アクセスアポ歳時記12 月師走(師走)2022年 

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

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さて、師走。この言葉も死語でしょうか。師=先生が走るって???マラソンでもしているの?ということになるかもですね。「師走」の由来は、僧侶のような普段落ちついている人でも、この月は多忙で走り回るようになるという意味から名付けられたという説があります。そして今年は本当に駆け足で1年が過ぎていこうとしていますが、皆さんの一年はいかがでしたでしょうか。パンデミックも緩み、外には人があふれ、政治家は噓の付き合い、ボリスが降り、そしてリズさんも、何と二人が阻止しようとしたリシさんが今は首相になったという10 Downing Streetですが、一番の傍観者で開いた口がふさがらないの住人のLally君でしょうか。「にゃんでもいいから早く落ち着いて!」って言っているようですね。



大晦日、一年の最終日の12月31日。年内最後の晦日(みそか=毎月の最終日)で、大晦(おおつごもり)とも言います。新しい年神様を迎えるために寝ないで待つ日とされ、早く寝ると白髪になるとの言い伝えがあったようなので、皆様気を付けましょうね。大晦日の夜のことを除夜(除夜)といい、神社では火を焚いて厄祓いの神事を行ったり、お寺では年をまたいで除夜の鐘をついたりと、さまざまな年越しの行事が各地で行われますが、英国では(主にスコットランドで)Hogmanayと言われて、一年の最後の日から新年になるのを祝って蛍の光が歌われるのは有名ですね。ぜひ一度は大晦日をスコットランドで迎えてみたいですね。蛍の光「Auld Lang Syne」の歌詞は、スコットランドの詩人であるロバート・バーンズによるものです。作曲については諸説ありますが、今はスコットランド民謡として知られています。明治時代にアメリカから日本に伝わり、日本語の歌詞がつけられました。そして卒業式で歌われるようになりましたが決して別れの歌ではないようですね。あくまでも新年を祝っての歌なんですね。




     忘年会 今年は望む 年と描く

     年の瀬や 切磋琢磨して 大掃除

     一人鍋 コロナのせいと 理由付け

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The World Cup in Qatar suggested various problems before starting, however, we watches the matches excitedly once it started and now are feeling up and down about the results as if there were no problems! Great upheaval, with Japan defeating Germany. . I don’t know what the future holds. If you think that the British people are good at forgetting, it seems that people all over the world have such a habit! In the 1980s, I was amazed by the memory of the whales by watching the film called “Orca,” which is about a couple of whales who take revenge on their wives killed by humans. If that Matt Hancock MP appeared on a reality show as a celebrity and was told that he would probably drop out of the first round of voting, he would have remained until the end (I was relieved that he didn’t win), as you can see, the people is really quick to forget. . . I don’t want to be like that, but I don’t like being vengeful and vengeful like an Orca. After all, all politicians are hypocrites and liars!!

December is called “Shiwasu” and literally means that the teacher/priest even run busily in December. There is a theory that the origin of “Shiwasu” is that even people who are normally calm like monks will be busy and run around this month. And this year is really going to pass by in a hurry for me, how about yours? The pandemic has eased, people are overflowing outside as if it was nothing happened and politicians are lying, Boris has fallen, and Ms Truss has also been dropped. But is it the resident Lally who is the most bystander and can’t close his mouth? It seems like he’s saying, “”Do something meow but I don’t care if it’s meow”

December is the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Around December 22nd. It is also called ‘Ichiyo Raifuku’ because the days are getting longer and spring is approaching on this day. Ancient people described this as the days getting longer one grain of rice and one grain of tatami mat. It is said that eating pumpkins on the winter solstice and soaking in the yuzu bath will prevent you from catching a cold.

Shogatsu kotohajime is held on December 13th of the lunar calendar, and is an event to prepare for the New Year. In the current calendar, it is often held on December 8th or 13th. In the past, on this day, people used to go pick trees for New Year’s pine decorations, remove soot, and pound rice cakes. Even now, shrines and temples around the country hold events such as Susuharai on this day. Also, in Gion, Kyoto, on December 13th, there is a custom that geisha and maiko visit their master’s house to greet them.

New Year’s Eve, December 31st, the last day of the year. It is the last day of the year (misoka = the last day of every month) and is also called otsugomori. It is said that if you go to bed early, your hair will turn white, so everyone should be careful. The night of New Year’s Eve is called joya (joya), and various New Year’s Eve events are held in various places, such as burning fires at shrines to ward off evil, and ringing bells at temples throughout the year. However, in England, it is called Hogmanay (Scotland), and it is famous that fireflies are sung on the last day of the year to celebrate the beginning of the new year.

After all, I would love to spend New Year’s Eve in Scotland. The lyrics to “Auld Lang Syne” by Hotaru no Hikari are by Scottish poet Robert Burns. There are various theories about its composition, but it is now known as a Scottish folk song. It was introduced to Japan from the United States in the Meiji period, and Japanese lyrics were added. And now it’s sung at graduation ceremonies, but it doesn’t seem to be a farewell song. It’s just a song to celebrate the new year.

This year seems to be the year when there are many invitations to year-end parties. How about yourself? Please take care not catching a cold and I look forward to seeing you again in 2023.

Wishing you an excellent ending year 2023 is the year of the rabbit, let’s jump into 2023 with hops, steps, jumps, and jumps! !

– From Access Appointments –

Here are the usual haiku & senryu:

“End-of-year party”, write this year as the desired year (忘年会 今年は望む 年と書く)

General cleaning at the end of the year (年の瀬や 切磋琢磨して 大掃除 )

Having a Nabe alone let the reason of Covid (一人鍋 コロナのせいと 理由付け )

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By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

たったこの間、神無月と書いたように記憶していますが、既に今年も残すところ2か月となりました。11月は文字通り「霜が降る月」という意の「霜降月(しもふりつき)」の略で「霜月」となりました。しかしこの英国、10月の日中平均気温が19度と暖冬ならぬ暖秋ですね。そしてHeat wave が何と枯れ葉が落ちるのに一役買い例年よりも早く枯れていき、枯れ葉との闘いが今年は10月から始まりました~(集めてはリサイクルビンへの繰り返し)。

今年は日本は11月7日が「立冬」です。「冬が立つ」と書くように、冬の兆しが見え始める頃。空気がぐっと冷たくなり、冬の気配を感じる時期です。暦の上では冬といわれ、立冬から2月初旬の立春の前日までが冬になります。「小雪(しょうせつ)」はわずかな雪が降る頃という意味です。山などに雪がみられる時期となりますが、それほど雪は多くないことから小雪と呼ばれるようになりました。江戸時代の暦の解説書『暦便欄』では、小雪の気候を「冷ゆるが故に雨も雪と也てくだるが故也」(冷え込むようになってきて雨が雪になって降ってくるから)と説明されています。 2022年の小雪は、11月22日から12月6日です。毎年11月22日頃~12月6日頃にあたりますが、日付が固定されているわけではないようで、二十四節気では小雪の前は冬の兆しがみえてくる頃の「立冬」で、小雪の次は、山の峰に雪がかぶり平地でも雪が降りだす頃の「大雪」となります。この時期、昼間はそれほど冷えず、ときには春を思わせるような暖かな日になることがあります。このような日を「小春日和」と言います。小春とは春のことではなく、旧暦の10月(今の11月頃)をさし、初冬の穏やかで暖かい気候を春に例えて「小春日和」と呼ぶようになったしょうです。私はてっきり春のポカポカと気持ちの良い日の事かと思っていました。


さて、現実に目を向けると、英国は何と世界各国から「あの国どうなってるの~」って半分開いた口がふさがらない状態で冷視されているのではないでしょうか。よくもまあ恥ずかしいことを平気で!政治家の幼稚さに国民もあきれているかと思います(私もその一人!)。ここでそれを書くと、タイプを打つ手が疲れるので端折らせていただきます。リシ・スナク首相は何時まで踏ん張れるのでしょうか…。今迄蔵相時代はSpendingの王様でしたが、これからはSavingの神様にならねばです。さあどのような手腕を取るのかが楽しみというかしたたかに見てみたいというところです。少し意地悪な内容になりましたので、ここで少し話題を変え、この月は、とにかく断捨離をする月、特に蠍座の方々はその傾向を顕著に表しているようですね。今迄の腐れ縁、捨てきれずにいた物品、等々を思い切って処分することで運が向いてくるとのこと。そこでヨガでもこの食欲の秋を迎えて、胃腸を整えるために、1)橋のポーズ、2)弓のポーズ 3)ガス抜きのポーズを毎日数度やってみましょう。


   愛犬を 霜よけごとく 抱きしめる

   枯れ葉けり ボールがはどこにと 探す犬

   冬時間  朝明るいが 暗い午後


・11月8日 午後3時~ ビジネススピーチコンテスト 場所:SOAS

ビジネス日本語スピーチコンテスト 聴衆者の方々にも日本酒や民芸品が当たるラッフルがあります。無料で観覧できますので、知人などお誘いあわせの上ぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね。詳細はこちらからどうぞ。

・11月20日 午後4時~ 桂三輝さん落語  場所:Leicester Sq theatre



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 I remember writing that it was Kannazuki just like the other day, but there are already two months left in this year. “Shimotsuki” is an abbreviation of “Shimofuritsuki” which literally means “month with frost”. However, here in the UK, the average daytime temperature in October was 19 degrees, which was a really warm autumn. And the heat wave played a role in helping the dead leaves fall down, and they withered earlier than usual, and the battle with the dead leaves began in October this year (repeatedly collecting and put them in to recycling bins).

 This year, November 7th is the “Ritto” in Japan. When the signs of winter begin to appear, as it is written, “Winter is coming.” It’s the time when the air gets colder and you can feel the signs of winter. According to the calendar, winter is defined as the period from the beginning of winter to the day before the beginning of spring in early February.

“Shosetsu” means when a little snow falls. It is the season when snow can be seen in the mountains, but it is called light snow because there is not much snow. In the Edo period calendar guidebook “Rekibinran”, the climate of light snowfall is described as “”Because it is cold, the rain is also snowing” is explained. Shosetsu in 2022 is from November 22nd to December 6th. It falls between November 22nd and December 6th every year, but it doesn’t seem to have a fixed date. The next is “heavy snow,” when the peaks of the mountains are covered with snow and it begins to snow even on the flatlands. During this period, the daytime is not so cold, and the days can sometimes be warm, reminiscent of spring. Koharu does not refer to spring, but to the October month of the lunar calendar (now around November). I thought it was a warm and pleasant day in spring.

Now, when you look at the reality, it seems that the UK is being looked down upon by countries around the world, with their mouths half-open. What a shame…! I think the public is amazed at the childishness of politicians. If I write it here, I’m tired of typing, so I’ll cut it short. How long can Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hold out? Until now, when he was the Minister of Finance, he was “the king of spending”, but from now on, he must become “the god of saving”. Now, I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of skill he will show to lead the country.

It’s been a bit harsh, so let’s change the topic a little. It is said that by decisively disposing of rotten ties, items that could not be thrown away, and so on, then good luck will come. So, in order to welcome this fall of appetite in yoga and prepare your stomach and intestines, let’s do 1) bridge pose, 2) bow pose, and 3) gas release pose several times every day.

Now, here’s the usual haiku, senryu

Hug your dog as if preventing Autumn frost (愛犬を 霜よけごとく 抱きしめる)

A dog searching for where the ball is under dry leaves (枯れ葉けり ボールがはどこにと 探す犬)

Winter time: lighter in the morning and already dark in the afternoon (冬時間  朝明るいが 午後暗く…)

Finally, November London events

*On November 8th, from 3:00 pm, at SOAS, there will be a raffle where the audience can win sake and folk crafts at the Business Japanese Speech Contest.

*From 4:00 pm on November 20th, Sanki Katsura’s first rakugo performance, first in a long time!

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アクセスアポ歳時記10 月神無月(かんなづき)2022年  

By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)




現在の英国の国歌は1745年に作られQueenとKingをその時代で変換されるようにできていて、♬ God save the Gracious Queen ♬ から Kingへと変更されました。




    コーギー犬 主(あるじ)失い 尻尾下げ

    秋雨の 滴(しずく)葉に落ち 底冷える

    公園で リスと競うよ 栗拾い

☆ Webinarのお知らせ ☆

10月12日(水)に私が以前からご依頼を受けていましたJapan AssociationさんのWebinarを開催することとなりました。会員のみでなくどなたでも申し込むことができるそうですので、お時間のある方は是非とも応募くださいませ。当日のお話は人材紹介の裏話とヨガと北斎の繋がり…といった内容予定です。参加申し込みはこちらからお願いいたします。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。

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In this October, eight million (yaoyorozu) gods from all over Japan gathered in the country of Izumo (Shimane Prefecture) and held a meeting. It has been called “Kannazuki” because there are no gods in other countries. In the land of Izumo (Shimane) where the gods gather, it is called “Kamiarizuki”. By the way, I’m from Shimane, but I’m not from the Izumo region, so I’m not sure if it was really called that way.

Well, everyone it is no exaggeration to say that September began and ended with the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. In addition, this state funeral was planned over the course of 40 years for the Queen by Queen, and it became a state funeral in the sense that all of the people mourned her death and celebrated the days she devoted to the people as Queen for 70 years. Some of you may have stood in line from 11 to 18 hours to pay your respects to the Queen. A friend of mine did so and she said that she might have stood up for 12 hours without sleeping and she could have done this because he had jet lag and had just returned from Japan just the day before she did queue.  I really bowed to the British people (old and young) who are lined up in a long line were so patient with great respects to the Queen.  I thought that if more young people showed this patience and perceiver to various things and in the future, Britain would become a really strong country. . .

The reign of 70 years is the second in history, and most of the British people know only Queen Elizabeth as a monarch. I was very moved by the appearance of her horse Pony and two corgis looking at the coffin side by side. The current British national anthem was created in 1745 and was designed to transform the Queen and King in that era,  ♪From God save the Gracious Queen to King.♬

Well, it will be winter time from October 30th, and the dark winter will be approaching.  Hidden at the Queen’s state funeral, the birth of a new government, a new mini-budget, a crash in the foreign currency (dived sterling pound) interest rate hikes, and high inflation…there are a lot of difficult problems, but even then, with the usual lion’s breath, I’m going to go out into the cold. Loosen your hip joints and warm your body from the inside with the unbeatable breathing method Kavaratti and a simple forward bend (Pearl Oyster Pose).

Now, in Japan, the sky is high and saying even the horse get fatter and it is a tourist season in search of the taste of autumn, and foreign tourists to Japan finally do not need a visa. Will Japan be able to flourish the visitors from overseas as the tourist season begins? Autumn is also popular for outdoor excursions such as potato digging, grape picking, chestnut picking, and autumn leaf viewing. I look forward to seeing you. The use of water hoses in England is still prohibited until next year, and it is said that there will be less rain than usual.  Please take care not to catch a cold during this cold autumn season.

Usual haiku here:

    コーギー犬 主(あるじ)失い 遠吠えす (Corgi dog loses its owner and howls)

    秋雨の 滴(しずく)葉に落ち 底冷える (Drops of autumn rain fall on the leaves and cool down to the bottom)

    公園で リスと競うよ 栗拾い (Compete with squirrels in the park Collecting chestnut)

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By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

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秋桜(こすもす)の 風に揺られて たびごころ

おはぎ食べ 歯医者さがしに 一苦労

十五夜に ウサギ探して はねる子や

そして9月に落語家サンシャインさんがイタリア人コメデイアンとのコラボの落語をご披露と聞いています。どんな内容となるのか楽しみですね。チケットはこちらからどうぞ。「Sun2」のコードで2 for 1で購入いただけますので、ご家族ご友人とご一緒に楽しんでくださいませ。

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Summer in the UK has come to an end. But there is something called Indian Summer, so the heat might come back. Personally, I was born in August, so I love summer! Summer in Europe in particular is really comfortable and pleasant. Oh, except for that sauna-like Underground!! When I visited Bordeaux in early August it was exceptionally hot though I still remember the cool French breeze in the shade of the trees. Also, Devon’s heath, grasslands surrounded by gorse, F&C at a fishing village, crab sandwiches and grilled crest squid are all wonderful and delicious. How was your summer like?

 Around September 23rd, the autumnal equinox, the length of day and night will reverse, and the heat will gradually subside in Japan. This is the reason why it is said that “the heat and the cold reach the equinox”. As the night gets longer day by day, it is said that it became “Yonagatsuki” and then “Nagatsuki”.

 There are many events such as “Respect for the Aged Day” and “Higan” that make you feel “bonds” with your family. Also, around September 15th, “Juugoya” is a day to appreciate the harvest while admiring the moon. According to the lunar calendar, autumn is from July to September, and mid-autumn is the middle of autumn, when the sky is clear and the moon is beautiful. The feeling that the Japanese people have for the moon since ancient times is very tasteful

Now, speaking of the reality of the UK, a new prime minister will finally be elected this month, and it seems that the parliament will be very noisy after the summer vacation. There are also a lot of problems such as utility bills and soaring cost of living prices, and we, the people, hold our breath wondering how the new Prime Minister can solve these problems. . . Or rather,  seems to be staring at the future with a half-give up face. And I’m not the only one who thinks the world is full of contradictions, with the tragic situation that the Ukraine war continues this month with no solution, and NASA launching a rocket to the moon for the first time in 50 years. It seems that. In such a case, place your feet firmly on the ground (Grounding), breathe slowly through your nose and exhale through your nose, open your eyes wide, stick out your tongue, and exhale all the air you have inhaled, and you will definitely feel refreshed.

It is written as autumn cherry blossoms and read as “cosmos”. The seeds are sown from spring to early summer, and the cherry blossom-like flowers bloom in autumn, hence the name akizakura.  The 7 days from the autumnal equinox are called “Autumn equinox,” which is a day of memorial services for ancestors, such as visiting graves and memorial services. There are both grainy and strained bean paste, and it is said that ohagi was made with red bean paste that was just harvested in autumn, and botamochi was made with red bean that had hardened over the winter and was made with strained bean paste. It is said that the rice cake was called Ohagi and Botanmochi because it was likened to Hagi in autumn and Peony in spring. I want to make ohagi this year.

And in September, Mr Katsura Sunshine will perform rakugo in collaboration with an Italian comedian. I’m looking forward to what kind of content it will be. Please come and visit Sunshine at Leicester theatre. You can book the ticket here, also you can get “2 for 1” using promo code [Sun2]

Here are some Haiku and Senryu as always;

Akizakura(Cosmos) Wind below thinking of traveling (秋桜(こすもす)の 風に揺られて たびごころ)

Sweet beans dumpling looking for a dendist  hard to find (おはぎ食べ 歯医者さがしに 一苦労)

Full moon looks for a rabbit little girl jumping round (十五夜に ウサギ探して はねる子や)

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By Mitsue Uchida Finch

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)




さて、私事ですが、7月に娘が何と500㎞ロンドンーパリ間チャリテイ自転車ライドにチャレンジし、4日間で見事完走するという快挙を成し遂げました。このチャレンジで、人間的に一回り大きくなり、素敵な友人もできたようで、人間チャレンジは大なり小なりいくつになってもし続けたいものですね!!チャレンジと言えば、何といっても英国女子フットボールユーロチャンピンシップでの優勝は素晴らしいの一言に尽きます!!今迄は女子サッカーと言えばサッカー場のスタンドはガラガラ、技術も男子と比較され、TVでの放映も人気が出ずでした。しかし今回のウエンブリーのスタンドはびっしりと埋まり、その勢いに乗っての優勝。私も思い切り応援しました。近所のパブでも多いに盛り上がったようでした。Girls Powerの復活ですね!そしてこの勢いに乗って首相も女性になる可能性も大となりましたが、その行方はいかにと色々と今夏は話題が満載です。

最後に私達が応援している落語家、桂三輝さんの7月公演も盛況でした。次回は9月にイタリア人コメデイアンとのコラボを企画し、皆さんを楽しませてくれるそうです。是非ともご来場くださいませ。チケットはこちらからどうぞ。「Sun2」のコードで2 for 1で購入いただけますので、ご家族ご友人とご一緒に楽しんでくださいませ。



    ぶどうの木 ルーツの深さに 驚嘆し

    ホースバン 馬に乗るのを 禁止かと

    スイカ割 薄目開けては エイヤーと

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How are you all doing? As you know we had unbearable and unusual very hot days in July which set a new record by breaking the highest temperature in the history in the UK. Thankfully it has returned to usual comfortable summer in London now and the heat lasted for two days, which were incomparable to the summer in Japan. It feels like summer has already gone, but it’s August now, and I hope to enjoy our short summer!

August is called “Hazuki” in Japanese. It seems that the month when the leaves turn red and fall, “Haochitsuki” has changed to “Hazuki”. But we wonder the leaves fall in autumn… In fact August was autumn in the Lunar calendar. The summer feature of Japan is the small bell tin (called Furin in Japanese). It came from China and became popular and hung from the eaves etc. to make you feel cool while enjoying the sound of the wind blowing, but when I visited my friend’s house where I found several wind chimes were hung on the wall of the house. It was an exotic Asian accessory rather than “cooling” summer traditional in Japan.

And in old Tokyo, the appearance of selling wind chimes was the famous summer tradition. It is said that until about three years ago, there were people around Kabukicho who put a lot of wind chimes on a large frame and sold them. When it gets close to Obon (mid-August), it will move from Tokyo in order to sell them in Sapporo. However, it seems such a tradition is disappearing year by year, and it’s sad to lose such thing!

“Hiyashi chuka” appears in place of ramen in this season. This is an abbreviation for “chilled Chinese soba” and seems to have been originated in Japan, which roots were created by the Chinese restaurant in Sendai city in 1945. In addition, somen noodles can be refreshed when it’s hot in the summer, that was very much appreciated during the intense heat of July in London.

The sound of the noisy cicada disappeared before I knew it, and it made me feel the summer end where the sounds of insects could be heard and it was also a time when I felt a little melancholic. When I was a kid, the end of August was a big deal to finish my homework, and just imagining it made me feel cold sweat. How was everyone?

Personally, in July my daughter took on the challenge of a 500km London-Paris charity bicycle ride, and made a feat of completing the race for four days.  It seems that this challenge has made her grown and she have made wonderful friends! Every challenging is such a beautiful thing no matter how big or small it is. Speaking of challenges, winning the British Women’s Football Euro championship is a great achievement! !! Until now, when it comes to women’s football, the stands are rattled, the technique is compared with that of men and the broadcast on TV wasn’t popular sadly. However, this time Wembley was packed tightly, and they took advantage of that momentum to win the championship. I heard there was a lot of excitement in the pubs in the neighbourhood as well as in town.  Girls Power is back! In additions, there is a great possibility that the prime minister would become a woman again, there’re many things happening this summer!

Finally, the July performance of Rakugoka Katsura Sunshine, who we support, was also a great success. Next time, in September, he plans more exciting performance to collaborate with Italian Comedian! You can book the ticket here, also you can get “2 for 1” using promo code [Sun2]

< Here’s August Haiku /Senryu>

Vine tree deep roots what a surprise    (ぶどうの木 ルーツの深さに 驚嘆し)

Hose van forbidden riding horse I thought (ホースバン 馬に乗るのを 禁止かと)

watermelon game I cheat with slightly eyes opened (スイカ割 薄目開けては エイヤーと)

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By Mitsue Finch Uchida

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)






そして、7月は海開き!海の日は「海の恩恵に感謝するとともに、海洋国日本の繁栄を願う」という趣旨で祝日に制定され、「世界の国々の中で『海の日』を国民の祝日としている国は唯一日本だけ」とのこと。 1996年に国民の祝日として施行されましたが、当初「海の日」は7月20日(夏休みが始まる日)でした。2003年に祝日法が改正されると、いわゆるハッピーマンデーにより「7月第3月曜日」になりました。なお、2020年と2021年は東京五輪の関係で「海の日」「山の日」「スポーツの日」の3つの祝日が移動されていましたが、2022年は元に戻ったということです。イギリスでは残念ながら「海の日」は存在しませんが、夏到来はやはりウインブルドンのストロベリー&クリーム、ピムスというカクテルの夏のドリンクでしょうか。ぜひ試してみてください!

さて、最後はいつものサンシャイン落語です。6月も元気に彼の存在をアピールしてくれました。そして7月を最後にこれからは季節ごとのウエストエンド公演となるそうです。One get One Freeの特別コード『sun2』 をいただいています。是非皆さまお誘い合わせてご来場くださいませ。公演は7月23日土曜日午後3時半からです。チケット購入はこちらからどうぞ!


   かごの中 蛍がひかる 夏しぐれ

   西瓜食べ 種だし昔 懐かしい  

   かき氷 飲み込むたびに 冷え感じ

   海開き 人とごみとの 山開き  

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It is July already!! This year’s Wimbledon started with the audiences.  And in Japan, the days of intense heat continue as soon as the rainy season ends, and it seems that the temperature is soaring and it gets hotter every year. I hope everyone is doing well.

Personally, I enjoyed a small trip to Holland and Portugal in June. In Amsterdam, bicycles were of course but two-seater microcars ran around the town like bicycles.  And I really enjoyed sunny days in Portugal with the breeze from the coast and the deliciousness of the fish dishes.  I thought that the UK was also delicious, but I was reminded of the difference in freshness when I travelled to Portugal for the first time in two years.

It seems that there were various strikes on airplanes and trains (it will continue …), but thanks to the fact that I planned my trip with plenty of time, I was lucky to proceed smoothly and comfortably. Also, I was blessed with the weather and these were the first travel since 2019. I have enjoyed it from the bottom of my heart. Perhaps I planned well this trip with ample time and if you have enough time than usual and you can relax at the airport, the chaotic scenery around you may look nice and a smile will come to you!!!

Speaking of July, it’s Tanabata. One of the events is to write songs and letters on a strip of paper and pray for the improvement of calligraphy. It is called “Tanabata no Sekku” because it is held in the evening of “Sasa no Sekku”, and it is also called “Sasa no Sekku” because it is held using bamboo grass. It is a typical Japanese summer event and so good!!

And the sea opens in July in Japan! Marine Day was established as a national holiday with the purpose of “thank you for the blessings of the sea and wish for the prosperity of Japan, a maritime nation.” And that. It was enforced as a national holiday in 1996, but initially “Marine Day” was July 20 (the day when summer vacation begins).When the Holidays Act was amended in 2003, it became “the third Monday of July” due to so-called Happy Monday. In 2020 and 2021, three holidays, “Marine Day,” “Mountain Day,” and “Sports Day,” were moved due to the Tokyo Olympics, but in 2022 they have returned to their original state.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as “Marine Day” in the UK, but the arrival of summer is probably the summer drink of Wimbledon’s strawberry & cream and Pimm’s cocktail. Please, try them when you can!

Well, the last is the usual Sunshine Rakugo. He also appealed his performance well in June. And it seems that it will be a seasonal West End performance from now on and it will be the last performance till late Autumn.. I have received a special code “sun2” for One get One Free. Please come and join us. The performance will start at 3:30 pm on Saturday, July 23rd.

Haiku and senryu here:

Fireflies in the basket Summer shower (かごの中 蛍がひかる 夏しぐれ)

Eating watermelon, seeds out from it, nostalgic (西瓜食べ 種だし昔 懐かしい)  

Every time I swallow the shaved ice, it feels cold (かき氷 飲み込むたびに 冷え感じ)

Opening the sea, opening the mountain between people and garbage (海開き 人とごみとの 山開き)  

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By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointment

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)




また6月の第3日曜日は「父の日」。その言われは、アメリカの南北戦争当時、6人の子供を持つ家庭のお父さんが出兵している間、お母さんが留守を守り子育てや全ての仕事をしていたのですが、過労のために母はお父さんが復員後この世を去り、その後は、お父さんが6人の子供を立派に育て、その後ろ姿を見て育った一人の末娘が、1909年に父を称えて「父の日」を提唱し、父の誕生月にあたる6月に父の日の式典が開催されるようになり、その後6月の第3日曜日が「父の日」となって1972年にアメリカの正式な記念日となりました。「母の日」がカーネーションだったように、「父の日」にはバラを贈るそうです。そしてその娘さんが、父親の好きだったバラを選び、白いバラを父のお墓に供えたことに由来します。日本では、80年代に父の日が国民的イベントとなっていき、「ベスト・ファーザー イエローリボン賞」などの活動を行う『FDC 日本ファーザーズ・デイ委員会』が提唱する「黄色」を父の日カラーとするところが増えました。古来、イギリスでは「黄色」は身を守るための色とされ、アメリカで「黄色いリボン」は「愛する人の無事を願うもの」のシンボルとなりました。花に関していえば、黄色いバラやヒマワリのほか、白いバラ、白いユリなども支持されているようですね。そして6月21日は夏至、ついに待望の夏!7、8月は10時くらいまで明るいので野外生活を満喫いたしましょう。

ところで歳時とは関係ないですが、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻は今も終わることが無く、それ以上に狂気の沙汰と言えるような状態で爆撃が進み、残酷な状態になっています。Stop the warと言いながらその声は風に吹かれ、空気中に消滅しています。どうしてなんでしょうか…。そして3ヶ月経ちウクライナの人たちは大半は国外へ、しかし男性は未だにキエフやその近辺で防御、防衛しながら攻撃しているようです。彼らの精神、忍耐力の強じんさは想像を絶します。とにかくプーチンさんに一日も早く人を殺すのはやめて、笑顔で人生送りましょうと誰か助言していただけないでしょうか!!!!!

さて、5月の終わりには、北斎漫画で感銘を受けたヨガのお話をするチャンスがありました。いつかこの北斎が描いている江戸庶民が楽しそうにヨガポーズをしている病者の漫画のヨガについて話してみたいと思っていたので、スモールグループの方々と共有できてとても幸せでした。そして北斎ヨガの一番のポイントは「肚」(おへそから指3本くらい下がったところ=丹田)に意識を向けるということで、体の中心軸がうまく取れ(ブレない)そして肚呼吸をすることで気分が落ち着いてきます(Grounding)。それはまさに忙しい私達の今日の生活のヒントを江戸時代から現代に頂き受け継いでいるようです。北斎の墓石に刻まれた名前は晩年の画号「画狂老人卍墓」。“画に狂った老人”という名に凄味を感じると同時に、己の信じた道を歩みきった人間のすばらしさを感じさせてくれます~~。それでは、最後に北斎のお話に因み、詩人・日本美術評論家でもあるアメリカのRoger Keyesさんの詩をお聞きください。

この詩に読まれているように、keep looking, stay curious and there is no end to seeing…….


ここで俳句と川柳をご紹介 (最近の写真もご一緒に!):

今にも崩れそう…in Norfork

⁂雨粒が サンダル足に 梅雨の色 ⁂北斎の 江戸を真似て見 ヨガ漫画 

⁂いつの世も おへその下に 肚かかえ ⁂紫陽花の あでやか色の 万華鏡

さて、締めはサンシャイン落語です。5月は彼は新型コロナに感染してロンドンに出てこれなくなり、急きょ高座はキャンセルとなりました。彼もとても残念がっており、6月で皆さんに2倍、3倍にしてお返しいたしますと張り切っているようです。6月も皆様沢山お越しいただければと、One get One Freeの特別コード「sun2」をいただいています。是非皆さまお誘い合わせてご来場くださいませ。公演は6月18日土曜日午後3時半からです。チケット購入はこちらからどうぞ!


Hi everyone, we now enter the month of June and I hope you are doing well. And nowadays, as if Corona is over, more and more people are packing in suitcases and going on a trip. But now there would be people infected with monkeypox here and there.  We really need a very happy and fun stories but unfortunately there are many cancelled flights because staff shortage at the airports.

Now, Let’s change our mood, and June is the season for changing clothes. When I was a student, the rainy season came all at once from June, and the weather was dull. In the Edo period, the variety of kimonos increased, and the samurai society decided to change clothes four times a year according to the climate, and it spread to the ordinary(non-samurai) people. As military personnel began to wear uniforms and the calendar changed to the new calendar, summer clothes and winter clothes were changed twice a year, and this awareness of changing clothes permeated schools and homes, and it continues to this day.

The third Sunday in June is “Father’s Day”. It is said that at the time of the American Civil War, while the father of a family with six children was dispatched, the mother did all the work such as raising children, but due to overwork, the mother passed away when their father returned from the war and he did work and brought his family up with single hand.  The youngest daughter, who grew up looking at his back after raising six children, celebrated his Father’s Day in 1909. After advocating, the ceremony for Father’s Day began to be held in June, which is the month of the birth of my father, and then the third Sunday of June became “Father’s Day”, and in 1972 it became the official anniversary of the United States. rice field. Just as “Mother’s Day” was a carnation, he will give roses on Father’s Day. And it comes from the fact that the daughter chose the rose that her father liked and offered the white rose to her father’s grave.

In Japan, Father’s Day became a national event in the 1980s, and “Yellow” advocated by the “FDC Japan Father’s Day Committee”, which conducts activities such as the “Best Father Yellow Ribbon Award”, is Father’s Day. The number of places to use colour has increased. Since ancient times, “yellow” has been regarded as a protective colour in England, and “yellow ribbon” has become a symbol of “a wish for the safety of a loved one” in the United States. As for flowers, it seems that yellow roses and sunflowers, as well as white roses and white lilies are supported. And June 21st is the summer solstice, and finally the long-awaited summer. .. It is bright until about 10 o’clock in July and August, so let’s enjoy the outdoor life.

By the way, it has nothing to do with seasonal events, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has never ended, and the bombing has progressed in a state that can be said to be crazier, and it is in a cruel state. Even though we say Stop the war, the voice is blown by the wind and disappears in the air. Why is that. .. .. And three months has past, most Ukrainians go abroad, but men still seem to be fighting and while defending in and around Kyiv. Their spirit and patience are unimaginable. Anyway, could anyone advise Putin to stop killing people as soon as possible and live his life with a smile! !! !! !! !!

Well, at the end of May, I had a chance to talk about yoga that impressed me with Hokusai Manga. One day I wanted to talk about Hokusai Manga and yoga. Edo people who are happily doing yoga poses drawn by Hokusai, so I was very happy to share it with the people of the small group. And the most important point of Hokusai yoga is to focus on “肚” (where about 3 fingers go down from the navel = Tanda), so that the central axis of the body can be taken well (no blurring) and breathing. It makes me feel calm (Grounding).

It seems that we have inherited the hints of our busy life from the Edo period to the present day. The name engraved on Hokusai’s tombstone is the late-life painting “Gagô Elderly Swastika Tomb”. At the same time as I feel the name “old man who is crazy about painting”, it makes me feel the wonderfulness of a human being who has walked the path he believed in.  we hope live in a peaceful world and see you again in July.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointment

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

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夏も近づく八十八夜といううたがありますが、5月にその八十八夜もやってくるので、この八十八夜の事をこれから少しお話します。季節を知らせる日本人の生活環境から生まれた季節の習わしのひとつで、立春から88日目が「八十八夜」となり、また「八十八夜の別れ(忘れ)霜」といわれ、このころから霜が降りなくなり、“茶摘みや種まきに適した季節がきましたよ~”と言われています。そして英国でも5月は自然をお祝する日が多いようで1日はGreenman(ロマネスクの王様のような緑の葉っぱで覆われた)の行進があり春の到来を祝います。そして20日はWorld Bee Day、勿論Early May Bank Holidayも春の到来を知らせる祝日ですね。





母の日の 笑顔ほっこり 想い馳せ       胸に抱く 牡丹の花が ほころんで

こいのぼり 近ごろ肉が 多いかな       五月晴れ 梅雨の晴れ間を 言うそうな

それから5月もサンシャインさんがやってきて新しいネタで高座をご披露してくれます。今回は特別にBuy One get One Freeのコード【sun2】をいただきましたので、こちらからチケット購入いただけます。是非皆さまお誘いあわせでいらしてください。公演は5月21日土曜日午後3時半からです。


We hope you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend at the beginning of May. Although the mornings and evenings are still chilly, we are looking forward to short but wonderful summer!

There are many theories about the origin of the word ‘Satsuki (May in Japanese)’, such as that it was shortened from ‘sanae-tsuki’, the month for planting rice seedlings, but why is the kanji ‘satsuki 皐月’ used instead of ‘早月’ ? Satsuki” is a kanji character for personal names and can be read in three different ways: “ko”, “satsuki” and “sawa”. “Satsuki” means the fifth month of the lunar calendar, as well as kishi (shore), sawa (stream) and so on. It also means rice offered to the gods, which is why the kanji for “皐” was probably applied. Incidentally, the term ‘satsuki-bare’ originally refers to the fine weather seen during the rainy season in May of the lunar calendar, and it is said that using the term for the fine days of May in the new calendar is not appropriate. Since the lunar calendar is one or two months later than the current new calendar, the word seems to have been used to refer to a period of clear skies in June or July when the sky continues to be cloudy, but it has now become established as a misuse of the word to refer to ‘a refreshingly clear day in May’, and the dictionary is now listed both meanings – “sunny weather around May of the new calendar year, in the lunar calendar, during the rainy season” (Daijirin).

There is a song about the 88 nights of summer approaching, and as the 88 nights of summer also arrive in May, I would like to talk a little about it. The 88th day after the first day of spring is called the 88th night, and is also known as the “88 nights of frost”, meaning that from this time onwards there is no more frost and it is said that “the season for picking tea and sowing seeds has arrived”. May is also a month of nature celebrations in the UK, with the Greenman’s procession (covered in green leaves like the Romanesque king), May the 20th is World Bee Day, and of course the Early May Bank Holiday, which is also the sign of the arrival of spring.

In February, I wrote about the invasion of Ukraine, unfortunately the situation has hardly improved, the worse it has escalated. I still admire the strength of Ukrainian people, but we are powerless to do anything about it, and the fear that it is gradually becoming normality and forgotten… I just hope that Russia will falsely declare on their own that they have won a victory and withdraw as soon as possible. They set it up and falsified the information, this battle seems too much ego and domination, too much sacrifice, a battle that no one wins or loses. If that’s the case, it would have been wiser not to start it in the first place. It just makes me angry and sad!

And as the term “May sickness” is used in Japan, it is a kind of mental illness in which new employees and students cannot go to school or work because they cannot adapt to the new environment, but it is also transient, so let’s go outside on a sunny day and relax and loosen up. It’s spring, I did this yoga session on the theme of ‘changing your body for spring‘. If you have time, please come along and have a look.

And in May, Rakugo Story teller Katsura Sunshine will be here again to perform a new piece. This time we have a special Buy One get One Free code [sun2], you can purchase tickets here. Please come along and join us. The performance starts at 3.30pm on Saturday 21 May.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointments

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、春が来たと喜んだのもつかの間、また冬に逆戻りでしょうか。お変わりございませんか。普段風邪とは無縁な私もちょっと風邪気味ですが、この日曜日は母の日のプレゼントでDerelict LondonというPaul Tallingさんのウォーキングツアーに参加し、午前11時半から午後5時過ぎまで東ロンドンを探防しました。彼は超人気のガイド/写真家/著者で、ロンドンの事なら隅から隅までご存知という方です。参加者はロンドンからではなく英国各地から来ており、なんと45回目の参加!という方もいたりとすごいカリスマ性です!チケットも即Sold outとなるようですが、今回はラッキーにも参加でき、冷蔵庫の中の様な肌寒い午前中のお天気からポカポカ陽気の午後、そして夏時間のお蔭で午後5時過ぎでもまだまた明るくて、皆でポールさんのお気に入りパブWhite chapelで“Cheers!”という運びとなりました!

4月の歳時記の頃にはウクライナ情勢は鎮圧するのではという期待を持っていましたが、その兆しはないようで、本当に悲惨です!この戦争に勝利者はいないと言われますが、一日も早くStop the War “を願ってやみません。今日辺り、Peace talkが行われているとか。。来月には皆の顔に笑顔が戻ること祈って!




『夏時間 季節は巡って 春きたり』

「夏時間 時計動かし ええ春か・・」



最後に、3月も桂三輝(サンシャイン)さんが新しい落語のネタ(酒ギャンブル、動物園) をNYからやってきて披露していただきました。この日はちょっとしたハプニングがありましたが無事に終わることができとても良かったです。いよいよNYのオフブロードウエイも始まり、4月17日にロンドンで公演予定です。是非ともまだ足を運ばれていない方お誘いあわせの上ご来場くださいませ。切符はこちらから、プロモコード「ACCESS」で割引購入が可能です。もしくは、直接サンシャインさんにコンタクトしていただくこともできます(運良く格安切符をいただけるチャンスもあるかも!?)





Hello, everyone,

Hope you are all well and we are back in winter while we were happy that spring had come? Well,  I have a slight cold. I’ve never had a cold, but this Sunday I took a tour of Paul Talling called Derelict London as a gift for Mother’s Day and walked from 11:30 am to past 5 pm to explore East London.  .. He is a very popular guide / photographer / author who knows everything about London.  Participants came from all over the UK, not only from London. Some people said it was the 45th time, and I now know his greatness. The ticket seems to be sold out immediately, but this time We were lucky enough to get it, was very chilly in the morning weather like in the refrigerator. Thanks to the cheerful afternoon and daylight-saving time, it was past 5 pm, so it was still bright and everyone was carrying a local beer and “Cheers” at Paul’s favorite pub at White chapel!

By the time of Saijiki in April, I had hoped that the situation in Ukraine would be suppressed, but there seems to be no sign of that, and it is really miserable! It is said that there is no winner in this war, but I hope Stop the War “as soon as possible. Peace talk is taking place around today .. We would like to pray for return of Smiles on everyone’s faces next month.

By the way, April is called Uzuki, which is called “planting month” and seems to be the month when rice seeds are planted. And it seems that there is also a cherry blossom viewing and a festival (April 8th) to celebrate the birth of Buddha. When Shaka-sama was born, it rained very sweetly and brilliantly, which is what is now called Amacha. When I was a kid, I remembered walking around the my home city wearing a beautiful kimono and having a sweet tea at the end, but it is still carry on to now?

Therefore, we will deliver the haiku of April and the senryu-like. Please post by all means.

           「花冷えの 鼻水だして 桜みゆ」”What is cherry blossom viewing with cold cherry blossoms (nose)?”

   「夏時間 時計動かし ええ春か」”Daylight saving time, around the seasons, spring comes”

Lastly, in March, Mr. Katsura Sunshine came from NY to show off his new storytelling story (Sake gambling,& zoo, etc.). There was a little happening on this day, but it was very nice to be able to finish it safely. The off-Broadway in NY has finally kicked off, and it is scheduled to be performed in London on Sunday April 17th.

If you haven’t visited yet, please come and join us.

Click here for tickets, and you can use Promo code “ACCESS”.

Also, if you contact Sunshine directly, you may get a cheaper ticket!?

In addition, you can donate to his funding to support his activity to promote Rakugo in the world. You can read more details here.

☆Important notice☆

As you may know, sadly the UK is ranked 28th out of 30 EU countries for maternal and child maternity hospital deaths. Emily from Access Appointment will be taking on the ‘500K Ride’ in July 2022 in order to raise fund for better support for children babies in the future. Your supports are much appreciated!

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointment

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、“Time has wings”とは本当に良く言い当てた英語のことわざ、又「歳月人を待たず」「光陰矢の如し」も素晴らしい諺ですね。今日からもう3月です。今年の冬は雪を見ることもなく、ロンドンは比較的過ごしやすかったように、しかし嵐が何度もやってきて未だに被害者の方々は不便な生活を強いられていらっしゃるとお聞きします。








ツイッター ひゃくよんじゅうじ(140字)で 思い込め

桜の葉 手に取り匂い 桜餅



【☆ お知らせです ☆】

2月も桂三輝(サンシャイン)さんが新しい落語のネタ(創作落語桃太郎、古典落語味噌まめ) を東京から嵐の日にヒースローに到着し、翌日公演で披露していただき、観衆の皆さまを魅了してくれました。今月は4度目の公演が3月13日午後7時から行われます。是非ともまだ足を運ばれていない方お誘いあわせの上ご来場くださいませ。


Hello, everyone, “Time has wings” is a really good English saying, and “don’t wait for years” and “Koin Ya no gotoshi” is also wonderful Japanese sayings. It’s already March from today. We haven’t seen snow this winter and it seems that London was relatively mild weather, but I hear that the victims are still forced to live inconveniently due to the recent storms. The trees in the park have also collapsed, and the roof of O2 has been blown off, causing considerable damages here and there. Is this also the effect of global warming? I try to walk and cycle. What are you doing to combat global warming? Covid 19 has become quieter, but let’s eat fermented foods and Japanese food every day to boost immunity.

By the way, I can’t help but talk about Ukraine, but I just hope that Putin will manage to lead everyone to happiness by spelling out Chichin Pupui by April’s Saijiki. That way, he’s sure to have a wonderful statue of the Kremlin as a hero, not the bad fox Putin (whose face looks like a fox?) In his later years.  .. .. However, the situation seems to be getting worse. .. Or it feels weird whether it’s being manipulated behind the scenes or something we don’t know, and I can’t understand why this happens in the 21st century, no matter how hard I think about it.

Furthermore, in October of last year, a Ukrainian project manager did all the migration of our Data from Kyiv. He was a very talented person and he loves Japan. Well, he was fine last week when I connected with him on Facebook, but this week I was told that he resigned from the company and so I just pray for safety and welbings

In fact, do you all know that modern Nostradamus was a Homer Simpson? It’s sad to tell such a story because Russia is actually advancing in Kyiv, but in 1998 Homer predicted this.  Also, since it is said that some other prophecies actually happened in Simpson, it may be no exaggeration to say that it is a foresight or modern Nostradamus. Click here and take a look!

Here, let’s get back to the story when we were and March is the Doll’s Festival in Japan. Its origin was an apotropaic magic event that rejoiced in the arrival of spring in ancient China around Year 300 and wished for a disease-free life. Then the date was fixed to 3rd of March and it is not a festival for girls’ but in China, the beginning of March is the turn of the season and it is easy to cause disasters, so it is customary to cleanse at the waterside. People were hoping for a disease-free life by stroking the body with a doll made of paper or grass. It is said that “Nagashibina”, which causes the doll to flow into rivers and the sea, is a remnant of this.

It seems that the flowering of flowers is delayed by several weeks compared to the usual year, but  already  the birds are twittering the bulbs are sprouting, and the flowers are blooming. The faintly white cherry blossoms have begun to bloom, and spring is coming there. And, the word “Hanami” is spreading in the UK, but this year the pandemic will be calm and everyone will enjoy stay outdoor to do Hanami and praise the wonderful spring’s arrival.

Here is the usual haiku and senryu ~~

🌸Twitter  Hyakuyojyuji  de Omoikome (Believe in Twitter Hyakuyonjuji (40 characters)

🌸Sakuranoha    Tenitori nioi  sakuramochi (Sakura mochi with a scent of cherry leaves in your hand)

We sincerely pray for peace in Ukraine!! , The wonderful spring is coming to England. Let’s take a deep breath and enjoy spring from our bottom of heart♪♪(^^♪


In February, Mr. Katsura Sunshine arrived at Heathrow from Tokyo on a stormy day with new rakugo stories (creative rakugo Momotaro, classic rakugo miso mame), and the next day’s performance attracted for many audiencese with packed lecester Sq Theater!!

This month, the 4th performance will be held from 7:00 pm on March 13th. If you haven’t visited yet, please come and join us. 

Click here for tickets, and enter Promo code “ACCESS” to get a discount.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆