
By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointment

☆ 日本語・多言語の人材紹介派遣はアクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、“Time has wings”とは本当に良く言い当てた英語のことわざ、又「歳月人を待たず」「光陰矢の如し」も素晴らしい諺ですね。今日からもう3月です。今年の冬は雪を見ることもなく、ロンドンは比較的過ごしやすかったように、しかし嵐が何度もやってきて未だに被害者の方々は不便な生活を強いられていらっしゃるとお聞きします。








ツイッター ひゃくよんじゅうじ(140字)で 思い込め

桜の葉 手に取り匂い 桜餅



【☆ お知らせです ☆】

2月も桂三輝(サンシャイン)さんが新しい落語のネタ(創作落語桃太郎、古典落語味噌まめ) を東京から嵐の日にヒースローに到着し、翌日公演で披露していただき、観衆の皆さまを魅了してくれました。今月は4度目の公演が3月13日午後7時から行われます。是非ともまだ足を運ばれていない方お誘いあわせの上ご来場くださいませ。


Hello, everyone, “Time has wings” is a really good English saying, and “don’t wait for years” and “Koin Ya no gotoshi” is also wonderful Japanese sayings. It’s already March from today. We haven’t seen snow this winter and it seems that London was relatively mild weather, but I hear that the victims are still forced to live inconveniently due to the recent storms. The trees in the park have also collapsed, and the roof of O2 has been blown off, causing considerable damages here and there. Is this also the effect of global warming? I try to walk and cycle. What are you doing to combat global warming? Covid 19 has become quieter, but let’s eat fermented foods and Japanese food every day to boost immunity.

By the way, I can’t help but talk about Ukraine, but I just hope that Putin will manage to lead everyone to happiness by spelling out Chichin Pupui by April’s Saijiki. That way, he’s sure to have a wonderful statue of the Kremlin as a hero, not the bad fox Putin (whose face looks like a fox?) In his later years.  .. .. However, the situation seems to be getting worse. .. Or it feels weird whether it’s being manipulated behind the scenes or something we don’t know, and I can’t understand why this happens in the 21st century, no matter how hard I think about it.

Furthermore, in October of last year, a Ukrainian project manager did all the migration of our Data from Kyiv. He was a very talented person and he loves Japan. Well, he was fine last week when I connected with him on Facebook, but this week I was told that he resigned from the company and so I just pray for safety and welbings

In fact, do you all know that modern Nostradamus was a Homer Simpson? It’s sad to tell such a story because Russia is actually advancing in Kyiv, but in 1998 Homer predicted this.  Also, since it is said that some other prophecies actually happened in Simpson, it may be no exaggeration to say that it is a foresight or modern Nostradamus. Click here and take a look!

Here, let’s get back to the story when we were and March is the Doll’s Festival in Japan. Its origin was an apotropaic magic event that rejoiced in the arrival of spring in ancient China around Year 300 and wished for a disease-free life. Then the date was fixed to 3rd of March and it is not a festival for girls’ but in China, the beginning of March is the turn of the season and it is easy to cause disasters, so it is customary to cleanse at the waterside. People were hoping for a disease-free life by stroking the body with a doll made of paper or grass. It is said that “Nagashibina”, which causes the doll to flow into rivers and the sea, is a remnant of this.

It seems that the flowering of flowers is delayed by several weeks compared to the usual year, but  already  the birds are twittering the bulbs are sprouting, and the flowers are blooming. The faintly white cherry blossoms have begun to bloom, and spring is coming there. And, the word “Hanami” is spreading in the UK, but this year the pandemic will be calm and everyone will enjoy stay outdoor to do Hanami and praise the wonderful spring’s arrival.

Here is the usual haiku and senryu ~~

🌸Twitter  Hyakuyojyuji  de Omoikome (Believe in Twitter Hyakuyonjuji (40 characters)

🌸Sakuranoha    Tenitori nioi  sakuramochi (Sakura mochi with a scent of cherry leaves in your hand)

We sincerely pray for peace in Ukraine!! , The wonderful spring is coming to England. Let’s take a deep breath and enjoy spring from our bottom of heart♪♪(^^♪


In February, Mr. Katsura Sunshine arrived at Heathrow from Tokyo on a stormy day with new rakugo stories (creative rakugo Momotaro, classic rakugo miso mame), and the next day’s performance attracted for many audiencese with packed lecester Sq Theater!!

This month, the 4th performance will be held from 7:00 pm on March 13th. If you haven’t visited yet, please come and join us. 

Click here for tickets, and enter Promo code “ACCESS” to get a discount.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

アクセスアポ歳時記2月(如月) 2022年

By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointments

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)


如月(きさらぎ)の由来は、まだまだ寒さが厳しい時期のために、更に衣を重ね着することから「衣更着(きさらぎ)」になり、 如月(にょげつ)には、寒い冬から暖かい春になり万物(私たちも含め)動き出すという意味があるようです。

さて、昨日1月31日で葛飾北斎展が終了しましたが、読者の皆様もたくさんの方々が大英博物館に足を運ばれたことかと思います。私もあのGreat Waveをイメージして大英博物館へ行ったところ、目の前の躍動感あふれる線、ユーモアな絵の数々、そして想像/創造力溢れる作品に目が点にとはこのことでした。40年間眠っていた103の原画が公開されました。それこそ江戸時代の文化、庶民の娯楽、そして漫画の発祥でもある彼の絵画。今の時代でも絶賛賞美される賜物です。その後、幸運にもキュレーターのAlfred Haltさんのお話を聞くことができ、益々彼の偉大さに感銘を受けました。

 北斎は70歳でGreat waveを、80歳で富岳、90歳でその他の素晴らしい浮世絵の原画を完成しました。しかし彼曰く、「70歳はまだまだ、80歳で画才がようやく芽生え、90歳では絵の本質に目覚め、100歳、そして110歳で自分は大成するだろう」と考え信じて、日々楽しみ書き続けていました。96歳で他界し、その時のお墓には『画狂老人卍墓』と彼の書体のままが彫られているそうです。今度帰国したら(いつになるのやらですが、楽しいが増えました)是非とも彼のお墓を訪ねてみたいです。さて、その北斎展もこれから日本へ移動とのこと。何だか順番が違っていますね。




北斎の 真似してみても 富士は富士 (自分の芸才のなさにうんざりと…)

鬼は外 逃げるはパパの とくいわざ (お父さんの逃げ上手)

如月や 寒風身に沁み 春おもい (2月の冷たい風に当たれば当たるほど春恋しく)  





Hello everyone! January went really fast and it’s already February – months that are said to go, run away and leave.
Aside from the story of Corona, February is Setsubun (節分 the beginning of Spring) in the calendar, but it’s just a name, and I remember that it snowed in February a few years ago, so we should be cautious about it, but it’s been a warm winter so far. 
By the way, the Katsushika Hokusai exhibition ended on January 31st, and I think that many readers would have visited the British Museum to see it. When I went to the British Museum, I had the image of Hokusai’s Great Wave in my mind, but
I was impressed by the dynamic lines, the humorous illustrations, and the works full of imagination/creativity in front of me. 103 original illustrations that was left unseen for 40 years were released. They showed the culture of the Edo period, how ordinary people were entertained, and his images also led to the creation of manga. It is a gift that is highly praised and admired even in our time. After that, I was fortunate to hear the story of the curator for this exhibition, Dr Alfred Halt, and I became a huge admirer of Hokusai.
Hokusai, he started painting at age of 5 and he completed the Great Wave at the age of 70, Fugaku at the age of 80, and other great ukiyo-e paintings at the age of 90. However, he says, 70 years old is still a little childlike, he gained painting talent at 80 years old, while the essence of painting awakens at 90 years old, and he will be
successful at 100 years old. I believe he continued to write for fun every day. He passed away at the age of 96, and on this tomb, it has have been engraved with the phrase “Mad Old Man”. When I return to Japan next time (I wonder when it will be but…), I definitely want to visit his grave yard to see his tomb. The Hokusai exhibition will also go to Japan.
The British Museum acquired these 103 works from the dealer who made a successful bid at the auction in Paris with a special offer, and it came into the museum’s collection. Well, the British Museum paid £270K (about 40 million yen) !!

Now, the story goes from Edo to Now, and the tradition of eating Ehohmaki in
Setsubun and this year you should face NNW (slightly north of the north-west)in 2022) and make a wish. However, the rule is to eat silently at once. Why don’t you try it? We are looking forward to the Ehomaki from Mugen restaurant which is located in North West (for us!) 

Well, the story is endless, but now as usual you enjoy some aiku and senryu-like.

 北斎の 真似してみても 富士は富士 Even if I try to imitate Hokusai, Fuji is Fuji (I’m tired of my lack of talent.)

鬼は外 逃げるはパパの とくいわざ The demon is outside, the escape is daddy’s favorite

如月や 寒風身に沁み 春おもい the more you hit the cold wind in February, the more you miss spring


Mr Sunshine Katsura (Rakugo story teller) is on stage in London in February! We hope you enjoy his marvelous Rakugo show with friends and family! You can buy tickets here, with special price using promotion code “ACCESS”.

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

アクセスアポ歳時記1月(睦月むつき) 2022年

By Mitsue Uchida Finch Access Appointments

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

2022 New Year – the year of the tiger

皆さま、あけましておめでとうございます。クリスマス、新年をどのように迎えられましたでしょうか。たったこの間「師走ですね~」とお伝えしたかと思ったら、年が明け2022年。私は「2」という数字にどういう訳か好感度が高く、子供の頃に、『♪2(にい)ちゃんが豆食べて口を尖がらしてアヒルになっちゃった♪』絵描き歌を口ずさみ「2」の数字から鳥の絵を描いては自慢していました(そんな可愛い時がありました) 。今年は寅年!猫を飼っている私は寅にも大変親しみを感じています。そんな2022年何かいいことが起こる予感が。。。と勝手に思っている私でございます。









「寒梅の 佇まいみて 襟正す」

「虎の巻 ないから頑張る 生きる道」


Happy new year everyone!! How did you celebrate Christmas and New Year?  It was just like yesterday when I said “It’s already December” but now we are in 2022.  For some reason, I like the number “2”, and when I was a kid, I sang a song about the number 2 “♪ 2 (Nii)chan ate beans and turned into a duck.” I would draw a picture of a bird from the number “2” (thatwas such a cute time). This year is the year of the tiger! As a cat owner, I feel very close to Tora (tiger in Japanese). I have a feeling that something good will happen in 2022. Hope it will happen – fingers crossed!!

Well, as always, from the etymology of “Muzuki” (the first month). There is also a theory that “the month when relatives and acquaintances spend time in harmony with each other, the month of (Mutsubitsuki)” . Speaking of New Year’s Day, Osechi cuisine. It is an abbreviation of “Sekkuryori”, which was offered at the time of Gosekku, but gradually it became a dish to be served on New Year’s Day. The foods that carry the luck are “Osechi’s three side dishes”, black beans (so that you can work and live diligently), Kazunoko (prosperity of descendants), and Gomame and dried anchovies (prayer for a good harvest).

Zoni is a dish for receiving the soul of God, and rice cakes are made from rice and are said to be the food that the spirit of rice dwells in. There are various ozoni in each area, including the specialty ingredients from the area. By the way, I’m from Shimane, and at my parents’ house, they use chicken and kelp to make the soup. Zoni with miso is also famous in Kansai.

In the UK, of course, we celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve rather than New Year’s Day. Thames’s fireworks being stopped because of the fear of spreading of Omicron! However, the fireworks display in Greenwich was carried out and it was very spectacular.  I guess that the fireworks display was secretly held by Mayor Khan, and the fireworks had already been ordered in the summer, so I think they decided to use it, but what’s your guess…

How are you doing osechi dishes in London?  It can be made with local ingredients, so I personally try as much as I can, and fortunately this year I was invited to a friend’s house for the New Year, and I was lucky enough to have a wonderful Osechi dish, Otoso, Ozoni, and I was able to worship first year’s sunrise from Mt. Fuji through the tv screen. That was fabulous!!  The preamble “Something good will happen” and  it seems to have become real.

I’d love to share those good luck pictures with you, and 2022 will be healthy and fruitful for you too. In connection with the year of the tiger, try(トラ) various things, travel (トラベル)more freely than last year, help travail (French for job or しごと) with your first step from Access Appointment, let’s make 2022 a Tiger year !!  All the best wishes for 2022!

                                                From all the team at Access Appointments

PS: The usual haiku and senryu. .. This time, I worked hard to make a Christmas wreath at the end of the year and made 12 of them. And I presented this Wreath to the person who made the haiku.   I would like to make some Christmas wreaths for this year too so if you wish, please make a reservation early and send us your haiku and senryu 😊

「寒梅の 佇まいみて 襟正す」[look at the Winter plum correct the collar]

「虎の巻 ないから頑張る 生きる道」[I will do my best because there is no cheat sheet]

☆ Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch Access Appointments

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、あっという間に師走となりました。師走の由来は、「師匠の僧がお経をあげるために東西を馳(は)せる忙しい」という説で、 昔は12月13日を「正月事始め」とし、1年の汚れを落とす「すす払い」や、門松などに用いる松を準備し、現代の大掃除へと移り変わったようです。2021年も色んなことがありましたが、またこの一年を振り返り、こんな時だからこそ2022年の希望や豊富を考えてみるのもいいですね。さあ、皆さまにとりまして、2021年どんな年だったのでしょうか。


さて、FoodのHome Delivery はこのロックダウンで200%以上増加し、デパートは死語となり、Amazonのデリバリー網はすごい!そんな中、Royal Mailも頑張っていますね。この間ちょっとした事件がありました。私の留守に郵便物や小包が配達されていて、我が家の住所とは似ても似つかないものが一つあり、それに気づかずに開封したら、何と1千ユーロ近くの現金が入っていたのです。多分ホリデーマネーでしょうね。開けてしまったお詫びも兼ねて馳せ参じ、その方曰く、紛失したかともうハラハラされていたので、それはそれは感謝されました。しかしこのようなキャッシュデリバーも最近は増え、Special Deliveryなのにサインも何もなく投函されているという恐怖(それも住所間違えて!)。受取人が不在でも証拠の写真を撮って、小包を配達したことにするのも驚きですね。それに引き換え日本の宅配システムは歴史が深いのと犯罪が少ない国と言うことで、本当に安心ですね。今後はドローンがドローンと庭に落としていくとか言われていますが、ドローン同士が衝突して泥仕合にならないことを祈っています。今年最後のギャグでした(苦笑)。




「投影の ミンスパイみて 心浮き」

「スキー場 ラストクリスマス 懐かしい」

「日が暮れて 雪の結晶 窓の中」

(ミンスパイ!)   (スイスのSaas)    (Pool harbour marina)


⁂ バームクーヘンでおなじみのユーハイムさん、今回新たにTheo君(AIバームクーヘン職人)がロンドンにやってきました!(こちらで詳細をご覧いただけます)

⁂ 桂サンシャインさんのロンドン公演が12月12日に開催されます!2021年を笑って締めくくりましょう!チケット購入はこちらからどうぞ!


We are quickly approaching the end of the year. The origin of the word “Shiwasu” is said to be “the busy month when the master monks go from east to west to give sutras”. In the old days, the 13th of December was the first day of the preparation for new year, and people would prepare pine trees to clean off the dirt and grime of the year.
It’s been another busy year in 2021, it is a good time to look back on the past year and think about the hopes of 2022. Hope everyone had peaceful and meaningful 2021!

All staff at Access Appointments have had a healthy year without any influence of Covid 19. I am grateful for the fact that the NHS is working efficiently when I had to go to A&E with minor injury, and that we are approaching the end of the year with no serious injuries.

In 2020/2021, food delivery service has increased by over 200% during the lockdown and Amazon’s network of deliveries is widely expanding, while department stores are struggling. Royal Mail is also doing very well. I had a little incident with the delivery the other day. One of the mail and parcels delivered while I was away didn’t look anything like our address, and when I opened it without realising it, I found nearly 1,000 euros in cash! I assumed it was probably holiday money. I went to apologise for opening it and they were very grateful as they were deadly worried they had lost it!
It seems this kind of cash deliveries have been increasing recently, and it is kind of fearsome that we receive a Special Delivery without any signature (and to wrong address!). It’s also surprising that they take a photo to prove that they have delivered the parcel even if the recipient is not present. In contrast, it is a real relief that Japan’s delivery system has a long history with a low crime rate. It is said that in the future drones will be dropping parcels into gardens, and I hope that drones won’t collide with each other and get into a muddy fight (Doro(=Drone) Jiai in Japanese). That was the last joke of the year!?

We imagine we’ll be benefited more by new technology, and there’ll be more WFH and more people moving away from the city to find nature and space. Some say that the corona outbreak has spurred medical discoveries and medical developments, and that vaccine structures will be used to prevent other intractable diseases. Instead of relying on medicine, we need to look at how we can build up our antibodies and immunity, and above all, get in touch with nature, meditate, do yoga breathing exercises and stretch. In 2022, I hope to be able to live a yogic life, appreciating the things around me, caring for the weak, and letting go of perseverance.

Thank you very much for your support in 2021 and we hope your continuous support for Access Appointments. We wish all of you a prospective and healthy 2022 await!

Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch Access Appointments

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、今日から11月そして冬時間到来ですね。お元気にお過ごしのことと思います。10月は雨も北西部では降ったりしましたが、それでもまだ例年より暖かい日々。。。これも温暖化なのでしょうか。コロナ感染者で言えば、英国は欧州で一番多くの感染者数を出し、嬉しくないニュースですが、これも一人一人がマスクをしSocial Distanceを心がけるというBasicに戻ることをやはり心がけてほしいものです。そして、いつになったらBrexit、Covidを語らずに済むようになるのでしょうか。当分は避けて通れない難題のようですが、私達は11月も自然、紅葉に触れ秋の収穫を少しでも楽しみたいですね。


宮中で言えば、眞子さまの御結婚がここ数日ニュースとなり、BBCでもMr Komoro「Commoner」と結婚されたとのことで、この「Commoner」に苦笑しています。




栗あつめ  ほっぺ膨らみ お愛嬌(公園のリスは今が大忙しですね)

球根も 霜の布団で 春を待つ  (来年咲く花々の球根もしもの下で眠っているようです)

最後にお知らせです!以前ロンドンでも英語で落語の公演をされ話題となりました、桂文枝の16代目の弟子、桂三輝(サンシャイン)さんがまたロンドンで4年振りに公演をされることが決まりました!アクセスアポイントメントはサンシャインさんを8年前から応援しており、この12月からNYブロードウエイとLondonウエストエンドで公演予定で、日本の落語という文化を世界に広めるという志でロンドン再演となりました。是非とも公演に足を運んで応援いただければ嬉しいです。彼の絶妙な語りを聞き、お腹の底から笑って、イギリスの暗い冬を乗り切ってみてはいかがでしょうか。日時:12月12日(日曜日)午後7時~ 購入はこちらからどうぞ!Promotion Code:ACCESS(こちらで割引チケットの購入が可能です)

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください☆

It’s November and winter time has started! We had some rain in the North West in October, but it was still warmer than usual. Is this part of global warming? UK has the highest number of Covid-19 cases in Europe, which is not great news, we need to get back to basics such as wearing face coverings and keeping social distance. Hopefully there’ll be no more moaning about Covid and Brexit soon…In the meantime, let’s enjoy the nature and the autumn harvest in November!

The Japanese name for November is “Frost Moon(Shimo Tsuki)”. It is the beginning of winter according to the calendar, and it is also the time when the cold weather deepens, leaves fall in the cold wind, and insects and animals go into hibernation. My garden is covered in fallen leaves from yesterday’s strong winds. The events of November include the Rooster Market (Tori no Ichi) and the Boar Festival(Inoko Iwai), which celebrate and give thanks for the autumn harvest, and the Niinamesai Festival is held every year on 23 November at the Imperial Palace and shrines across Japan.

Speaking of the Palace, Princess Mako’s marriage has been in the news for a few days now, and even the BBC is laughing at Mr Komoro “Commoner” for marrying her.

Shichi-go-san is another Japanese celebration. The Shichi-Go-San is a celebration of three year old boys and girls, five year old boys and seven year old girls on the 15th of November. In the Heian period (794-1185), it was believed that “seven years ago is out of God’s reach”, and infants were treated as those whose lives were not stable, and the mortality rate of infants was high. Chitose candy, which is eaten on the occasion of the Shichi-go-san festival (has nothing to do with Chitose city in Hokkaido), but was started in the Edo period by a candy maker named Shichihei, and the long, thin sticks of red and white candy are said to be a good omen for the child’s health and longevity.

In fact, in the middle of last month I had a cold, my energy levels were really low and I was not feeling well. With the change of seasons and the news of the corona epidemic, my mind and body tend to be unstable and stressed out. If you feel similar ways, I would like to recommend yoga breathing exercises. The basic principle is to inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose, which allows more oxygen into the body, blocks viruses in the air, prevents dryness of the throat, and helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system. If you feel tired, it is best to use yoga breathing techniques to practice unhealthy living and take a rest.

Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch Access Appointments

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)

皆さま、お元気にお過ごしのことと思います。9月は思いもよらず暖かくて良いお天気に恵まれましたが、めっきり秋らしくなった今日この頃ですね。そしてコロナも沈静したかのごとく、街中は以前の騒然さを取り戻してきていますが、他にも騒然とした問題が色々と出てきていますね。Brexitの影響で 人手不足、その煽りからガソリン不足、ご存知のようにトラック運転手が激減し、エネルギーの高騰(ガス、電気)によりサプライ会社が倒産したり、何となく先行きがとても暗く、70年代の雰囲気が戻ってくるのではという噂も出ていますが、どうなるのでしょうか。とにかく私達に今できることはパニック買いをせず、身の回りを見つめ直し、断食し、ヨガをすることでしょうか。。。これは私が日々やっていることを少し上げてみました(苦笑)。


Izumo, Shimane, Japan, Worship Hall of the Izumo Taisha Shrine.

さて、10月の和名は「神無月」。この月に出雲大社(私の郷里島根にある)に神様が集まって、諸国には不在になることから神無(かみなし)月。一方で、神様の集まる出雲地方では「神在(かみあり)月」と呼んで、神事を行います…という有名なこの由来、じつは中世以降の俗説なんだそうです。10月は「神の月」という意味。「神無月」の ”無” の字は 、”の” に該当する連体助詞です。高く青い空を埋める白い鰯雲。色づき始めた照葉。秋もいよいよ深まり、豊穣の季節を迎える日本ですね。


さて、今年はチェルシーフラワーショーに初めて行ってきました。9月末に開催され、出展が例年より少ないようでしたが、春のカラフルなショーとは少し違い、落ち着いた秋の趣が漂いとても堪能し素敵でした。私の一番のお気に入りはフィンランド出展で、サウナバスの小屋と水が流れる池のテーマです。緑に囲まれたサウナバスに入り、前の池を見てのんびりと寒い冬を過ごす…いいですよね~。お値段ですが、サウナバスが15K、そして今回このテーマの庭を作るのに何と250K 費やしたとか!なので沢山スポンサーがついているんですね。ちなみにサウナバスの会社さんもスポンサーです。また日本の方のミニマリステック調のシンプルなお庭も魅力的でした。なんと花は一種類のみ(写真をご覧ください)そしていたるところに、日本の松、楓、紅葉、が秋を彩っていました。そして色々な面でサステイナビリティ/エコを前に掲げていましたが、自転車で来る人の為の止めるスペースが無いというのはどうしてでしょうか。。と首をかしげてしまいました。それでは、秋の夜長の読書にいそしみ、節電・エネではとにかく身体を動かし自家発電を心がけてみたいものですね。


「栗カボチャ 見つけてうれし 秋の味」 (近くのスーパーに出回ります。)

「十五夜の ウサギはどこへ 移り住む」(Brexitでいなくなったのは人ばかりではなく月にうさぎさんも最近は見当たりません。。。)


☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください☆

September was unexpectedly warm and sunny, but now it’s looking and feeling more like autumn, and while Covid-19 seems to have settled down and towns are starting to get back to business, it feels like our lives aren’t back to normal yet. 

As you know, there is a shortage of labour and petrol because of Brexit (and other reasons), the number of lorry drivers has fallen dramatically, energy prices have risen, energy supply companies have gone bankrupt, all seems very bleak as if we have returned to the 70s. We will see what happens. 
Anyway, what we can do now is not to panic-buy, but to keep our peace of mind by looking after our bodies. 

The Japanese name for October is “Kanna-zuki”. This is the month when the gods gather at the Izumo Taisha shrine (in my home prefecture of Shimane) and the gods are absent from the rest of Japan. But in the Izumo region, where the gods gather, the month is called “Kami-ari” and rituals are held… which is a famous story but it is actually a myth dating back to the Middle Ages.

October means “the month of the gods”, and the Japanese character “無 mu/na” in “kannazuki” is a coordinating particle corresponding to the word “の no”. White sardine clouds fill the high blue sky. The leaves are beginning to change colour. Autumn is deepening and Japan is welcoming the season of fertility.

It is also known as the “Chestnut Moon” because chestnuts are offered to the gods at the time of harvest. The Chestnut Moon is said to be the second most beautiful moon after “Jugoya (The fifteenth night, also called otsukimi)”, and has been celebrated with feasts and other events at the Imperial Court for centuries. It is said that the custom of Jugoya was introduced from the Tang Dynasty during the Heian period (794-1185), while the custom of Jusanoya (The thirteenth night) is unique to Japan. Jugoya is in September, and the full moon one month later is called Jusanoya. There is even a saying, “There is no cloudiness on the Thirteenth Night”. I was able to see the moon last month from my house, which was mysterious with a little reddish moon, but I am looking forward to seeing it on the 13th night.

This year I went to the Chelsea Flower Show for the first time, which was held at the end of September and although the number of exhibitors seemed to be less than usual, I really enjoyed it and thought it was a nice change from the colourful spring show and had a more relaxed autumnal feel to it. My favourite part of the show was the Finnish exhibit, with its sauna bath hut and pond theme. A sauna bath surrounded by greenery, a pond in front and relaxing in the cold winter…. The price for the sauna bath is 15K and the garden theme cost 250K! (Of course they have a lot of sponsors including the sauna bath company. ) The Japanese garden was also very attractive, with a simple minimalistic style. There was only one type of flower (see picture above) and everywhere there were Japanese pine trees, maple trees and autumn leaves. And despite all the sustainability/eco-advocacy, I wonder why there was no space for cyclists to park their bicycles… Let’s enjoy reading in the long autumn nights and try to save energy by moving our bodies and generating our own electricity.

Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch Access Appointments

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください  Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆

(Please scroll below for the English version)



さて、今日から9月です。旧暦で長月(ながつき)と呼ばれ、「夜長月(よながつき)」の略で「稲刈月(いねかりづき)」が「ねかづき」となり「ながつき」となったとも言われているようです。英語での September は、ラテン語で、「第7の」という意味の「septem」の語に由来しているのに、どうして9月?紀元前にさかのぼり、それまで3月を年の始めとしていた慣例を1月に変更したにもかかわらず、名称を変えなかった為と言われています。






「熱くなり パラリンピック 目と心」 

「名残惜し インディアンサマー 期待して」

「秋思い 恋しくなった ラーメンが」

☆日本語での人材紹介派遣 アクセスアポイントメントへご相談ください☆

I hope everyone had good summer holidays. August is my birthday month and hoped it was marvellous but I’m getting older with working from home as usual, while the calendar on my wall was still July but now it is September! I’m hoping to enjoy some readings and have a bit more time to relax in September.
In Japanese September is called Nagatsuki in the lunar calendar, and is said to be an abbreviation of “Yonagatsuki”, or “Inekarizuki”, which became “Nekazuki” and then “Nagatsuki”. How can it be September when the English word September comes from the Latin word ‘septem’, meaning ‘seventh’? It is said that this is because the custom of starting the year in March was changed to January back in BC, but the name was not changed.
Most schools and financial years in Japan start in April, but many countries around the world have adopted September, including the UK. While it is more practical in a way, Japanese people have special feeling with cherry blossoms particularly when starting new season, that might be a part of reasons it is still April in Japan.
Returning to the original topic, September is also known as “Momiji-zuki” because it is the month of autumn leaves, and also known as “Kiku-zuki” “Kiku-zaki-zuki” because it is the month when chrysanthemums bloom. September is rich in colour in many ways, with long autumn nights for reading, autumn for appetite, and the famous mid-autumn moon. These are all names that bring to mind scenes of autumn.
I think we can all look forward to the arrival of autumn in earnest… However, for those of us living in the UK, this summer has been a short one and we haven’t enjoyed it as much as we would have liked. At our vegetable garden, cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes and green beans were all wiped out by those orange slugs! We used to be able to harvest a few Hokkaido chestnut pumpkins around this time of year, which made us smile with their deliciousness, but alas, this year we can only look forward to the occasional appearance at Lidl (Waitrose also has them, but Lidl at a much lower price).

Access Appointments for Japanese speaking recruitment ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch, Access Appointments

(Please scroll below for the English version)

 皆様お変わりございませんでしょうか。1年遅れの東京夏のオリンピックも開幕しそろそろ終盤を迎えようとしています。色々と混乱や因縁というか、開幕前にはありましたが、無観客のオリンピックがこの世で開催されるとは今の今まで誰が想像したでしょうか。今から約2800年前、古代ギリシャのオリンピア地方で行われていた「オリンピア祭典競技」での観衆のざわめきの中での競技の祭典、神々をあがめ観衆を興奮のるつぼにさせての競技の数々。数々の戦乱に巻き込まれた古代オリンピックは、393年で終了したそうです。古代オリンピアンはきっと雲の上から驚異の目でこのオリンピックを眺めていることでしょう。そして非現実的、非日常的なことが沢山とおこるNew Normal時代。この「New Normal」響きは何となくいい感じですが、私たちに何が本当の「Normal」なのかを見つめ直す良い機会となっているのように思えます。



 そして私が年数だけ重ねてしているヨガもこの「心身一如」の考えとつながっているとされていて、心は見えないが為に、直接働きかけコントロールするのは容易くはありませんが、身体からのアプローチをしてあげると心(マインド)まで変化させることができます。これは、心と体はひとつで、心の状態が身体に出てきて、逆に身体の状態が心に影響するということのようです。例えばヨガのポーズでヴィラバトラーアサナⅠ(勇者のポーズ) というのがあります。これは、名前の通り勇者をイメージしたポーズ。下半身強化のポーズともいわれ、力強いポーズです。気持ちの面でもチカラ強い感覚の得られるポーズです。



「眼に映る 輝く闘志 聖火の火」 

「金銀銅 もらえなくても 心メダル」
「応援は オリンピックでも 夫婦別」 

「光る汗 涙も混じり バネとなる」


I hope you are all doing well. The Summer Olympics in Tokyo have now started and are in full flow. There was a lot of talk about the Olympic Games before it started, but who would have thought that the Olympics would be held without an audience? Some 2,800 years ago, the Olympian Games were held in the Olympia region of ancient Greece, a celebration of the games amidst the buzz of the crowd, a celebration of the gods and a melting pot of excitement. The ancient Olympic Games came to an end after 393 years of warfare. The ancient Olympians must have watched the Games with curiosity. We are now in “New Normal” – a time when many unreal and extraordinary things are happening. “New Normal” is an opportunity for us to reconsider what is really “Normal”.

I am sure many of you are at home cheering on the Olympic Games and looking forward to the Paralympic Games, which will hopefully inspire the next generation of athletes. And never has the balance between body and mind been more important than this Olympic Games. In Japan, as in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), there is a saying from the Zen, “Shinshin Ichinyo”, which means “mind and body are one”. When the mind is stressed and adversely affected, the stomach and intestines become unwell, and conversely, when the body is in pain for a prolonged period of time due to illness or injury, the mind can become unwell. For example, the ideas that “stress is bad for the stomach”, “anger is bad for the liver” and “fear is bad for the kidneys” are the very basis of the current thinking in Oriental medicine.

Yoga, which I have been practicing for many years, is also connected to this idea of “mind and body as one”. Because the mind is invisible, it is not easy to work on and control it directly, but if we approach it from the body, we can change the mind. This is because the mind and body are one, and the state of the mind affects the body, and vice versa. For example, there is a yoga pose called Virabhatra Asana I (Pose of the Brave). As the name suggests, this pose is inspired by the image of a brave man or woman. It is also known as a lower body strengthening pose and is a powerful pose. This pose also gives you a strong feeling in your mind. By holding the pose, we input the feeling of a stable body into our mind. By doing so, you will be able to remember and continue this feeling in your daily life. You can also feel the contrast between a cat-like pose with a rounded back and a depressed pose (sorry cats), and a cow pose with a full chest and a head upwards, saying “Moo”. This will help you feel balanced. When you feel less confident and need more energy, you should stretch your chest. It’s easy to do, so why not try it? Now that we’ve talked a bit about yoga, Access Appointments is planning to start offering yoga lessons online in autumn, wherever and whenever you want! Just like our Japanese recruitment services.

Now it is August(hachigatsu, hazuki in Japanese). In Japan, there are many theories about the origin of the month of August, the most famous of which is that it is the month when the leaves of the trees turn red and fall. There is also a theory that it is the first month for geese to arrive, and a theory that it is the month for southern typhoons to arrive. It is also said to be another name for “Tsukimizuki(viewing moon)”. We hope you enjoy the short summer in the UK and the Tokyo Olympics & Paralympics!

Haiku and Senryu about the Olympics:

“Meni Hikaru Kagayaku Toshi Seika no hi”

“Kin gin do moraenakutemo kokoro medal”

“Ouen wa Olympic demo huuhu betsu”

“Hikaru ase Namida mo Majiri Bane to naru”

☆ Japanese recruitment solutions – Access Appointments ☆


By Mitsue Uchida Finch (Please scroll below for the English version)


 さて、7月(しちがつ、なながつ) 文月の由来は、7月7日の七夕に詩歌を献じたり、書物を夜風に曝したりする風習があるかららしいですが、七夕の行事は奈良時代に中国から伝わったらしく、そこで、日本風には稲の穂が含む月であることから「含み月」「穂含み月」の意であるとする説もあります。また、「秋初月(あきはづき)」、「七夜月(ななよづき)」の別名もあるとか。英語ではJuly、ユリウス暦を創ったローマ末期の政治家ユリウス・カエサル(Julius Caesar) からとられているとのことです。





「ユーホー桃 ほおばる頬に 笑み浮かび」              

「笹の葉に 祈願しるしや 放念し」                

「ET フォーン ホームはBT 宣伝句?!」



♪♪ Football’s coming home!? ♪♪

We hope everyone is doing well. It seems the lockdown in England will be lifted in July and we won’t have to wear face coverings anymore except as a voluntary measure.

June was full of sporting activities for British players in tennis and football, and I’m writing this rather in a hurry because I didn’t realise it is already July!

July is the month of Tanabata (on 7th July), I don’t even remember what I wished for, though!

The origin of July (Shichigatsu, Nanagatsu or Fumizuki in Japanese) is said to be the custom of hanging up books to the night wind on July 7th, and it came to be called ‘Fumihirogezuki’, from the meaning of opening up books, and there is a theory that it became ‘Fumizuki’. There is also a theory that it means ”when the ears of rice bear fruit” therefore it is called “Fukumi zuki” or “Hofumi zuki”. It is also known as “Akihazuki (start of autumn)” or “Nanayozuki (7th nights)”. In English it is July, from Julius Caesar, the late Roman statesman who founded the Julian calendar.

Tanabata event was introduced from China in the Nara period (710-794).

In Japan, you are told the story of Tanabata at school, so here is a brief introduction for those who grew up in the UK:

Orihime, the daughter of the emperor, was a good weaver and a hard worker, and Hikoboshi (Natsuhiko) was also a hard worker. The Emperor approved their marriage and they became husband and wife, but their life together was so enjoyable that Orihime stopped weaving and Natsuhiko stopped working, therefore the angry Emperor decided to separate them across the Milky Way. They were allowed to meet only once a year, on the 7th day of the 7th month, when a magpie built a bridge across the Milky way so that they could meet. But when it rained, the Milky Way became too swollen for them to meet each other.

Tanabata has another name, “Hoshi-ai”, since it is the meeting of the stars. The rain that falls on this day is also called “tears rain”, which is said to be the tears shed by Orihime and Natsuhiko.

Will it be raining in Britain on the 7th this year?? 

Now here’s the usual haiku and senryu time.

“UFO Momo Hobaru hoho ni emi ukabi”

“Sasa no Ha ni Kigan shirushiya hounen shi”

“ET phone home ha BT Senden ku?!”

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful summer and enjoy watching sports! Go England!

アクセスアポ歳時記: 6月 (六月水無月)                       

By Mitsue Finch Uchida (Please scroll below for the English version)



 さて、皆さまお変わりございませんでしょうか。6月は水無月とよばれ、何でも水を田んぼに引く月ということからこの名前がついたようです。英語ではJune、ローマ神話のユピテル(ジュピター)の妻ユノ(ジュノー)から取られ、ユノが結婚生活の守護神であることから、6月に結婚式を挙げる花嫁を「ジューン・ブライド」(June bride、6月の花嫁)と呼び、この月に結婚をすると幸せになれるといわれる。しかしながら、少なくともヨーロッパのカトリック教徒の多い諸国では、ギリシャ神話やローマの異教の神々がヨーロッパの人々の生活に影響を与えるというのは考えにくいという説もありますが、日本におけるジューン・ブライドは、6月の雨が多くジメジメした薄暗い雰囲気で結婚する人が少ない事に困ったブライダル業界が1970年代ごろから始めた物であってそれまではあまりしられていなかったようですね。


   「紫陽花に きらきら光る 朝の露」
  「引き出物 ジューンブライド 傘一本」
  「仲人が 新郎妊婦と 口滑り」



It’s now June and the long-awaited summer has arrived!

We hope everyone is keeping well and safe.  May was rainy and chilly, and although pubs and restaurants were reopened and customers were allowed to eat and drink outside, it was far too cold for me. But it seemed many people were eating outside so the cold didn’t bother them. On May 24th (“Magic Monday”), most of the restaurants were fully booked that week. It seemed that everyone’s desire to eat out had understandbly accumulated but, nonetheless, I believe it’s a good thing for the economy if people are going out and eating.

June is called Minazuki in Japanese, and it is said that this name comes from drawing water into rice fields. In English, June originates from Juno, the wife of Jupiter in Roman mythology, and because Juno is the guardian deity of the marriage, a bride who has their wedding in June is called “June bride” and it is believed they will have a happy marriage if they get married during this month. Although this is a theory and it is unlikely that Greek mythology and Roman pagan gods will affect our lives…but who knows? June Bride in Japan seems to have been created in the 1970s by the bridal industry, which was in trouble as there were very few people getting married in a dimly lit atmosphere with a lot of rain.

Speaking of weddings, it seems that couples whose ceremonies have been postponed due to lockdown are said to have a wedding rush after June 21st. They have a difficult task at hand, making guest lists with only 30 people. Having said that, it will be a relaxed and wonderful ceremony surrounded by close friends and family (I had a small wedding ceremony decades ago). Speaking of which, Mr. Boris and his fiancée have also got married secretly (third time for him!).

Anyway, congratulations to all the couples who are planning their wedding!

Have a break and enjoy haiku and senryu.

“Ajisai ni Kirakira Hikaru Asa no tsuyu (Morning dew shining in hydrangea)”

“Hikidemono June Bride Kasa Ippon (one umbrella which is wedding gift from June bride)

“Nakoudo ga Shinrou Ninpu to kuchi suberi (Matchmaker mistakenly announces “groom and pregnant woman” instead of “groom and bride”)

And finally, I enjoyed Warabi (bracken) picking in Sussex. Warabi is known as spring plants in Japan and used in cooking (with rice, or making sweet desserts). They can be toxic so have to be prepared carefully and thoroughly…