アクセスアポ歳時記 8月葉月(はづき) 2023年

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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場所:St George Church in Beckenham Junction

詳細はこちらからどうぞ! Admission Free(入場無料)


川べりに たたずむトンボ いとおしい

西瓜割 昔海辺で いま歩道

夏休み 宿題溜まって 暑さ増し

捕まえた 虫を取れずに 困る子や

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Hello Everyone,

From the hot June in London to the cool July, and we are in August. The Mediterranean coasts of Greece, Italy, and Spain, where records of extreme global warming and heat are being broken every year, and temperatures of 48 degrees Celsius continue for days, seem to be in real trouble, and wildfires spread to residential areas. Does it mean that the holiday makers have evacuated and sought the heat, but they miss the cool England due to the heat wave? It has long been said that this is a man-made phenomenon and is not a natural phenomenon. It may be that the earth becomes unbearable for us, and it may be a story that escapes to the moon is not so far away.

By the way, in August, cold barley, somen noodles, beer, watermelon, ice, amazake, etc. are eaten to get rid of the heat accumulated in the body. Cold barley and somen noodles, beer that cools the body and has a diuretic effect, melons (watermelon, cucumber, winter melon, bitter melon, pumpkin) that have been useful since ancient times as foods that are effective in warding off the heat, and ice that is unique to summer (shaved ice, Ice confectionery, ice dishes), amazake, which is also a summer season word, etc. are traditional classics. Amazake was a surprise. Actually, last week, I had a strong craving for amazake, so I ordered it from a sake brewery in London and bought some sake lees to make a mimicked amazake. I felt that I had some energy, but after all I think amazake is good for the body both in hot weather and in cold winter.

Personally, I was born in August, so although I love the heat of summer, I may be able to say that because I haven’t been exposed to extreme heat for quite some time. I am looking forward to coming back.

The Japanese name for August, “Hazuki”, means “when the leaves fall”, and around the 7th, after the “start of autumn”, “summer greetings” will change to “late-summer greetings”. In the twenty-four seasons, around the 23rd, the heat will end, which means that the summer will end, but it seems that the heat will continue in these days when the lingering summer heat is severe.

In addition, Japanese summer reminds me a sun worshiping sunflower, sound of cicadas, and fireworks that colour the night sky, and despite of the heat there are fun summer festivals all over Japan in August.

When I was a child, I often bit into watermelons on the porch and threw the seeds in the garden, and some little watermelon leaves came out at edge of the garden. It’s really nostalgic. Children these days don’t bite and seedless Watermelon is popular now, so I wonder if they are docile. How we were tough and wild when we were little children.  Speaking of Wilde, for the first time I joined the unfamiliar weight training is called Calisthenics. It’s a fairly fast exercise, in which you load various muscles with your own body weight for 1 hour and perform 12 exercises for 1 minute each, 4 times. When it ended I was sweating ~. There was no doubt that my muscles were sore, and the next day I couldn’t raise my arms (because I was doing pull-ups and handstands). Why don’t you start this kind of exercise that believing you can build your muscles at any age! Well, have a nice summer and holiday and see you again in September!!

<Event in August>

Japanese Drum and Bamboo Flute concert at Beckenham Junction where I live

Date and location: 18th August ( Fri) from 12.30 pm, at St. Georges Church in High Street, Beckenham, South London,

Japanese trad. Instrumental-Duo Concert . ( Japanese drum and bamboo flute)

Performers are two Japanese coming from Japan.

Admission Free(入場無料)

Here is the usual casual haiku and senryu:

The dragonfly nestling on the river bank is so intimate

Watermelon splitting game now on the pavement then on the beach

School Summer holiday, homework piles up, heat rises

A child who is in trouble because he can’t catch the bug he caught

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アクセスアポ歳時記 7月文月(ふみづき)2023年

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

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それから、手前味噌で恐縮ですが、私のWork outがインスタでUploadされたことでしょうか。??歳の誕生日を期に、筋肉は何歳からでもつくという言葉を信じて始めた筋トレ。初めて1カ月頃、Dead liftというトレーニングで60キロのバーベル6回目に腰に来てしまい、これはもう再起不能かと。。。よく考えてみると、丁度その時、頭は他の事を考え集中していなくて、思わず腰を使ってあげてしまったのでした。それからはこれを教訓として集中し、身体のどの部分を使うトレーニングかをよく理解してやることにしました。何とその後は今のところ怪我もなくやっています。私の筋トレの動画を共有させていただきます。「Push up Tip」が私がやっている動画です。もしインスタしていらっしゃる方は、いいね(❤)をお願いします。そして、いよいよウインブルドンも来週から始まりますね。観光客も至る所あふれていますが、まだまだ世界情勢は落ち着くこともなく、ウクライナ戦争、物価、金利上昇、グローバルウオーミングと問題は多いですが、イギリスでも最高の季節、夏!7月を満喫いたしましょう~♪♪


風鈴の 音で時差ぼけも どこへやら

炎天下 仔犬の散歩 遅延気味

炎昼の ロンドンバスは サウナバス

七夕の 夜にしのぶは 夏彦か

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Hello Everyone,

The summer solstice in this year was June 21st, and 9 and a half hours of daylights we had! ! And it had been hot every day here in the UK and I thought it would be summer forever, but now that it’s a little cooler and some people must be very pleased but I am a summer girl so I miss already hot weather.

June went by in a blink of an eye, but personally, I was very happy to be able to go to Spain Barcelona and Madrid and enjoy the city of Spain for the first time in decades.

Actually, I was invited by a certain restaurant in Barcelona to organize a rakugo performance by Mr. Sunshine Katsura and we accepted the invitation with our pleasure. In front of an audience of about 50, Sunshine was standing under the air conditioner but he was drenched in sweat. He now has a request to do it in Spanish next time, so I’m looking forward to the day when he goes to Spain and perform again.

And the next day I took a comfortable Spanish bullet train to Madrid to see an old friend whom I have not seen for good 5 years.  I visited his restaurant that was opened 2 years back and I had the most delicious cutlet curry ever had before even in Japan. (Panko from Hokkaido, Pork is of course Spanish Iberic and curry sauce that was made by him from scratch and Rice is from Toyama pref. in Japan) . This is his restaurant, so please stop by when you go to Madrid.

Then, as a surprise, he showed me the okonomiyaki restaurant, which has been a long-held dream of him to open this month!! He made dream come true and (有言実行)I respect him from the bottom of my heart.

Well, speaking of July now, it reminds me of Tanabata. In the evening, there was a custom of composing poetry and presenting books to the night wind, so it came to be called ‘Fumihirogezuki’ or ‘Fumihirakizuki’. . In addition, July is also called Medeizuki. In the moon, which includes Tanabata, where Orihime and Hikoboshi meet once a year, it is also called “Love Moon” because it is the month when they love each other. How romantic! According to the lunar calendar, it is said to be early autumn in Japan, but the heat is at its peak and the days are hot. Many families will be returning to Japan temporarily with their children at this time of year, but please take care of yourself so that you can enjoy the summer traditions and not get tired at the same time.

Also, my work out was uploaded on Instagram. I started weight training that never done before and I started it on my 0th birthday, believing in the saying that muscles can be built at any age. About a month after I started doing dead lift training, I had a 60kg barbell that caused heavy back ache and I thought it would be impossible to come back. . . When I analysed what went wrong and I was a miles away thinking of something else and I was not concentrating and I unintentionally used my back instead of Core and leg mascles!!! Since then, I have learnt lesson and concentration is key to the success and I thought more about which part of the body is used for training. After that, I’m doing without any injuries so far and I would like to share this weight training.

“Push up Tip” is the video I’m doing. If you are on Instagram, please provide a like ❤ to my short video. Wimbledon is finally starting next week. Tourists are overflowing everywhere in London, but the world situation is still unsettled, and there are many problems such as the war in Ukraine, prices, rising interest rates, and global warming, but summer is the best season in England! Let’s enjoy the month of July~♪♪

Here are some usual haiku and senryu.

Furinnone  de  jisaboke  mo  dokoeyara (With the sound of the wind chimes, where does my jet lag go?)

Entenka   Koinuno  sampo chien gimi (Under the scorching sun walking the puppy is a little delayed)

Enchuno London bus  wa Sauna bath (A hot afternoon London bus is a sauna bath)

Tanabata no yoruni shinobuwa Natsuhikoka (On the night of Tanabata, is it Natsuhiko?)

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アクセスアポ歳時記6 月水無月(みなづき)2023年 

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

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私の印象に残る5月の出来事の一つは、コッツウォルズへLong weekendで出かけ、綺麗な空気を沢山吸いリフレッシュしたのですが、私達が行ったのはコッツウォルズでも観光客が足を踏み入れない、ひっそりとした田舎の村でした。そこで、犬を連れて散歩をしていると、犬が導く方へ行き、何と素晴らしいMeadowが眼前に浮かぎ、そこは雪景色のごとくWild garlic flowerが咲き誇っていました。4月のイースターのチェダーへ行った時はGarlic leavesが沢山出来ていてその時も感激しましたが、今回の景色には心が動かされて言葉が出ずに呆然としました。勿論葉っぱを収穫し、今回はペストを沢山作って、友人にお裾分け、そしてこの素晴らしい景色も少しでもお裾分けすることができれば嬉しいです。



英国で6月と言えばWimbledonの季節です。入場切符の料金、ウインブルドン名物のStrawberry Cream, Pimm’s等の料金も高騰しているのではと調べたら、何と苺クリームは2010年から値段は据え置きの2.50ポンド、そして業者さん曰く「We are not creaming off Profit」とか!!しかしGround ticketは27ポンド、私が30年前に行った時は2ポンドでした~。一般の人が徹夜してまた今年も安い切符を求め並ぶのでしょうか。お天気が何とも気になるところですが、今年は何だか肌寒い風がNorth seaから吹いてロンドンは暖かくなったかと思うと肌寒い日々が続いています。早く青空の続くさわやかな6月になってほしいものですね。皆さまの6月はどんな月になりますでしょうか。素敵な6月をお過ごしくださいませ♪♪


   万華鏡 紫陽花の色 あでやかな

   ここあそこ 蛙のうたが ケケケケケ

   凛凛と 紫菖蒲 勝負あり

   夏来たる 足腰鍛え 老い多忙

   のんびりと 仔犬と離れて Care free

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Hello Everyone,

May has been gone before you know it, we hope that everyone keeps well and enjoyed 3 long weekends in May. Personally, May was a very fulfilling month with many events. One of the big events was the coronation of King Charles. The tulips that had been blooming in the garden are over, and now the irises are dignified and beautiful – they stand tall and proud with their dignified and beautiful flowers firmly attached to the ground. Let’s put our feet firmly on the ground like a flower that blooms in each season, and let’s remember that mountain pose with each toe and feel the early summer.

One of the things that left an impression on me in May was going to the Cotswolds for a long weekend and breathing a lot of clean air to refresh myself.  It was a quiet rural village where I was taking with my dog ​​and I went to the direction the dog was leading, and what a wonderful meadow appeared in front of me, where wild garlic flowers were blooming like a snowy landscape. When I went to Cheddar for Easter in April, there were a lot of Garlic leaves and I was deeply moved at that time, but I was so moved by the scenery this time that I was speechless. Well, then I did harvest the leaves and made a plenty of pesto this time, share it with my friends, and share a little of this wonderful scenery through the pesto I made!

 June is the rainy season in Japan. And don’t you think it’s strange to have a “waterless month” even though it’s the season when it rains a lot? The “mu” in “Minazuki” is an adnominal particle that corresponds to “no. It seems that the name “Mizu no Tsuki” → “Minazuki” comes from the need to fill the rice fields with water after rice planting. Also, in Kyoto, there is a custom of eating Japanese sweets called “Minazuki” during “Nagoshi no Harae” on June 30th.

Minazuki is a fresh confection made by scattering azuki beans on top of white uiro. It is characterized by its transparent, cool appearance and triangular shape, and it has an elegant taste that matches the chewy texture of uiro and the sweetness of large azuki beans. In Kyoto during the Heian period, the people of the Imperial Court ate ice to cool off from the heat. It is said that they began to eat this confection instead of ices which were rare and expensive at that time. I have never eaten it, but I think I can make it myself and would like to try one!

In the UK, June is Wimbledon season. When I checked that the price of admission tickets and Wimbledon’s famous Strawberry Cream, Pims, etc., had skyrocketed, but surprisingly the price of strawberry cream had remained unchanged from 2010 at £2.50. and the retailer said [We are not creaming off Profits! ! ] But the ground ticket is £27, when I went there 30 years ago it was £2‼ Will be no exception this year the people stay up all night and line up for the tickets again? I’m really worried about the weather, but this year a chilly wind blew from the North Sea, the chilly days continue. I hope June will be with blue sky and warmer. So, what kind of month will June be for you? I hope you have a wonderful June!! 

Here are some usual Haiku and Senryu;

 Kaleidoscope The colour of hydrangea is gorgeous (万華鏡 紫陽花の色 あでやかな)

 The frog song here and there Qu qu qu qu qu (ここあそこ 蛙のうたが ケケケケケ)

 Standing dignified purple iris There is a match (凛凛と 紫菖蒲 勝負あり)

 Summer is coming and old people busy train themselves (夏来たり 足腰鍛え 老い多忙)

 Leisurely time without a puppy dog and it is care free(仔犬と離れ のんびりと Care free)

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アクセスアポ歳時記5 月皐月(さつき)2023年 

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

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数日待機させられ、やっと木曜日からケースに臨むことになり、12名の陪審員が選ばれました。結構即判決の出そうなケースだと思ったら、何と1週間かかってしまいました。それは時間通りに法廷が動かないその理由は色々ありますが、資料がちゃんとそろっていないことかと思われます。それでも判決がくだされましたが、詳細はお伝え出来ないのでここでは控えさせていただきます。ただ、私達は11-1でAnonymouslyに全員一致でVerdictを出すことができず、結局は裁判長の判断になりました。一つのケースを証拠をもとに陪審員が判決をだすのですが、証拠が少なく、又証人も一人と(最近は証人になった為に狙われるというケースも多い)難しいケースでした。そんな時に有名なフレーズ「Beyond reasonable doubt」が活躍です。「少しでも疑いがあれば罰せられない」というような意味でしょうか。陪審員の仕事は大変ですが、それを英国の色んな裁判所で毎週ランダムに選ばれた老若男女がしています。そして待ち時間の長いこと、その時間で普段読めなかっ本を完読いたしました!参考までに、陪審員制度の簡単な解説はこちらからご覧ください。




BBCのWorld Serviceで、淡路にあった迷惑観音とも最後は言われていた観音像がついに壊されました。それも国費で数億円をかけての出来事で知っていらっしゃる方も少しはいらっしゃるかと思いますが、そのミニドキュメンタリーが流れましたので、お聞きくださいませ。



      桜さり 木蓮の花に ときめきを

      新緑の 緑まぶしき UV50

      エイプリ シャワーも懐かし はや5月

      メーデーに メーデー信号 送るとは

         青い空 5月病なら どんな色

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Hello everyone, I’m excited to have 3 consecutive days’ holidays in May, but it seems like it will pass quickly. Even though it’s just started, I am already thinking it’s over. . What a poor person I am☹. But the weather is finally getting warmer, and let’s enjoy the month of May, which will loosen our cheeks for smiling!

 The highlight of May is the coronation of the 40th new monarch, King Charles. Personally, I’m not very interested in it, but after all, it’s a chance to see the “Crown Jewel”, which is said to have been sleeping in the Tower of London for 70 years. . The second largest diamond scepter in the world at 530 carats, a crown and a golden staff. . And it will be glittering with gold and silver! I will see them on TV.

 Personally, I served the King as a juror for the last two weeks of April. Seven years ago, I served as a juror once, and this was my second time working as a juror, so I thought I would have more leeway than before, but I felt many handicaps. I am 7 years older(obvious) and due to the pandemic, the jurors were seated at intervals, and it was very difficult to hear because it was quite far from the judge. Also, for some reason, the cooler was working at the court, and it was cold, so from the second day, I wore it properly.

After several days of waiting, the case was finally decided on Thursday, and 12 jurors were selected. I thought it would be a case where a judgment could be made immediately, but it took a week. There are various reasons why the court does not move on time, but it seems that the materials are not properly prepared. Still, the judgment was given, but I can’t tell you the details, so I’m going to refrain from it here. However, at 11-1, we were unable to unanimously vote for Verdict, so it was up to the judges. A jury makes a judgment based on the evidence for a single case, but it was a difficult case with little evidence and only one witness (recently, there are many cases where people are targeted because they are witnesses). The famous phrase “Beyond reasonable doubt” is useful in such cases. If there is even the slightest doubt, it will not be punished!?   Jury work is hard work, and it’s done by randomly selected men and women of all ages in different courts of England every week. And because of the long waiting time, I was able to read the book that I normally wouldn’t be able to read because of no time to read… FYI, here’s brief explanation of the Jury Service.

    Since the beginning of May, the wind has become warmer. Having brunch in the garden or having a picnic in the park while listening to the sounds of the birds is a wonderful season. We must enjoy month of May!!  Well, The BBC World Service recently broadcasted about destroyed the statue of Kannon, which was said to be a nuisance Kannon in Awaji. I’m sure there are a few of you who know about the event, which cost hundreds of millions of yen at national expense, but I heard a mini-documentary about it, so please listen to it and find out the real story behind it.

History and story of the Awaji Kannon statue

And in May, Japan also has Golden Week, Children’s Day so many holidays. The carp streamers swimming high in the blue sky. The corona restrictions have weakened in Japan, and foreign tourists are overflowing and they are so happy to visit Japan again and we are also very grateful but I feel nostalgic for the quietness in Kyoto and other places compared to now so I heard from my friends in Japan and they are all mixed feelings but being able to move freely is an irreplaceable privilege. Let’s enjoy Satsuki from the bottom of our hearts and feel the wonderful breeze of May!

  Here are some usual Haiku and Senryu

After Cherry blossom now Magnolia so beautiful

April showers are nostalgic, it’s already May

Fresh Green makes my eyes blind and need UV50 season now

Sending Mayday signals to Mayday

What color is the blue sky May illness

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アクセスアポ歳時記4 月卯月(うづき)2023年 

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

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4月は英国ではイースター復活祭ですね。春の女神である「Eostre(エオストレ)」や春の月名「Eostre monat(エオストレモナト)」に由来するといわれ、イエス・キリストの復活を祝うキリスト教ではもっとも大切な行事のひとつです。春分の日のあと、最初の満月の次の日曜日、イースターからの7日間が復活祭と決められていて、そして復活祭の休暇はは4月7日がGood Friday 、10日がEaster Mondayとなっています。卵の殻をカラフルに彩る「イースターエッグ」をつくったり、子どもたちが探して遊ぶ「エッグハント」、そのほかにも殻を割らないよう坂や丘の上から卵を転がす「エッグロール」や卵をスプーンにのせ落とさないよう気をつけながら競う「エッグレース」などがイースターの行事としてあります。しかし、Easter Chocolate Eggはチョコレート会社の商戦から生まれたというもので、クリスマスそしてバレンタインデーが終わると同時に、スーパーにはエッグチョコが陳列されますね。年々季節の食材の陳列が早くなっている傾向が見られると感じるのは私だけでしょうか。

「イースターエッグ」は生命の象徴。イエス・キリストが十字架上で亡くなってから3日目に復活したことと、ひよこが卵の殻を破って誕生することをかけているといわれ、そのほかイースターでは、卵料理を食べたり、十字の飾りをつけた「ホットクロスバン」が出回り、昨今では今までのレーズンやスパイス系のほかに豊富な種類が発売され、これまたスーパーが競って毎年エスカレートしてきていますね。でも私は矢張りオーソドックスなものに軍配でしょうか。それでも少し違う種類のものを試してみようかしら~と誘惑に負けExtremely cheesyを購入してみました~。お味は御想像にお任せいたします・・・

さて、個人的には3月の終わりにチェルマットに2019年振り(この時はなんと40年振りのスキーでした!)のなんちゃってスキーをしてきました。しかしあまりの物価の高さに目が点!イギリスどころではなくコーヒーが一杯6ポンド近くもして、イギリスが安く感じられてしまう皮肉さ。これもスイスの生活水準、高収入から来ているものなので、本当に太刀打ちはできないですね。しかしマッターホルンの神聖な姿を拝見して、物価高もどこへやら。ヨガでMountain Poseというのがあるのですが、何事にも動じない、山がそこにある!!を体感しました。


また、3月からサンシャインさんがWest endに戻ってきました!次回は5月の公演ですので改めてご紹介させてくださいませ。


        花の雲   教会の鐘 たかだかと

        小鳥たち  朝の演奏 うららかに

        ほめ過ぎて 言うこと聞かぬ うちの犬

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Hello Everyone, last month March was a chilly and wet month and I remember this time last year as well… I hope everyone is keeping well.

“Uzuki” is the Japanese name for April. The name comes from the season when the deutzia flower “Utsugi” blooms.  And Japanese food called Unohana=Okara is also from this flower name.

April is of course Easter in EU and UK. It is said to be derived from the goddess of spring “Eostre” and the name of the spring month “Eostre monat”, and it is one of the most important events in Christianity to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

After the vernal equinox, the first Sunday after the first full moon, the seven days from Easter are determined to be Easter, and the Easter holiday this year are April 7th (Good Friday) and April 10th (Easter Monday). There are also activities such as making “Easter Eggs” that colorfully decorate egg shells, “Egg Hunts” that children look for and play with, and “Egg Rolls” where eggs are rolled from hills and hills so as not to break the shells. There is an Easter event such as the “Egg Race” where people compete while being careful not to drop eggs on the spoon. However, the Easter Chocolate Egg was born from the chocolate company’s sales strategy, and as soon as Christmas and Valentine’s Day are over, chocolate eggs will be displayed in supermarkets shelves. Am I the only one who feels that seasonal food tends to be displayed earlier each year?

By the way, “Easter egg” is a symbol of life. It is said that the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his death on the cross and the birth of a chick breaking the shell of an egg are combined. “Hot cross buns are on the market, and nowadays there are a wide variety of kinds such as typical raisins and spices on chocolate, dates and nuts, salted caramel, cheesy taste and more and the supermarkets is escalating more variety they produce every year. Although I feel I like the original the best, I decided to try something a little different and bought Extremely cheesy.  I will leave the taste to your imagination. . .

Personally, at the end of March I went skiing in Zermatt in Switzerland where I was last time in 1979 for a skiing then went to skiing in 2019 after 40 years apart.  I was so amazed that I remembered how to do skiing.  However, the price is so high in Zermatt where a cup of coffee costs nearly 6 pounds! This is also due to the standard of living and high income in Switzerland, so it is really impossible to compete. However, seeing the sacred appearance of the Matterhorn, it really doesn’t matter. There is a mountain pose in yoga, there is a mountain that is not shaken by anything!!

At the change of the season, there are many people who feel irritated and tired from eye and liver fatigue. Let’s do yoga to soothe tired eyes and head with this video and take care of the liver (the largest organ in the human body).       

Mr Katsura Sunshine has been back in West end since March. The next performance is in May. Let me introduce you again at nearest time.

So please keep up with the usual haiku and senryu.

        Flower Clouds Church Bell ringing proudly

                              Little birds singing morning concert spring has come

        I prised too much My dog ​​doesn’t listen to what I say

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Work place pensionについて

英国で就労する際、Work place pension制度に加入する権利が被雇用者には与えられています。

今回は簡単にWork place pensionの概要と、それ以外の私的年金についての情報をまとめましたので、これから英国で働く方、もしくはすでに働いていてWork place pensionについて知りたい方の参考としていただければと思います。

Work place pensionとは

  • 雇用主と被雇用者が共同で積立をする私的年金のことで、給与から直接天引きされてIncome Taxの節税効果 (Tax relief)もあります。


  • 22歳から公的年金受給の年齢以下、年間収入が10,000ポンド以上、英国内の企業に雇用されて英国内で就労されている方


  • 最低で収入の8%(雇用主が最低3%、被雇用者が5%)を拠出することになります。雇用主は最低3%という規定がありますが、被雇用者の拠出の最低額は設定がないため、雇用主が8%拠出する形でも問題はないようですので、福利厚生の一部として雇用主側の拠出額を高く設定していることもあります。
  • 加入(Opt-in)、非加入(Opt-out)は被雇用者が選択できます。また加入後1か月以内でOpt-outしたい場合は、それまで支払った金額を返金してもらうことも可能です。1か月以上経過している場合も、Opt-outに変更することは可能ですがそれまで支払った金額は返金されません。
  • 短期滞在者(例えばYMSビザなどビザの期限が決まっている、など)の場合、将来受け取ることができるかわからない年金に入金するよりも、収入として受け取ることを選択される方も多いです。とはいえ、状況が変わり長期的に滞在することになる可能性もありますので、加入/非加入を迷われる場合には次の点も考慮してしっかり検討されることをお勧めします。
  1. Workplace Pensionは英国に居住していなくても受給は可能です
  2. 入金は基本的に英国の銀行口座になりますが、一部の年金会社は海外の口座への送金も対応していることがあります
  3. Opt-outする場合、雇用主からの年金入金と、所得税のTax Reliefが同時になくなることになります

Work place pension  vs  Self-invested Personal Pension (SIPP) 

リタイア後の資金を考えて年金積立をもっと増やしたいと考えた際、Work Pensionの積立を増やすべきか、もしくは別で私的年金(SIPP)に加入したほうが良いか考える方もいらっしゃいます。それぞれのメリット、デメリットがありますので、個々に合わせて選択することが必要となります。

①Work Pensionの積立を増やす場合


  • 新たに口座開設やプロバイダー選定などの手続きが不要
  • 自動的に天引きされるので確定申告が不要
  • 私的年金を一元化できるので管理が容易


  • 雇用主に積立金額を変える時に報告が必要
  • 雇用主指定のプロバイダーしか選択ができず、手数料が高い場合、新たにSIPPを利用する方が得
  • 投資先の選択肢が限定的なことが多い



  • 手数料がWorkplace Pensionのプロバイダーより安いケースが多い
  • 投資先の選択肢が多い
  • 雇用主に関係なく、個人で積立金額の変更、停止などが可能


  • プロバイダーや投資内容などを自身で選択して判断する必要がある(アドバイザーを利用することも可能ですがコストはかかります)
  • 確定申告が必要な場合がある (higher rate of 40% taxの場合など)
  • 年金をWorkplace Pensionと別に管理が必要



By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、本当に ♪さくら、さくら弥生の月は~♪ と、桜咲く3月はやってくるのかしら、こんなに寒いのに…ときっと思っていらっしゃるのではないでしょうか。私もその一人です。1月も行ってしまい、2月は逃げて、3月がやってきましたが、去ってしまったとならないように地に足付けてベストなシーズンでもある弥生の春をイギリスでも楽しみたいですね。


グローバルウオーミングと言われて久しいですが、対策も後ろ手で、とにかく大国がそれをやらないので小国はましてやろうとしないですよね。英国も排気ガス制限を掲げてはいてもまだまだ、そしてこの排気ガスはさして問題ではないというような説も出たりと、現在は情報過多で何を信じていいのやらという時代ですが、こんな時は目を閉じ深呼吸をし、Box Breathingを試してみてください。気分が落ち着き、心のバランスが取れると思います。

3月はお雛祭り、我が家でも娘が生まれて以来、マンション用のお雛様を飾っていますが、今年はまだ出していません。寒いせいか気持ちがそちらに向かないのですが、今日から3月と思い立ってだしてみました。やはりいいものですね。寒さがどこへやら~ほっこりしてきます。3月の和名は「弥生」、「弥」は「ますます・いよいよ」という意味があり「生」は「生い茂る様子で 春が近付き、草木がいよいよ生い茂る様子・時期であること」を表しているそうです。3月3日ひな祭り(島根出身の私は4月3日まで祝っていました) 、‎3月18日お彼岸、3月は「三日月のかたむき」に注目したいと思います。春の三日月は大きくかたむき、まるで細い船が宵の空に浮かんでいるように見えます。これは春(3月頃)の白道(天球上の月の通り道)が地平線に対して大きく傾いている——ほぼ垂直に近い状態になっているからだと言われ、白道はほぼ黄道(天球上の太陽の通り道)に重なっているため、地平線の下、月のほぼ真下には太陽が位置し、この方向から月を照らすので、春には下側が光った、まるでゴンドラのような形の三日月が見られるというわけです。今年は3月23日からの数日この三日月が見れると言われています。皆さん今月の三日月をお見過ごしないように!

月より団子で  お彼岸のお供え物といえば「ぼたもち」または「おはぎ」ですが、このふたつ、何がどう違うのかはご存知ですか?実はどちらも、蒸した餅米を潰し、丸めて餡子で覆った同じものなんです。違うのは作る時期。牡丹が咲く時期であることから春のお彼岸にお供えするものは「ぼたもち(牡丹餅)」、同様に、秋は萩の花に見立てて「おはぎ(御萩)」と呼ばれているようです。最近私はヘルシーなオートミールの粉でグルテンフリーなお団子作りにはまっています。簡単なので皆さんも作ってみてください。

それでは、♪は~るよこい、早く来い♪ ではないですが、元気に三寒四温の春を満喫しましょう。


     春風に ほほも緩んで 笑み浮かぶ

     春光に 筋トレ勤しみ 汗ひとつ

     春日より 仔犬嬉しと 戯れる

     花粉症 春が来たかと じつコロナ

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Hello Everyone, I’m sure you’re thinking of this famous Japanese children’s song ♪Sakura, sakura Yayoi’s month~~♪ and I wonder if the cherry blossoms will bloom in March because still it is cold.  Well, January and February are all gone and now we are already March and I want to keep my feet on the ground and enjoy the best season of English Yayoi Spring.

 How are you coping with rising utility, food and other costs these days, when prices are soaring at a dizzying pace? The shelves in the Veg section of the supermarket were empty the other day, so what happened I wondered? I was told that vegetables and fruits were scarce due to bad weather and EU-related problems. This has happened several times before (for various reasons), but we managed to overcome it, so I didn’t think about it too seriously. Is it time to rent a garden or think about converting your home garden from decisive to a vegetable garden?  Even so, I’m worried that if the weather is bad, I can’t control it, and I would like to sincerely thank the farmers from the bottom of my heart!!

 It’s been a long time since it’s been called global warming, but countermeasures are lagging behind. Even though the UK has set a limit on exhaust emissions, there is still a long way to go, and there are some theories that exhaust emissions are not a big problem. We are bombarded by all information and social media so please Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and try Box Breathing. I think you can calm down and balance your mind.  Please do try from time to time.

 March is the girls Festival, and since our daughter was born, we have been decorating with dolls(Ohinamatsuri)but we haven’t put them out yet this year.   I don’t feel like it because it’s still cold, but I decided to start it because today is 1st of March and begging of Spring!!  Displaying these spring dolls Wherever the cold is, I feel already warmer.

The Japanese name for March is ‘Yayoi’, ‘Ya’ means more and more and finally, and ‘生’ means that the spring is approaching and the plants are finally growing. March 3rd Hinamatsuri (I was from Shimane and celebrated until April 3rd) , ‎March 18th Ohigan ‎In March, I would like to pay attention to “Crescent Moon Katamuki”. The spring crescent moon is large and tilts, making it look like a thin boat floating in the evening sky.

  It is said that this is because the white path (the path of the moon on the celestial sphere) in spring (around March) is greatly inclined to the horizon—it is almost vertical, and the white path is almost the ecliptic (the path on the celestial sphere). The path of the sun), so the sun is positioned below the horizon and almost directly below the moon, and since the moon shines from this direction, the crescent moon looks like a gondola with its lower side shining in spring. You can see it. It is said that you can see this crescent moon for a few days from March 23rd this year. Don’t miss this month’s crescent moon!     

Dumplings from the moon Speaking of offerings for the equinox, botamochi and ohagi, do you know what the difference is between the two? Actually, both of them are the same thing that steamed glutinous rice is crushed, rolled up and covered with red bean paste.

The difference is the time of making. Since it is the season when peonies bloom, the offerings offered to the equinoctial week in spring are called botamochi (peony rice cakes), and in autumn, they are called ohagi (ohagi), which resembles the flowers of bush clover. Lately I’ve been obsessed with making gluten-free dumplings with healthy oatmeal flour. It’s easy, so please try making it yourself.  

Well then, just like a song  ♪ welcome spring and please do come quickly ♪we are longing a spring and  let’s enjoy the early spring!!!

Here is the usual haiku and senryu~

     *Haru no kaze  hohoyurumi emiukabu (The spring breeze loosens my cheeks and makes me smile)

 *Harunohikari kintore asehitotsu (Under spring light worked hard for muscle training and one sweated)

 *Harubiyori koinu ureshito tawamureru

    *Under spring warm light puppy happily running round (Hay fever I thought spring had come, but in fact corona)    

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SOAS Career seminar, Feb 2023


SOAS Online Career Seminar


We’re very pleased to participate in online career seminar for the students at SOAS University. We introduced the Global job market outlook, job searching strategies, job vacancies and career path for language speakers. We had great time with various questions from the students at Q&A as well. Thank you very much for joining us! Please check here If you couldn’t attend it.

SOAS Online Career Seminar

Also, here‘s rakugo story from Katsura Sunshine which we couldn’t show it during seminar, hope you enjoy it!


By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、新年が明けたと思いましたら、もう2月です!諺通り、本当に1月は行ってしまいました~。さて2月、如月(きさらぎ)は寒さ のために更に着物を重ねて着るので「衣更着」という説がありますが、日本は1月末には大寒波に見舞われ、まさに大寒の入りですね。旧暦では、2月4日前後の「立春」が1年の始まりでした。立春の前日を「季節を分ける日」という意味の「節分」と称し、豆まきをして一年の穢れ(けがれ)をはらい清める風習が生まれ、豆を煎り、これをまいて鬼を退治し、無病息災を祈る意味があります。一般的に、一家の主人、または年男(女)が豆をまくものとされています。豆まきの後は、年の数だけ豆を食べると無病息災、健康でいられるといわれています。関西発祥の比較的新しい風習に「恵方巻」があります。福を巻き込んだ巻き寿司をその年の恵方を向いて、願い事を念じながら無言で丸かじりします。近年では全国的に広がりつつありますが、古くは「丸かじり寿司」「節分巻き寿司」「幸運巻き寿司」などといわれていたそうです。今年の方角は、南南東(細かくいうと南南東微南)だそうです。ロックダウン中はロンドンのレストランさんがこぞって恵方巻をデリバーされ、私も2年いただきましたが、今年はどうでしょうか。。。この恵方巻については日本にいる時は認識がなく、ロンドンで知った日本の伝統です。面白いですね。海外に来て初めて知る沢山の日本の伝統物品、芸術は本当に目から鱗のものが沢山あります。


さて、まだまだ寒い日が続く2月、でも確実に日が伸びて春の到来も感じられるこの頃、庭や公園ではスノードロップが白い可愛い花を咲かせてくれ、これから春に向けてまた色とりどりのお花のパレードを楽しみにしたいと思います。1月はヨガのポーズ兎年に因み、兎のポーズ(シャシャンカサーナ)で頭頂部の百会のツボを刺激し、眼精疲労、自律神経の調整をやりましたが、2月は寒さの底、そして春に向かって芽吹く力を養うということでマラーサナ(花輪のポーズ)。骨盤内の血流を促し、呼吸を意識することで自律神経を整える効果もUP。丹田と中心軸を意識していきます。通常Asian Squadとも言います。所謂トイレスタイルですが、背骨を伸ばして中心軸を地面に垂直に落として、呼吸を意識して目を閉じでみましょう~


          散歩道 ほほに吹く風 やさしさが

          犬のしつけ 飼い主から まず先に

          子育てが 終わってまた 犬(こ)育てを~


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Hello everyone, it’s already February! As the saying goes, January is leaving so fast. By the way, in February is called Kisaragi when we used to wear more kimonos because of the cold weather, so there is a theory that it is called “clothing clothes”. According to the lunar calendar, the beginning of the year was around February 4th and the beans are put into it, and the beans are sprinkled to get rid of demons and pray for good health. In general, the head of the household or the toshiotoko (woman or man) throws the beans. After the mamemaki, it is said that if you eat as many beans as your age, you will not get sick and stay healthy.

Ehomaki is a relatively new custom that originated in the Kansai region. Face the lucky direction of the year and silently bite into the rolls of sushi rolls that are filled with good fortune while making a wish. In recent years, it has spread all over the country, but in the old days it was called “marukajiri-zushi”, “setsubun-makizushi”, and “lucky makizushi”. This year’s direction is south-southeast (more precisely, south-southeast). During the lockdown, many restaurants in London delivered ehomaki, and I have been receiving them for two years, but what about this year? . This ehomaki is a Japanese tradition that I learned in London when I was in Japan, I was not aware of this tradition and it’s interesting. There are a lot of Japanese traditional goods and arts that I learned for the first time when I came abroad.

It is also the anniversary of love, which is associated with February 14, when the Christian Saint Valentine was martyred for allowing love and marriage, which were forbidden to soldiers at the time. In Europe, it has become established as a day when men and women send message cards and bouquets to each other to express their feelings.  It introduced Sint Valentine day in Japan in the late 1970s.

A chocolate maker popularized the Japanese style of Valentine’s Day, where women give chocolates to men with love, but now it seems that giving chocolates on Valentine’s Day in the UK has become established. Many British people have a sweet tooth and love chocolate. . . However, in recent years, it is said that this cacao is very good for the sensor to taste emotional stability and happiness. I also love chocolate, so I want to believe in it and eat it and get a lot of happiness thanks to dopamine 🙂 Well, it’s still cold in February, but the days are definitely getting longer and the arrival of spring can be felt. Snowdrops are blooming cute white flowers in the park, and I would like to look forward to the colourful flower parade again in the coming spring.   

January is a yoga pose associated with the year of the rabbit, and I introduced the rabbit pose (Shashankhasana) to stimulate the Hyakue(100 )pressure points on the top of my head, which helped relieve eye strain and regulate the autonomic nervous system, but February is still cold. Marasana (Wreath Pose) for cultivating the bottom of the body and the power to sprout for spring. By promoting blood flow in the pelvis floor and being conscious of breathing, the effect of adjusting the autonomic nerve is also improved. I’m going to be conscious of the detain and the central axis. Also known as the Asian Squad. It’s a so-called Japanese toilet style.

Then, it’s a senryu for the usual haiku~~

On the promenade, the gentler breeze blows on your cheeks now

Training the dog that is fom the dog owner first

After raising a child, raising a dog again~

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アクセスアポ歳時記1 月睦月 (むつき)2023年 

                  By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)







  • 黒豆 … 健康で日焼けするほどマメに、勤勉であるように願う
  • 数の子 … 「二親(ニシン)」の子宝にあやかり、子孫繁栄の願い
  • 田作り(五万米) … 昔は畑の肥料にしたイワシは豊穣の願い
  • たたきごぼう … 地に根を張るので安泰や繁栄、たたいて開く開運の意味


  • 栗きんとん … 「勝ち栗」から勝負運、黄金の色から富や豊かさ
  • 伊達巻き … 巻物の形から、知識や知恵がつきますように
  • 昆布巻き … 「喜ぶ」「養老昆布」「子生」と書き、不老長寿や子孫繁栄
  • 紅白かまぼこ … 縁起のいい紅白に、半円の形は初日の出を表します

二の重 焼き物

  • 鯛 … 縁起のいい赤色の鯛の「めでたい」にかけて
  • 鰤 … 出世魚のブリにあやかり、立身出世の願い
  • 海老 … えびのように腰が曲がるまで長生きできるよう長寿の願い

三の重  煮物

  • 里芋 … 子芋がたくさんできることから子孫繁栄の意味
  • れんこん … 穴が開いていることから、未来の見通しがきくように
  • くわい … 子球がたくさんついて大きな芽が出るため、子孫繁栄
  • ごぼう … 地に根を張ることから、土台安泰、延命長寿
  • こんにゃく … 手綱結びにするため、自身を律する、良縁を結ぶ意味




 元旦の おせち味よし 縁起良し

 初夢の 餅がふくらみ パンクした

 お正月 犬と一緒に 寝正月


A Happy New Year” to everyone

 January is called Mutsuki, and it is said that this is the month when relatives come and go and have a feast in harmony. There is also a theory that the name comes from “Mutsuki,” which refers to the month when rice seeds are soaked in water for the first time.  Well, we would be very appreciated if you could continue supporting us for 2023.  Now, year 2022 has passed by like a comet, and 2023 has begun and today is already 3rd. The Thames fireworks show was also held on a large scale for the first time in three years, and it looks like a wonderful start to the year despite E&A, rail and nurses continually on strikes and it is going to be dark dooms day awaiting though I trust that you had a wonderful beginning of 2023.  We spent New Year’s Day this year at my friend’s house, and it was a wonderful New Year’s Eve.

 This time I would like to write a little about the festive cooking is called Osechi ryori that is eaten on New Year’s Day in Japan, but since it is a celebration of the change of seasons, many of the ingredients are cooked so that they can be stored well and they can be eaten even after the first three days.

 Originally, osechi was meant to be eaten with the god of the year on New Year’s Eve. It is said that the New Year was celebrated by welcoming the new Toshigami-sama(God), who came along with the first sunrise of the year. Before long, it seems that it came to mean that the gods are resting on New Year’s Day, so you shouldn’t make the sound of the stove, and that mothers, who always do housework, should take a rest during the first three days of the year. From here it is the contents of the dish.

   Celebratory dish

  • Black soybean … I wish you to be healthy and tanned, diligent
  • Kazunoko … A wish for the prosperity of descendants, following the fertility of two parents (herring)
  • Tazukuri (50,000 rice) … In the old days, sardines used as fertilizer in the fields were a wish for a bountiful harvest.  Tataki burdock … The meaning of peace and prosperity because it takes root in the ground, and good fortune when it is beaten


  • Kurikinton … “Winning Chestnut” brings luck, and golden colour brings wealth and prosperity.
  • Datemaki … May you gain knowledge and wisdom from the shape of the scroll
  • Kombu-maki … Write “joy,” “yoro kelp,” and “children,” to symbolize perpetual youth and longevity and prosperity of descendants.
  • Red and white kamaboko … The red and white are auspicious, and the semicircular shape represents the first sunrise of the year.

     The Second box

  • Sea bream … By the auspicious red sea bream
  • Yellowtail … A wish for success in life, following the yellowtail of a successful fish
  • Shrimp … A wish for longevity to live long enough to bend like a shrimp

  The third box

  • Taro … The meaning of prosperity of descendants because it grows a lot of sweet potatoes
  • Lotus root … Because there is a hole in it, you can see the future
  • Kuwai … Large sprouts with many progeny, prosperity of descendants
  • Burdock … Because it takes root in the ground, the foundation is safe and the life is long.
  • Konjac … The meaning of tying the reins, disciplining oneself and forming a good match

Then, the vinegared dish and the weight of the sekimono continue. Almost twenty years ago, I had a chance to learn how to make New Year’s dishes using British ingredients from Ms Yamano.  I especially love gomame with nuts! ! Everything was so delicious and very kind to our body and mind!!!

  “This year is the Year of the Rabbit.” There are many proverbs that use rabbits as an example, but the one that caught my eye the most is “Usagi no Noborizaka.” This is because rabbits have long hind legs and are good at climbing hills. Therefore, an uphill for a rabbit is a proverb that compares an environment in which things are easy to progress smoothly under favourable conditions. Let’s follow this proverb and climb up just like a rabbit in 2023! !  A Happy and Healthy 2023.

Haiku and Senryuu:

New Years Day  Osechi is very tasty and brings good luck!

New years dream rice cake ballooned and get punctured

New year’s day I sleeps with my dog

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