Ouen wa Olympic demo huuhu betsu”

“Hikaru ase Namida mo Majiri Bane to naru”

☆ Japanese recruitment solutions – Access Appointments ☆